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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Oh you have me bawling here at work. I lost Pearl 2 months ago after she had been with me 8 yrs as well. And she could be Riley's clone in color. {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}
  2. He looks so much like my beloved Pearl. I hope it's something else. But if it is bad, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Couto. And I just want to mention that Pearl's sister Diamond was just 2 weeks shy of her 12th BD when they amputated her front leg in Oct. She's still with me.......6 months post op and still cancer free. You have all my prayers coming your way.
  3. Most of my girls who lost a lot of teeth were willing to eat something just 2 days later. If her weight isn't bad, you can let her go without eating. But, like some others said, Ensure or ice cream. Most of mine definitely liked those items. And cold ice cream feels good on a sore mouth. Just make sure to mush it to the bowl so they can lick it and not eat it in one solid lump. They'll get brain freeze. Of course, it is funny to watch them get that.........(just saying).
  4. He wasn't even 9 yet. I'm so sorry.
  5. I'm so sorry. She was beautiful and you can see her personality in those eyes.
  6. Checking in..... Unfortunately two of my girls did this when they had cancer. Did you do an ultrasound?
  7. My girls see a chiro every other month. And I can see the difference in Onyx,the old lady. She doesn't have as much problems with her back end that I've seen in others. But, I sure would like to go to YOUR chiropractor! It sounds wonderful. All four of my girls get done within 15 minutes. (total). We walk in, get adjusted and walk out.
  8. Happy Birthday. And remember, this is going to be one of those great stories you tell people 'way back when you had Bella and Winnie'. And unless the frosting was dark chocolate, I don't think there's any worry about chocolate. Just too much sugar. (a bit of an upset tummy)
  9. I was just in the process of polishing that article to send it to BARK to see if they were interested in it. I haven't looked at that for years. Mary Pat
  10. Nephropathy is kidney. Anything with 'nephro' in the word is kidney. My Onyx has it right now, she is losing protein thru her kidneys but the vets are calling it glomerulonephritis. I lost my first girl to liver disease and that was PLE. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  11. An ultrasound will also tell you a lot. You have my prayers.
  12. I can just feel her pain as I just adopted a wild child to help me get over the pain of losing my Pearl. Jade doesn't know when to stop either.
  13. I waited for several weeks (kinda hoping) that someone would take her, which would indicate to me I'm not supposed to have her. I really was torn between getting her and not getting anyone. If she showed up at NGAP 6 mos to a year later, I would have snatched her in a heartbeat without a moment's hesitation. But unless she either jumps the fence or proves to be nasty to the rest of my pack, she's not going anywhere.
  14. I'm so sorry. What a shock. She probably had a coronary. At least it was a painfree peaceful passing. No horrid cancer and the pain that accompanies it. But no matter how they go, they still leave a huge hole in our hearts. A hole that never goes away.
  15. MP_the4pack


    I'm so sorry. I hate cancer. It's attacked 3 of my babies so far, taking away two.
  16. The first month Pearl was gone (Feb 5), I felt I should have been crying more. But I wasn't. I don't know why considering she was the most important thing in my life for the past 8 yrs. When Topaz died 10 yrs ago, every time I looked at adopting another white/black girl I cried. That told me I wasn't ready yet. Two years later when I saw Pearl down in Fla, I didn't cry. I actually was excited to get her. We bonded instantly. I knew I was ready then. So this time around, I felt that my heart would once again tell me if it was too soon to adopt. I wanted someone to cuddle with. None of my other three do that. I saw Jetta on the NGAP website (she's white/black). Didn't say cuddler, but did say playful. I could use someone to play fetch with and play with Opal (Pearl was her playmate too). Before I put in an application for her I found a blue brindle down in Fla that fit the bill perfectly. Playful, got along with other greys, cuddler. I thought Kamper would be a much better match for me because I knew I wouldn't see Pearl in her since she was a blue brindle. (and of course, being blue, I could keep the gem theme and call her Sapphire). I asked if they adopt to NJ. They do but they were keeping Kamper close to home because she was a little growly at M&Gs. I figured it was meant to be then and applied for Jetta. Of course after I was approved, Fla. emailed me back stating that Kamper seemed fine. (thanks, but it's a little late now) Well. I meet Jetta twice before putting in the application and neither time did I cry. She was much more like my other little w/b girl Opal. So I thought it would work out fine. I brought Jetta, now called Jade, home last saturday and I did alright thru sunday. Probably because I had to work with her. (stairs, counter surfing, puppy proofing...she's into everything, stuff like that) But Monday, I introduced her to the sofa and when she realized what that meant, she got up and snuggle right next to me. Her head on my lap. When I looked down at her, all I saw was Pearl. I tried so hard to see Jade. But I couldn't. It was Pearl. My Pearl. I've been crying a lot since.
  17. I was just going to suggest an ultrasound too.
  18. Oh God. That does not sound good. Sending lots of white light, prayers, crossed fingers and toes, etc in your direction.
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