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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I was signed up for GIG but had to cancel when a course that I had been waiting for for 3 yrs finally came to NJ (On the same weekend!!) But please add my Bridgekids. Brindle 01/05/93 - 11/16/2001 from hemangiosarcoma Topaz 12/21/93 - 12/16/99 from liver disease. Still miss you every day my babies.
  2. SMA is a chemistry profile or screening. It includes liver ez, kidney function (like creatinine), and a few other basic chemistries. A CBC is a whole blood panel and includes Red Cells, White Cells, Platelets, MVC, MCHC and probably HCT and HGB.
  3. damm allergies.................
  4. Phew! (we need an emoticon wiping sweat off the brow or dodging a bullet).
  5. Anxiously awaiting results..........................
  6. Be very careful and don't wrap the tail too tight. You'll kill the end of the tail. Your best bet is to use whatever wrap you are comfortable with (vet wrap for example) then use tape (I too like elasticon) on the upper part of the wrap taping to about 1 inch of tail fur. Too much and you take the fur off when you take the tape off. If you don't mind a funky looking tail you can shave the part that needs to be taped. The tape hangs on better and it actually hurts less than pulling fur out. Good luck.
  7. One option that I had for the $3000 dental bill that I had was to use Care Credit (credit card). For something that expensive, you'll have a year without interest. But there is a catch. If you miss a payment or can't pay it off in that time frame the interest will be astronomical. But, you could always pay it off at the end of the year with maybe a lower interest card or some other method. It's nice that Dr. Couto is offering monetary help. good luck.
  8. I feel bad it's taking Diamond so long to heal. My Diamond is sending your Diamond all the white light and prayers she can. And I hope you sue that women for everything she owns.
  9. Well it's about time you got some good luck coming in your direction. Way to go Beau. Give your mom a little vacation from hound worries.
  10. I second Red Bank. I'm in NJ and have taken Pearl there for CTs and other issues. My Onyx had an MRI done by Dr. Glass (WHAT A SWEETIE OF A DOCTOR!!!) When she was 8. She's now 13. So it was a while ago. But there were no problems. I seem to recall back then it hovered around $1000. I did have insurance on her and they paid most of it. PS. Shouldn't be more than an hour away. Take 287 south to Parkway to exit 109.
  11. Are those regular dog values or greyhound values? There is a difference. My 11 yr old at the time Onyx had the surgery and did fine. She's still with me at 13.5, going strong. She's like the energizer bunny, she just keeps going and going and going. I don't remember what her blood values were or if they were slightly off and the surgeon knew greyhound values. Good luck in whatever you choose.
  12. If the vets need to do some extensive manipulation to get a really good pix, they'll anesthetize. But for simple things like Pearls regular chest xrays, she doesn't need it.
  13. My Diamond wishes your Diamond all the best to heal 100%. She wants to know if you want some Italians to "take care of things" She knows a couple of Cane Corsos. Sue her for more than just the vet bills. Sue her for YOUR pain and suffering that you encounter when you saw your dog mauled. Judge Judy would give you $5000, the max if you were to go in front of her. And with you on leash and her's off leash, there's no doubt. Your post just got my blood boiling!!!! I walk with a spray, a kitchen knife and 6 foot walking staff. God help the dog or person who hurts my babies!
  14. Lots of prayers coming from the 4 gems. My Pearl has had cardiac problems for 5 yrs now. But we've been lucky and have been able to keep one step ahead of it.
  15. How about fostering. When you and DW want to go away, the foster goes back to the group or another foster family. You have your fix. And depending on the group, it could be as short as 2 weeks or as long as a year or more (I think by then, most foster families fail). But.....you'll still be helping another hound get a home. You'll get your fix. Your DW gets her freedom. Sounds like a win-win to me.
  16. I'm like you..........I always worry when our furkids have anesthesia. Scares the bejesus out of me too. Good luck baby girl!!!!
  17. Also, try adding vitamins. Sometimes things like this get started because something is missing in the diet.
  18. Well although LS is not a terrific diagnosis, I'm glad it's better than some other ones out there. I'm glad he's feeling better.
  19. Yes. It could take a while to get that bad. And yes, bad teeth can affect all organs. Whatever decision you make is the right one. And I wish you the best of luck in whatever decision you go to. Maybe they can pull the tooth using just local anesthesia? They do it in people all the time (yuck)
  20. My Pearl has a plethura of health problems. She's 11.5. She's had a bad heart for over 5 yrs. She ended up with an abscessed tooth (like what you show regarding Gunda). That caused a kidney disease called Glomerulonephitis and that caused hypertension (high blood pressure). She was high risk surgery because of her hypertension, but the tooth was causing it. We tried to maintain it with monthly bouts of antibiotics but were losing the battle. So, I broke down and went to a large private hospital and with the cardiologist there, anesthesiologist there and dentist........we took out the bad tooth. She survive the surgery and is doing great now. But, let me tell you, for 8 hrs I waited......and waited and waited not sure if she was going to wake up. Do you have a big hospital or university hospital over there that you can get a second opinion?
  21. I lost my youngest brother at age 42 very suddenly. The loss of my two girls hurt a lot more.
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