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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. Absolutely no reason you can't teach him to sit. It might not be elegant, but if George can learn it, any hound can.
  2. There is a condition that makes the nails come off- don't recall the name. I think further research is warranted!
  3. Embarrassed to admit I do not know how to clear the cache in Safari on my iPad. Can anyone help? Thanks. In the meantime, I will ask my dear friend Google. OK figured it out, but no change. Still no formatting options for replies or posts, no emoties or any sign of them either! Will fire up my laptop and check it out. I am guessing this is a Safari issue? Thanks for Ll your hard work Jeff, and for fixing my avatar! Yes, it all works just fine in IE on the laptop! And now I see what my buddies are talking about--the "post options" side bar on the right, and the narrow strip of emoties along the bottom of the reply window.
  4. above the reply box when you're replying to a post. Where you see the font options and such, I see a smiley face and when I click on it, it gives me the emoties Me either, also on an iPad. I have no formatting options or emotis. I have no fonts, emoties etc above "this" box. :-( Me, either. I even tried clicking on the box like Maureen said. We will figure it out. I can't find it, either.
  5. For what it's worth, my understanding is that the Diamond food re all is more about a potential risk to people handling the food than dogs eating it.
  6. My father taught me how to remove a tick when I was 10 years old. It's really not a big deal. Yeah, they're gross. But all you have to do is grasp it firmly between two fingers as close to the skin (the dog's!) as possible, and pull it out. Flush it down the toilet and wash your hands. Minimal drama involved.
  7. Thanks. I did it! Our ex-vet told me the Advantix or Frontline would make them drop off. You should probably read the package insert--good practice with any medication. It WILL make them drop off--once they die. Which can take 24 hours or more.
  8. She sounds like a good candidate for medication. And with time, she may improve. 4 years isn't really that long. I'm fortunate that I have a fearless dog, so I can't help much except to say I know people have had excellent success with medication with spooks like yours! Good luck!
  9. As the others have said, pull the tick OUT as soon as you see it. Just grasp it as close to your dog's skin as possible and pull it straight out. Flush the little bastard down the toilet.
  10. I use a rubber curry that used to belong to my horses on George. He's not a huge fan, but he's not a huge fan of anything that's not his idea!
  11. I'm so glad you said this, because I read they haven't even found any contaminated food, and of course, my dog eats TOTW, and I didn't save the bag.
  12. Yeah, pretty much every dog we've ever had gets super excited when the leash comes out.
  13. Absolutely not. There is little (if any) actual chocolate in most "chocolate" cookies. The center of an oreo is basically lard and sugar, which won't hurt her. Additionally, a half a cookie is NOTHING to a 60+ pound dog!
  14. A month isn't long enough, and you may not be getting the proper blend of Omega fatty acids-- I'm sure some expert on the proper ratio and amount will chime in! My dog has flaky skin too--but he's a brindle so it doesn't bother me. They have naturally dry skin.
  15. Don't take your dog ANYWHERE if you "can't keep a close eye on him." I think you're describing relatively normal dog behavior unless I missed something. He's not growling, jumping, biting--he's just greeting them with enthusiasm? The solution, is close quarters, is keep him under your control. Shorten up your leash, keep him at your side. Dogs sense tension--so perhaps for YOUR sake a class with other breeds of dogs in it would be helpful?
  16. Never used that heartworm med., but if my dog got diarrhea every month, I'd ask my vet about trying a different one! My last dog had one runny poo every month after his treatment, but he was super sensitive. George loves his Heartgard Plus chewable, and there are no side effects (for him anyway).
  17. My last dog probably lived three years longer than he might have because he was put on K/D. There was no change in his vitality, his coat, or his energy. What it did do was keep his kidney issue under control. Is it the IDEAL diet for a normal healthy dog? Probably not. But if your dog may have a kidney issue, it's certainly worth trying I think! My dog's creatinine runs high (2.1 or 2.2) but his BUN is totally normal. That's one of the indicators for vets who know that Greyhound chemistry can be different. If the creatinine is high but the specific gravity is normal and the BUN is normal, then it's probably just a normal reading for that particular dog.
  18. Frontline does NOT repel ticks. Nor does Frontline Plus. It will kill them after they've started sucking on your dog's blood.The only topical that DOES repel ticks is K9 Advantix. Preventic collars also repel ticks, and are safe to use on MOST dogs, greyhounds included. The worst thing that will happen if part of the tick's head stays in the dog is that what amounts to a pimple will appear. It's not a big deal. Not all ticks carry Lyme, but there are several other tick borne diseases--try not to freak out though. There isn't a thing you can do at this point other than work on prevention!
  19. You need to start with a professional dental cleaning, I think, for any of those products to really help. Some dogs just have bad mouths, and it sounds like your girl is one of them. I'm lucky--my dog has great teeth and gums. Sorry, can't help with the foot, but it might be worth an x-ray of that paw/leg.
  20. The lack of hair sounds totally normal to me. She may grow some more after a while, or she may not. I have found over the course of a lifetime of dogs that most dogs will act like they're starving all the time! It's just part of their nature. Have you had her to the vet for a checkup or "well dog" visit? I think all new dogs should have a urinalysis, fecal exam, and routine blood work just as a baseline if nothing else. Is her coat smooth and relatively soft? We've had two dogs with thyroid problems, and both of them had very coarse fur when their thyroids went bad.
  21. Hey Jennifer! I did the measure the water thing, and my vet was SHOCKED to learn George drinks exactly TWO CUPS of water while I'm at work. That's way, way less than normal! I don't know where the volume of pee comes from... We did all the tests--most of them repeatedly. Finally went to the ultrasound--the vet called and said, "I have good news, and I have bad news. The good news is--his organs are totally normal. The bad news is--his organs are totally normal, and we are no closer to figuring out his issue." What helped, and understand I think this is highly unlikely to help other dogs out there--was having him on an NSAID. He had stopped peeing for 2 years--and then started. Took me a whole year to realize the ONLY change was the lowering of his Deramaxx dose! Once it went back up to 50 mg. he stopped peeing entirely, and it's been many months. We have no idea what it is--but it's apparently some sort of inflammation--when it's uninflamed with the medication, he can hold it. When it's not, he can't. For what it's worth. Susan and George
  22. I'm not sure why it would make her feel ill at all... I have two litter boxes in my condo--they're both the covered variety with the entrance. George has never even tried to get to them, nor did my other dog. I think if your dog is determined, it's very hard to keep them away. But not all dogs have any interest. Even when I find one of those rock hard, dry poops on the carpet, George doesn't touch it. Kitty barf is another story, and is apparently quite a delicacy...
  23. Suzie, are you FB friends with Shelley Lake? She might know--I've seen noses turn pink, but not paw pads.
  24. Yes. The more excited he gets, the louder he gets. Usually when he's doing zoomies and I'm egging him on. Then it escalates to body slamming me, usually around the knees, and I have to stop. I can just imagine how he'd play with a bunch of boys in the turn out pens!
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