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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Of the hundreds of pictures I sent into the CG calendar, only two made it in. Brindle in April of 2002. She died 5 months before her picture. Pearl is featured on the desk calendar, July 11. February is 5 months before. I don't think I'll submit anymore photos to CG.
  2. In just two short weeks since her surgery, her liver has exploded in cancer. Several large masses are now present. It's just a little too aggressive. It's already too late to do chemo. I wasn't sure if I should have let her go there, but the doctor said she's not in pain. It feels like she has the flu. Just blah. So I have a couple of days left to cuddle with her.
  3. It's going to be a long hour to our appt. I noticed starting last night that she has what I think is ascites. Fluid in the belly. Her belly is distended. Ascites is caused by a failing liver. Topaz had it. She had liver disease.
  4. Dr. Couto has all the tissue samples from my OS girl and Fibro girl. I hope they can get a bit of those samples. Geesh......Pearl's spleen weighed a frigin 5 lbs. There's plenty of tumor to go around!
  5. I had a quick conversation with the oncologist I'm seeing tomorrow. She confirmed that you don't irradiate the liver. So there was a miscommunication between the person on the phone, the oncologist at Red Bank and me. Also, she has met Dr. Couto and fully understands why I went out there. So there's no professional jealousy. She spent a month in oncology radiation and got to meet Dr. Couto many times. I'm feeling better already going to her.
  6. Poor baby! That's one nasty hole. I hope she feels better soon.
  7. I was just on the phone with Red Bank (huge private hospital). Dr. C said to see either an oncologist or internist. He wants another ultrasound of the liver to see if the cancer has already gotten out of control and formed new tumors and for a chem profile to see if blood values are okay (or not). So..the oncologist that saw Diamond isn't in on Fridays (I'm off tomorrow), but the Internist who has already had Pearl as a client is in tomorrow AND at the closer Hillsboro branch. So I book an appt with her. After I book it, the receptionist calls back and said that I really should be seeing the neurologist (they looked at her records from 2 days ago when she had the stroke. They didn't listen to me when I explained what I wanted/needed). So after explaining it again, they said I should see an oncologist at the main hospital where they can also do the ultrasound. So, I call the main hospital and ask for an appt with an oncologist and explain why. Well, the receptionist (both had been putting me on hold to talk to the doctors, so they aren't making the decisions here) told me that the oncologist can do the radiation . Um....I'm not asking for that. I'm asking for support since my oncologist is in OHIO! Oh, then I really should be seeing an Internist. The Internist JUST SENT ME TO YOU! (morons!) I hung up. I called VSEC (Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center) where Pearl's cardiologist is. This is where we had the original bad news ultrasound. I told them what I needed. Within minutes I have an ultrasound appt at 1:45 and oncology appt at 2:40. Simple as that. All done. Red Bank has just gotten too big for it's britches. I'll ask the oncologist about the Science Diet and see if they have a sample I could try on Pearl. She really is picky and all my girls get people food regularly. So I can't see her liking 'dog food'. I'm also going to ask her about radiation for the liver. The Red Bank oncologist does this to liver fibrosarcoma. I have heard others here say it was used for fibro on other tissues. But Dr. Couto says it's toxic for dogs. I REALLY don't want to doubt Dr. C. But he is still human. And I'm getting conflicting information. Don't get me wrong, I still trust him explicitly, but I would like to see if another oncologist also does the liver radiation (that would make two that do it when Dr. C says no. Isn't this hard enough already that I don't need conflicting treatments AND idiot hospital?!
  8. I can't offer any suggestions except maybe call OSU.
  9. Well she turned her nose up at her dinner, so I cooked two hamberger patties and 3 hots in the hamberger juices. She ate those. She also had a donut (her favorite...apple cider donut from Delicious Orchards) And a big scoop of ice cream. She still took her heart/BP meds in oreo cookie cream (double stuff golden oreos) This morning she turned her nose up at the liverwurst. So much for her morning meds. So she got two more hambergers. I then tried her meds in a donut. Didn't work. She got most of the meds out. So I ended up having to do it by hand. At least she had a full tummy though. If she snubs hamberger, I have no idea now what to give her. I have two oven roasters in the fridge she turned her nose at. I made meatload JUST for her. Yes....people meatloaf that she used to drool over. Not anymore. She hasn't touched chicken liver in a month. Nor her scrambled eggs. Dr. Couto suggest I take her to Red Bank (either oncologist or internist) to see why she's not eating. It may or may not be the cancer in her liver. I might call him today.
  10. Oh I so know what you're going thru. So many people told me not to do that to a 12 yr old. (Diamond had her amp in Oct). I definitely know now that I made the right decision. She's happy. Painfree. Chasing deer. But, Pearl was at OSU last week. My choice was put her down or have a splenectomy done. I still don't know if I did the right thing. She doesn't seem to be doing well. So......you really won't know until post op. And you can only tell yourself, that you are doing thing out of love. They can't ask for more.
  11. Her appetite is worrying me. If I can't get her weight up and appetite up, we won't be able to do chemo, because that makes the appetite worse. She ate about 1/2 cup of ground beef at lunch today. That's it. Her breakfast wasn't much better. And I don't understand the loss of appetite. She snarfed down food just 3 days post op. I had started her back on some kibble mixed with meat (roaster chicken, plain ground beef or momma's meatloaf....all of which she would die for when she felt good)last week, but then she just decided she really didn't like her food anymore. I emailed Dr. Couto and team again. I'm guess they'll want me to bring her to Red Bank for some follow up tests. I just don't know who to bring her to. An oncologist? Internist? Dietician?! And since this cancer is aggressive, I don't have that much time to find out what's causing her digestive problems. I'm really beginning to doubt I did the right thing. I was so hoping she was one of the 50% with a benign tumor. When they confirmed cancer, I really should have just said 'let her go'.
  12. Happy Bridge Birthday sweetheart
  13. Her personality shows right through in those pix. And even 5 yrs seem like yesterday at times.
  14. His email bounced back the other night when Pearl had a stroke. His box was full. However......he's not going to be getting to emails until Thursday morning this week. (we were in conversation regarding Pearl's not so stellar recovery and moving forward with chemo).
  15. When I was at OSU with Diamond, there was a dog there that had that done. Non-greyhound. I think they were doing well. Unfortunately Diamond was under the knife at that very moment, so I don't remember much more than that.
  16. What did he have cancer of? Pearl's cancer is now in her liver. Can you radiate the whole organ? I don't think they can. But Dr. Couto seems to think I can get close to 9 more months with her if she responds to chemo.
  17. Okay....more news. IT's an aggressive form of fibrosarcoma. We're going forward with chemo. And to add insult to injury, VPI temporarily denied her claim. I have to perform somersaults to get all the notes from all the vets.
  18. Oh Poor baby. Just make sure to keep him quiet as he starts to feel better. They re-injure so easily.
  19. Here you are struggling with your own baby and you still post for me and my Pearl. THank you so much. How is Curfew doing? Did you get a BP? Pearl's cardiologist has been struggling with why Pearl has hypertension and Dr. Couto said "it's a greyhound thing'.
  20. I heard back from Dr. Couto. I guess it can be considered good news in that he doesn't think it is cancer related. He believes it's a clot especially since she is older and it occurs in older dogs. I've started her back up with her 15 mg aspirin regiment that she was on before her surgery for her GN. I stopped it when she got her diagnosis because her kidneys would way outlive splenic cancer. We're in conversation regarding her poor appetite. Why is it going down when she's supposedly healing? You know....I know I made the right decision with Diamond. She's happy, in great shape. She finished chemo and now her appetite is back. She chased deer the other day! But I still don't know if I made the right decision with Pearl. She's not ready for the Bridge, but she's really not enjoying life with the zest she used to. Just at Christmas she was tearing around the yard with her new stuffies. I really thought she was going to make it to 13 (in Oct).
  21. I just can't win...... I came home to Pearl having neurological problems. Her head was turned to the right, glazed look on her face, stepping funny with her left foreleg as if she didn't know where to put it. I've see a stroke in her before...a year ago...caused by hypertension. I rush off to the vets, they have me in emergency status (meaning I get to go ahead of everyone else.) Except the more immediate emergency that needs blood transfusions that came in minutes before me. Half hour later and they still haven't taken us. 45 minutes later I finally get in. So much for emergency. By this time, the head tilt is gone, she's walking straight, but she still has that funky step with her left leg. She also still doesn't seem focused. Alert, but not focused. They couldn't do anything. So after all that waiting, I shoot off to the Hillsboro branch of Red Bank Hosp. By the time we get there, only the funky leg thing is left, so they're thinking it's hurting her or is something leg specific. Basically, other than ruling out hypertensive stroke, her BP was still under 200 with all this crap that was going on, they weren't able to do anything. Now I'm thinking it's a stroke due to a blood clot from her surgery or the cancer is in her brain. Other than an MRI, we won't know the answer. I would like to know the possibility that the cancer is in her brain before I spend the money on an MRI. It would make a difference in her future. A clot would mean I could move forward with chemo (if she is still a candidate) brain cancer would mean no more anything. She's at home. No remnants from last night's episode. And if she had it earlier in the day, I would never have known it. In fact, I don't know if she's had any while I've been at work. Her PCV is up to 34. That's good. But her appetite is poor. While I was there, and already paying for an emergency visit, I had them remove the staples because she had two hot spots. They can't get to two of them because of an abscess. So, she's now on antibiotics. But the other staples are out. I keep hoping she'll bounce back from her surgery and we'll have some quality time. While she's not really in pain and indicating she's ready to go, she's just resting most of the time. She's halfway between being her normal spunky self and on death's door. Limbo. It sucks. She's absolutely not ready for the Bridge yet, but she's not feeling like she did before Christmas. I emailed Dr. Couto last night at midnight because I wanted him to see it first thing this morning, but it bounced back because his box is full. I sent it again this morning after he read his emails for the day. I may decide to call him. Diamond's doing well..........sigh
  22. Hopewell vets are my regular vets. While very good at being a GP, I would bring the cat to either Red Bank vet Hospital or to Veterinary Specialist and Emergency Center in Langhorne, PA. They have a good opthamologist there. But, alas......it will be more expensive.
  23. I have VPI because it was one of few carriers 8 yrs ago. I didn't switch because Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease and hypertension. And Onyx is a senior at 14 now, so even just a few years ago, she was a senior. So it wasn't worth it. Luckily I was grandfathered for double cancer coverage for Pearl. They refused to insure Diamond who was vet-bill free up until just last Oct when she got OS. By then, VPI would have reaped a lot of money from me. I would have had the Superior Plan with Double cancer. Oh well......their loss actually. When Pearl and Onyx are gone I'm looking for another carrier.
  24. I hope Curfew is feeling better. If you still suspect a stroke instead of a seisure, why not take a blood pressure. High BP is one of the main causes for TIA's (mini strokes) and is easily treatable. Give him a big kiss from all of us.
  25. Is amp an option for him? Has he not been using the leg for a while? Don't let his age influence the decision. Look at his health. I'm sorry to hear the diagnosis. It seems every 'limp' posted here ends up OS.
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