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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. I've never heard of a dog reacting in that fashion with a food allergy. Typically it's itching. Doesn't sound like it, but my old dog got some sort of bug bite/sting and he looked like a Shar Pei for a while until the Benadryl kicked in. I'd have your vet check him out this week.
  2. Greyhounds, in general, like to have their personal space. Being with you all day, every day, is perhaps too much too soon? Remember, he's also not used to being touched when he's asleep, and some greyhounds (including mine) sleep with their eyes partially open. I've had George nearly take my arm off more than once. He's telling you something--you need to be a bit of a detective to figure out what it is. Does he not like the workplace? Are you in his face too much? Is he not getting enough exercise? Is he not being allowed to sleep as much as he wants?
  3. Run free Dude, with all your legs, knowing you were well and truly loved to the very end. What more could any hound ask for? We'll miss you!
  4. Judy, I'm so sorry for you and Mike and Kevin. That picture of Gee in bubble wrap is an all-time classic. I'm sure you will miss her terribly.
  5. It would probably be easier for all if you just put down more rugs. "She has to be able to get around on her own" indeed, and if she were my dog, I'd make it easier for her! There are lots of nice rugs out there. Overstock.com has awesome prices too.
  6. OCD! Be very, very grateful she's licking her bed and not her own legs. We had a Labrador who licked his front legs until they were bloody. We spent thousands of dollars trying to figure out why and how to stop it. Finally we gave up and put a long sleeved t-shirt on him. That stopped it. But as soon as we took it off...lick, lick, lick!
  7. Great time to learn how to properly dog proof! Pick up and put things away, make absolutely sure there isn't anything about she can hurt herself on if she chews it, give her something she CAN chew that is safe for when you're not home, and this too shall pass!
  8. Hmmmm. I don't think I'd change where I sleep to accommodate his issue unless you ENJOY it.
  9. Good luck! My Greyhound simply has no interest in pleasing me in terms of learning stuff. I'm sure if I had found the right motivation he is ABLE to learn, but honestly? He looks at me with disdain when I give him the commands he does know!
  10. I don't use boots. I've lived in New England most of my life and we have had dogs my entire life, and NEVER felt that a dog needs boots. I have a set of boots for cuts and bandage protection, but I do not use them for the cold and my dog doesn't ever act like he needs them. My pit bull mix was much more of a sissy about cold feet than my Greyhound!
  11. I think I pay $65 for a visit. A booster shot would just be the shot, I think. It's been a while. I have to say, if she wasn't feeling well when you took her the first time, it's not outrageous they wanted to check her out again before her vaccines. A third time for the booster is excessive I think, but my old vet charged $25 to shave a spot the size of a Post-It note on my old dog and called it "wound treatment." He also started to charge $2.50 for disposing of the needles used in the vaccines that are already marked up at LEAST 500% (based on the cost of a vial of vaccine). When I asked him to take off that charge, he refused and was very snotty about it, so I wrote a letter with my "send me my records" and told him that losing a client with a sickly dog and three cats over $2.50 was a really dumb business decision.
  12. What are you doing for the corns? I don't think I've seen anyone on GT actually giving pain medication for them. Do you use Thera-Paws? Those seem to help. There are also other treatments--some more useful than others. A generic Pepcid once a day would eliminate the vile barfing I bet. And if he's acting weird since starting Tramadol, I'd stop it and find out if anyone in your area is really good and hulling corns.
  13. It's a Greyhound. He's supposed to be lean. The numbers on dog food bags seem to be designed to sell more dog food, as they're ridiculously high as far as I can tell. Just for reference, my dog raced at 67, I've had him four years, he weighs 64 pounds. I feed him 1 cup of kibble twice a day, plus treats. He's nine, and he looks awesome!
  14. I wouldn't worry about it. There's nothing that says you have to change Prudence's diet to match his. My old dog ate 10 pounds of carrots a week when he was young--yes, I said 10 pounds. And yes, he pooped out a LOT of carrots! But he loved them! He would attack unsuspecting snow persons and steal their carrot noses. No lie! Anyway, as he got older, he started to vomit them up, so that was the end of his carrots.
  15. George doesn't chew his food at ALL. And I had a cat who had 16 teeth removed, and was eating kibble the next day!
  16. Both of those web site show dates of last year. Did you happen to check with Blue Buffalo?
  17. With George, it means "Hey! Don't stop rubbing my earsies!" I feel like it's a bit of playful affection with him.
  18. Not if she has cats. My vet won't even write me a prescription. Really?? My vet won't write me a script for it at all! My cat IS all over my dog though...not worth the risk to me. But thanks for the information.
  19. Yes, I did too Nancy. Hugs to you and Pap. I hope the medication can keep her comfortable.
  20. And if this sort of small fight broke out in a dog park, pack mentality can take over very quickly. It's a nightmare seeing your dog involved in a pack fight--I know. Fortunately, my old dog (a mix, not a greyhound, and VERY able to take care of himself if he needed to) came when I called. Others were not so fortunate that day, and a number of dogs went home bloody.
  21. Sounds you nailed it yourself! And for what it's worth, no, I don't think the weather outside would cause a dog to be afraid of the floor inside! Maybe you can put down a runner rug for her?
  22. Some kennels may use canine lullabys, but if your dog was a racer, I assure you, that's not what they play at the track kennels. Something that's familiar would be more comforting than a lullaby. Have you tried a D.A.P diffuser? I can't promise they work, but they seemed to help George (who had SA at first when I got him).
  23. That's kind of cute! My last dog was half pit and half mutt (Shepherd mix??) and he was by FAR a bigger sissy when it came to his paws than George. He would just stop if it was too cold, and hold up his paw, and one by one I had to rub them.
  24. Two miles every weekday morning (in the dark), and a bit longer on Sat. and Sun. I have to admit, he has never once indicated he is tired or wants to stop, but I am 50 with arthritis, and two miles (or a bit more) is really as far as I can go without suffering later. Oh, my dog is nine with lumbar stenosis. And he STILL has yet to run out of stamina!
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