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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Pearl did this when she had a stroke. A blood clot from her cancer.
  2. If anyone from NJ is going........on your way back here pick up some of that Graeter's ice cream. The Choc choc chunk!! excellent.
  3. I just did it to my 12 yr old in Oct. And it's the best decision I made. We drove 10 hrs out to OSU for the second opinion and surgery if they deemed her a candidate. They did even with her arthritis. We also did chemo. She's 5 months post op, had chest xrays last night and she's clean. Still cancer free. (and 12 1/2 yrs old) Even if you don't go the chemo route, recovery from surgery is only 2 weeks. And they already feel better because bone cancer is so painful. If you can make it to OSU, I would suggest that. I did the right thing by Diamond. But I do remember how stress out about it I was because I was doing it to a 12 yr old. Just remember, whatever you choose, you do it out of love for your baby.
  4. Ultrasound? Pearl had two strokes caused by her cancer.
  5. It's a greyhound group. They'll understand. You'll be amazed at how fast they'll invite you down. They do know what you're going through. (do they have a kennel or just fosters? That would make a difference). And if it's a kennel, they probably would love to have the dogs handled and walked.
  6. I'm in your shoes right now. I just lost my heart and soul girl. I do have other hounds at home, but Pearl was the cuddler. The shadow. My right hand man(girl). The others are just there. I did go to the big NGAP adoption kennels in Philly to "walk the dogs" and some are real cuddlers, so I did feel better. But interestingly enough, I didn't want to adopt any (yet). So is there a greyhound kennel nearby? It might help. But, I do understand where you're coming from. I'm devastated without my Pearl. {{{{HUGS}}}}}}}
  7. I agree. Take a picture of the mess if he does it again.
  8. Get his blood pressure check! They very well could be strokes. I am very familiar with hypertension, and strokes (from my Pearl). Also, strokes could be cause by cancer. An insidious disease like hemagio or fibro sarcoma throw small clots before there are any other symptoms of cancer. Please get the BP and maybe an ultrasound if you can afford it. If they turn out negative, then it most probably is vestibular and you can put your mind at ease. I really hope it's nothing but maybe an inner ear problem.
  9. I'm so sorry. You did everything you could for her. But yet, you feel so helpless. Keep telling yourself, she's pain free.
  10. I have to disagree with post. There is a range of ok weights for dogs and, IMO, fat/overweight is not in that range. Pet people are probably the WORST to ask about weight on a dog...I've seen dogs that are supposedly "skin and bones" according to a pet person and the dog is actually in pristinely perfect racing condition. People tend to see fat as normal...and it's not. These are SUPPOSED to be skinny dogs. I tend to agree, KennelMom. Although I do feel that within a very small area (say, 5lbs or so) you have some wiggle room. For instance, I like my boy to weigh 75-77lbs. Right now, he's at 80lbs. My vet says it's fine and he certainly doesn't look fat but I'd feel happier with him getting back to at least 77lbs again. I'm sure others would be okay with where he's at. I know some people like seniors to have a few lbs spare in case of illness but those few lbs must be within the healthy weight range, IMO. After all, extra weight puts stress on the joints and does no favours for those of us with older pups who have pain issues. I think MP_the4pack might be talking about that small amount of wiggle room; not a legitimately overweight dog. I do mean that. I specifically said not to have a striped lab. In a 2 week time frame when Brindle was hospitalized with a fever of unknown origin, she went from 65 lbs pet weight (61 racing), down to 51. In just 2 weeks. They thought they were going to lose her because of organ failure from weight loss, not the fever. I'm not even going where I was with Pearl a couple weeks ago. Also. A racing dog is pure muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. Most pets are no longer at that kind of muscle build. (same with human athletes). So a pet that looks to be the same weight as it did while racing will weigh more.
  11. She's fine. Greys lose a lot of weight when they're sick. And FAST. I'd prefer to be just a tad overweight than under. Just look at all the post complaining that their grey won't eat and they are now all skin and bones. It took only a week or so to get like that. Just don't let her look like a striped lab. But extra poundage is definitely okay.
  12. Let us know who you go with. I'll be curious. Since my Pearl is gone now, I really don't need VPI anymore.
  13. :f_red rest in peace Petey
  14. Since Oct, I've spent close to $10,000 on vet bills. Dima has OS, Pearl had Fibrosarcoma. Luckily, Pearl had double cancer ins. coverage, so I recooped most of that bill. But yeah, these guys can get very expensive!! (which is why I'm trying really hard not to adopt again for a little while)
  15. I really hate to say this but have an ultrasound. It could be cancer. Splenic/liver cancers when they rupture don't clot. The body doesn't realize it's bleeding so the clotting mechanism doesn't get started. I'm sorry to point this out, but I've had two with this type of cancer. I hope it's not. Good luck.
  16. :f_red sigh. we need to find a cure for this horrid disease.
  17. I hear you. Pearl and I fought to the very end as well. You're in my thoughts and prayers. And you're right. If the tumor ruptures while he's going full throttle, he was doing what he loved when he went. What better way?
  18. Dee, you know you've got a lot of extra white light, prayers and hugs from me. She'll be alright, it's just a plain old boo-boo.
  19. Well, she should be there now......keeping fingers crossed and waiting on a report!
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