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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. Yuck! My old dog used to slurp night crawlers (large earth worms) like spaghetti. One night he threw up...need I go on? Let's just say the expelled matter was moving. Most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
  2. There is nothing wrong with teaching her to stop whining! Some dogs just believe that it's all about them. I personallly would not have suggested getting any dog while a full time student living alone--but now that you've got her, I expect you can make it work! You don't have to pay attention to her all the time, and she needs to learn that. The exercise seems adequate to me, and make make time for some special time before you hit the books. And then you need to teach her that she can't get your attention any time she wants it. Not unlike a whiney child. My dog more or less understands "go lie down." If he's bugging me, that's what I have him do. Go lay on his bed. I live alone and work full time, but when I'm home, it's pretty much George time. There are times, however, when he drives me NUTS and that's when he is sent to his bed (where he stares at me until he falls asleep). Depending on her size, that may be too much food. George weighs 64 pounds, and he gets half the amount you're feeding, plus treats. He also goes about 2 miles a day.
  3. If both dogs know a command, it shouldn't be too difficult to get them to respond to "Capri, wait."
  4. Kerry is great--she does make nice coats. But all the Greyhound vendors "hand make" their coats. Ready made coats, even if you can find one large enough, rarely fit Greyhounds.
  5. I agree. Those are the exact things that drove me to take George to the vet. After rulling out osteo, she sent me to a specialist who took a million films of his spine and told me it was "probably" LS. I opted not to have an MRI done, so I don't have a 100% "it's LS" diagnosis, but the treatment for suspected LS is exactly the same as for confirmed LS (unless you opt for surgery, which I would not do). Suggest you ask for some spinal x-rays.
  6. I'm sure George would love to just sniff, but I'm the one holding the leash--so we walk for exercise regardless of his personal preferences! Which is not to say he doesn't get a chance to sniff. We end our daily walk at the park for "sniffabouts."
  7. Bruise. George has gotten bruises that I have NO clue how he got. They go away. She should be just fine!
  8. George did this for the first couple of weeks--although he was in a crate when I wasn't home. I thought it was charming. I wish he still did it!
  9. No, but rubber backed throw rugs will! Bag balm is sort of like Vaseline with lanolin in it (and some other good stuff). You don't want it on your floors.
  10. Walking a dog on a leash is not strenuous exercise. You should be fine. My dog needs to go out within 30 minutes of eating to poop (2x daily poops!), so I take him out then regardless of the day, but Monday - Friday, we walk about 2 miles every morning after his breakfast.
  11. My neighbor has a Greyhound too, and hers never shuts up. He'll whine when we're both outside walking our boys together. It would drive me nuts! My Dad had a dog who was the same way. It was awful. I think some dogs just like the sound of their own voice.
  12. My last dog was a mix, and smart as could be. I taught him to speak, and then I taught him a hand signal for it. I lived in the city at the time, and it could get scary at night. If I saw someone sketchy, I'd give Kramer his hand signal, and he'd start barking like wild thing. Quite handy! I also taught him to play dead, and then taught him the command "bang bang" and the old "finger gun." So I could point my finger (like a kid playing cops and robbers) and say "bang bang" and he's fall over dead. A real crowd pleaser! My friend had a German Shepherd that she taught the same trick to, but her dog would howl and moan as she fell over dead! It was brilliant!
  13. This is something every DOG owner should know. We lost a Labrador to bloat. It was horrible.
  14. GeorgeofNE


    Awww Deb, how sad. Run free pretty girl.
  15. Yes, you can bathe a dog too much. Once a week is WAY too often, IMHO. Once a year is enough for most Greyhounds.
  16. I've been amazed at things that are "gone" that I've found months later in the most bizarre places! Hope she's fine!
  17. I would not permit my vet to sedate my dog to x-ray the lower leg. There is no need, IMHO. I have paid for many x-rays in my life, and the only time they've ever sedated my dog was for hip x-rays, which can be painful to the dog because they have to tug their legs around. The lower leg area does not require any special manipulating.
  18. Simple! Just use a 165 year old Victorian sofa, and no dog will actually WANT to get on it! Cats, on the other hand, will still use it. As long as they don't claw it, I don't care.
  19. Simple solution is to stop trying to pick her up. Instead try clipping her leash on and saying, "C'mon!" or "Get down" or whatever. I learned the same lesson when I first got George. Sounds like your girl is way too new in the home to be on the furniture at all.
  20. I couldn't tell you to save my own life! By the time he actually does it, I'm usually ticked off at how long it takes him to decide he's going to! I shall observe him this evening.
  21. I pay more than that for George's annual check up!!! A simple dental here with no extractions is at least $400. I had a cat who needed a bunch of teeth out, and it was over $700.
  22. My vet calls a single vomiting "out of the blue" with no further issue an "uncomplicated vomit." There is no reason to feed him hamburger or anything different if all he did was upchuck once. Some dogs barf at the drop of a hat. It doesn't always indicate a problem. If he has diarrhea too, or continues to vomit, take him to the vet.
  23. My mixed breed dog seemed to have some sort of mild cognitive disorder toward the end. He'd do what I called he "thousand yard stare" and just look off into the distance at nothing. He had a cancerous tumor as well, so the end was near anyway so I didn't look into much. Maybe you could just baby gate him into a room by himself during meal times to keep the peace?
  24. My dog has eaten plenty of things on that list, and my father fed every dog we've ever had both grapes and raisins. Nothing happened.
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