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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. That is Greyt News!!!! Emmy you eat lots of treats you deserve them and you have the bestest mommy!!!!!! :yay :yay
  2. Bless her heart!!!!! Sending lots of prayers!!!!!
  3. Congratulations on the new restaurant and they are going to deliver too wow!
  4. Congratulaions!!!!! I can't wait to see the pictures, I wish you happiness with him!
  5. Sending prayers that Conner starts to feel better, I hope the vet was able to get to the bottom of it...
  6. Sending lots of prayers!!!! Celebrating with you the greyt news of two years, that is greyt news!!!!!
  7. Welcome to GT, I know you are going to be very Happy when you are able to get your grey but the only problem, we got addicted to them and end up with 3 and if it were up to me we would have more.
  8. You are right to have muzzles on them and when we let our three out to play they always wear muzzles, but I also wanted to tell you those are some really GREYT action pictures. They are all adorable....
  9. I am really happy to hear that he is feeling better.
  10. Still thinking about Cricket, and sending prayers.
  11. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! He looks like he has already made his self at home, he is a real cutie!!!! We wish you all lots of happiness!!!
  12. Praying that she gets positive results and starts to feel better, bless her heart.
  13. I know this must be a very tough day, we are sending our thoughts and to let you know we are thinking about you, one day you will all be together again.
  14. The shed looks GREAT! I would have that filled up in no time.
  15. He is a Cutie!!!!! Welcome Back!!!!
  16. We will be praying for her that something can be done to help her with the little hind end, but other all it looks like a good physical. We wish you lots of luck and happiness with your new girl.
  17. I am very happy to hear that he is home, Bless his heart I hope he feels better real soon.
  18. Again 'AMAZING' Trudy!!!!!! I know again a reason I don't let dh get on here, I don't want him to get any ideas!
  19. Poor baby, I hope she gets better soon. I understand dh just don't watch them like we do and it only takes a second, I understand I have been there it is so hard to get them well when they keep licking. It is very frustrating.
  20. Poor baby, I am so sorry I hope he feels better soon and it is nonthing serious!!!!
  21. That is Greyt News!!!! I am so happy for you all and Nelly!!!!!!!
  22. 4greyhounds


    I am so Sorry!!!!! Run Free D.O.G.
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