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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. We are thinking and praying for Zuma that she has a complete recovery real soon, bless her heart.
  2. Sending prayers and white light, I hope they are able to find out what is wrong with him. I am sorry but I agree only more test might show.
  3. I am very happy to hear that Cougar is starting to feel better, we will continue to say prayers that he has a complete recovery real soon. The sleeping arrangement sounds like it was a good idea for all..
  4. Thinking of you Asia and sending prayers for you and mom. Sending Hugs too.
  5. I am so VERY Sorry!!!!!!!!!!! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family, you were the best mommy and Dempsey will one day meet you at the gate with a new body, free of cancer. God Bless You! Run Free Dempsey
  6. :yay :yay :yay That is GREYT News No Cancer. Poor baby I hope whatever is in there works its way out of there real soon. Say mommy even with my eye like this I am still a pretty princess. We will continue to pray that you feel better real soon.
  7. Sending lots of prayers and white light.
  8. Sending lots of prayers and white light.
  9. I am so very sorry my heart and thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. God Bless you all for all you did for her. Run Free Emmy 's to you too Andy!
  10. Sending prayers and good thoughts that it nothing. :hope
  11. Sending prayers for Wendi and I agree I would probably take her to a Oncologist to get to the bottom of the problem. Thank you and everyone that is helping with Wendi for all you are doing. :hope
  12. Sending lots of prayers for Cougar!!!!!
  13. We are still praying for Sheena, precious baby girl, we hope it is just minor and going through the process to get better, also for good test results.
  14. I am so Sorry, Run Free Roman
  15. Sending lots of prayers and wite light and hugs too, I am really happy to hear that he is doing better and up to the surgery.
  16. I am so Sorry!!!! Run Free Payne
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