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Everything posted by NancyB

  1. Looks like her toe is out of wack. Ramm had a toe that was twisted around, it had been pulled out of the socket. The vet had to put it back and his foot was wrapped for at least a month to keep it in place. I hope it's nothing serious.
  2. Sending prayers for Gidge and Charlie. Sending hugs for you
  3. My Kassie did this somehow to her dew claw nail, broke irt right in half and you could see the bloody quick. It did bleed a little but she kept it clean and it dried up.
  4. When my Marvin was having chemo treatments he wasn't eating either and was put on Reglan for nausea and it helped.
  5. NancyB


    Oh no, I'm so sorry.
  6. Hope Ember does well with her chemo treatments
  7. Sending prayers for both of you.
  8. My good boy Marvin had diarrhea when he was on chemo. Dr. C told me to give him 1 to 2 Pepto tablets 3x a day, he was 74lbs by then (I still have the box with the instructions written on it). I was also cooking chicken and rice for him. Glad your girly is doing well
  9. I'm so sorry Sending good thoughts and prayers for Penny.
  10. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Riley
  11. My Marvin had a lot of bruising too when he had his front leg amputation. He also had a lot of fluid build up in his front leg and neck (I had to loosen his collar). It should look better soon. Sending hugs for your girly
  12. You will not love her less or be revolted. If you would like to see what a front leg amputation looks like (warning the pictures are shocking) you can CLICK HERE They are pictures of my good boy Marvin, he had fibroblastic osteosarcoma. If you click on each picture I made comments under each one. He was very brave and we miss him.
  13. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Jed
  14. Oh no Sheila, I'm so sorry to hear about Princess Aria
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