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Everything posted by NancyB

  1. NancyB

    My Dylan....

    Oh no! I'm so sorry
  2. I purchased an 8 oz. refill for $35.99, free shipping from this seller on ebay.
  3. Oh no, I'm so sorry! Sending hugs
  4. Click here for Susan Stack DVM erlichia info
  5. Yes, from eBay from member puglover0101 here is the link.
  6. I have been using Petzlife Oral Care Spray this past week, just spraying their teeth at night. Albi was sleeping on my bed this morning and I decided to look at his tartar, I touched the back molar and it popped off just with my nail. I did the other side and that popped off too, in two pieces. I had some of the gel but they are such a pain about me brushing I decided to use the spray. Albi's teeth were the least bad but that tartar is like a thin rock. Here is his tartar! I will check Ruby (who has the most horrible build up), Ramm and Kassie in a few days. I hope I have the same great results. I purchased from ebay
  7. Susan I'm so sorry. RIP Wizard I've only had to put two of mine to sleep. Two cats, Jessica and Snuggles and our first dog, Sandy all passed away in our home at night. When I took our 17 year old mix, Bear, he was sedated and I think 15 or 20 minutes later was the final injection. Marvin was the same but he was sedated for an x-ray, then PTS. Both were very peaceful passings. I'm so sorry, sendings big hugs for you.
  8. Is there supposed to be more info on page 18 about corn removal? Thank you
  9. Having been through this with my good boy Marvin I actually regret having an amputation done. I am still tortured by the decision, I wish we had known the cancer was also in his back leg at that time. We found out on May 22, 2005 Marvin had Osteo. Marvin turned 7 on May 19. His limp came out of nowhwere, he was fine in the morning and in the evening he had a swollen ankle and holding his foot up. Took him to the vet the next morning, lungs were clear, he was given Metacam and we were sent to a specialist. The specialist recommended an amputation, we didn't think Marvin would do well. They also said they could do palliative radiation on the cancer site which would help with pain. We chose to do that at first, $600. He was great for six weeks then the pain came back with a vengence, took him back to the specialist which was also an emergency vet clinic. They said the only thing they could do at that point was amputation, we decided to go ahead with it, they sent him home with Tramadol, and he had his amputation on Aug. 4, that was around $2400. They told us if we did chemo there it would be $4500 just for the chemo. I contacted Dr. Couto and he said he would send the Doxorubicin to Marvin's vet at no charge. I had asked if she could administer it and she said yes. She only got to administer 4 out of the 5 treatments. He had side effects, nausea, exsplosive diarrhea, wouldn't eat, vomiting bile. He also had problems with his blood work so he wasn't able to get his chemo when it was scheduled. Also, Dr Couto said greyhounds don't usually have side effects. Marvin broke his back leg, same side as his amputation on Nov. 21, 2005. In the x-ray you could see the cancer. I wish I had known he had it there, I feel like I put him through a lot for nothing, it hurts my heart to think about it and I have a lot of guilt about it. Please do whatever you think is right for your girl. Don't let anyone force you into a decision you aren't comfortable with. I think my last vet bill was around $600 but that also included the euthanasia and the creamation. Click here to view Marvin's amputation photo album Sending prayers and hugs.
  10. What state are you in? When I inquired about it in January they said it's not available on the East Coast, I hope that will change. If my Costco gets it, I would definitely buy it.
  11. Tonya, I'm so sorry. I hope Red can get comfortable with the Pred.
  12. OMG Beth! I a so sorry to read this awful news once again. Sending prayers and hugs for Peanut.
  13. Tonya I'm so sorry to hear about Red, I hope he starts to feel better soon. Sending many prayers and hugs for him.
  14. I just want to say I'm no expert on toes. Ramm had a dislocated toe and it was bent over the other toe (wouldn't move, painful) and had to be yanked back into place and wrapped up by the vet. dislocated toe He also has a center toe that doesn't hump up like the other toes, it lays kind of flat. I can't remember what the vet called it but it has something to do with the tendon.
  15. NancyB


    How horrible! Ali, I'm so sorry
  16. NancyB


    Sending hugs
  17. Why does it need surgery if its dislocated? Ramm dislocated his toe and it was twisted over the next toe. His vet put him under, yanked it out and wrapped it up. It was wrapped for a while and he had to be leash walked for six weeks and no running after that for a while.
  18. I'm so sorry. RIP Bob
  19. Oh my goodness I don't know how I missed this thread! I'm glad Manny is home and healing up. It sounds like the worst of his ordeal is over.
  20. Kristin if you click HERE you can see Marvin's amputation pictures. They start at the hospital when we picked him up. I put pictures in there everyday for people could see his progress. Sending hugs
  21. I've been told by a reliable source that its Onie Jones. Onie Jones is in Marvin's and Ramm's pedigree. Marvin and another littermate Flash both lost their lives to osteo. That is one thing I was so concerned about after Marvin passed away was Ramm getting it. When I told Dr. Cuto Marvin passed away I asked him about Ramm then (Nov. 2005) and he said is was unlikely that he would get the same cancer. I guess that means if he did get cancer it wouldn't be the same form. I know I have seen littermates on here having it. I even contacted GT member feemandvm a couple of years ago and this is what he replied. My heart hurts for anyone who's beloved greyhound had to deal with this awful disease. Yesterday would have been Marvin's 8th gotcha day. We only had him 3 years and 7 months but he had a big impact on our lives. I still cry a lot over him.
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