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Everything posted by tydyelady

  1. Just another thought - you said you babygated him IN the bedroom. Maybe its just the confining thing. We only babygate off the kitchen and dining room = Opie has the run of the rest of the house. One day we had some workers in the house installing new windows. We tried putting Opie in the bedroom with the babygate so he could see out. It was all of about 5 seconds before he said NO WAY to that too, and just jumped over the gate. Perhaps you could leave him out where he has the run of most of the house, with a muzzle on if you are afraid of him chewing, and see how that goes.
  2. We leave Opie usually up to 7 hours, and if its longer, that is unusual. But he can and will hold if as long as we are gone. Many greys are left all day while their owners have to work. But it seems like you were home with you boy the first week, outside of going out and coming back for short periods. Now you left him for 9 hours, and forgot to leave the TV on. He probably felt very alone. And, he may just not want to be crated that long. So I will third the comment about the crate. Does he need it? We left Opie out after 3 days, because he did the same thing - drooled, cried, peed, pooped, and broke out of the crate, scraping himself all over. We gave him the run of the house except for babygating off the kitchen and dining room areas (we have birds) and he was fine. Never looked back, and gave the crate back to the adoption group.
  3. Opie only does when his tummy is upset (as in the last few days!) He stinks up the whole house! When he does this, I know something is wrong.
  4. Fireworks are legal in lots of places that are not in the middle of nowhere. They are legal where I live in Renton, and the day turns into a blasting free for all. Every dog I have ever had has been terrified of them. I could never leave the house. But Opie? He seems fascinate - like what are those lights in the sky with all the noise? A few years ago DH played a 4th of July festival. Since it was a ways away, we took Opie with us. I intended to put him in the car when the fireworks started, but he just stood there and watched!
  5. Our Akita Black Lab mix dog had an episode when she was about 14 or 15. It took about a week for her to recover fully, and we had seen improvement in a few days. she was a feisty old girl!
  6. So sorry to hear this. But no better way to honor Dino's memory than taking that love and giving it to another who needs a home.
  7. I am so very sorry to hear about Jack. Hugs to you.
  8. Welcome from another black hound owner here. Yes they do tend to take over the couch, now don't they. I hope you have another one for the humans to sit on!
  9. Healing prayers for Lily, and lots of good thoughts for you and your DH.
  10. I think it was 2 nights after we got Opie! He would not "crate", crying, whining and scraping at the bars. We let him in the bedroom on his bed by ours, and he was quite and slept all night. I think the first night or 2 we closed the bedroom door to make sure he wouldn't roam, but since he never left his bed all night, we opened the door very quickly. You have to take your cues from your dog. Then just go for it!
  11. Hooray for all the animals getting along! Peace in the household!
  12. Another satisfied Comfortis user here. Opie had a very bad flea infestation that had probably been going on for months until we finally recognized it for what it was. It was winter, so I didn't think fleas, until I started getting bit. We thing he picked them up in boarding last October. Anyways, the Comfortis is wonderful. Killed the fleas, its been about 3 months now, and no problems. Our vet highly recommended it. To be sure, we broke up the dose, half at night with dinner, and half in the AM with Breakie, to make sure no stomach problems. Oh, and no, it does not kill ticks, only fleas. I recommend you try it. I paid $80 at the vets, for 6 tabs (6 months), but have seen it cheaper online.
  13. I am so very sorry - enjoy every minute you have left together.
  14. Glad to hear things are much better today. Poor Spencer was just overwhelmed - surgery, no trees, etc. I know we are pretty zealous with Opie's teeth - they get brushed daily, and he gets a turkey neck piece. Going to the vet this month for his annual, so will see what she says about his teeth.
  15. Just reading all this. How did the dental go? Hopefully everything was fine. Re the cat - I decided many years ago not to have any more cats, after losing 1 too many to coyotes. They always wanted to be outside. Training a cat is not a concept I understand either! But I do wish you luck since you seem determined to keep him. Seems a lot of good advice has been given here.
  16. Exactly. We use Comfortis for Opie after a massive flea infestation 3 months back (picked it up from boarding, I suspect). I don't it works for ticks, just fleas, but we don't have a tick problem here so this is fine for us. I like it also cuz there is no goo to put on the dog, you can wash the dog without washing off any stuff (just dead fleas). I also have the Adams spray for our bedding and carpets.
  17. Thankfully I have read all about boy dogs here in GT, so when I saw a drop of this stuff on Opie's boy part, I was not concerned. I admit I actually took a tissue the first time, and "dabbed" it up - making DH comment "What the H@#L are you doing, leave it alone!" And to jetcitywoman - olives, well,they are these olive looking things, under the skin. Noticeable sometimes. Do a seach of "Olives" and you will find the most hilarious thread discussing one person's "discovery" of these! Red Rocket? Well, sometimes call "lipstick" - when it comes out, you will know! Only happened with Opie once, he was outside laying in the grass in the front yard, and I guess the warm sun made him very "happy"!
  18. We go to a dog park every Sunday morning. We don't have a fenced yard (although Opie gets 3 long walks a day) and this the park gives him a chance to run. Our greyhound group meets every Sunday, although it is a mixed dog park. We all watch our dogs, and if too many little yappy ones come in and the greyhounds take up chase, we leave. All of our dogs are muzzled. We all carefully watch for any potential problems, and most of the dog owners are responsible. There is another dog park closer to my house, and we sometimes take Opie there. Its a new park, and way to many rocks for greyhounds to run, so we just take him there by himself to stretch his legs. Since there are no other greyhounds there, he really has no interest in being there! Saturday we went, and we walked around with him in the park, off leash, and then he was ready to go home.
  19. tydyelady

    Guilt And Loss

    The decision is gut wrenching, but you did the right thing. She is not in pain any more. I too know exactly how you feel. Before I made my decision (5 years ago) I contacted an animal communicator. I just had to check out all avenues to make sure I was making the right decision. I knew what had to be done, all the signs were there, my girl was in pain, she could hardly stand up, she was incontinent, she couldn't get in the car, she bit the vet. But I too kept thinking - oh, today she seemed OK for a short while, maybe its not time. Someone mentioned "Better a day to early than a day too late" In hindsight, perhaps I waited too long, because I didn't want to feel the pain of losing my girl that I had had for over 16 years. Your sweet girl knows how much she was loved. I pray that you can get some peace from all the support you are getting here, and that you will get a sign from your Angel Layla that she is ok.
  20. In the summer we bathe outside too (bathe Opie I mean!) We have a kiddy pool, that we put a few inches of warm water in, and then use that as the outdoor bathtub. We have a long hose that we connect to the kitchen sink, and run outside through the slider doors, so we have warm water to bathe him. Its a lot easier than being inside, and a lot less mess!
  21. So sorry for the loss of beautiful Diamond girl.
  22. So sorry to read this. Enjoy every moment, every second, and love her to pieces for the time you have left.
  23. Elizabeth - please forgive me for not sending my condolences sooner. I don't often come here to Remembrances because I just sit here and cry when I do. But then I break down and finally come here, to see whose passing I missed, and I saw it was Simon. My heart is breaking for you, to have lost your 3 in such succession. Simon was so sweet, and the last of your greyhounds, and of course I will always think of your 3 as Opie's step-siblings. I am so very very sorry to read this, and you have my, Albert's and Opie's sincerest condolences. Your 3 are together again, running free like the wind. Hugs to you. Godspeed Sweet Simon.
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