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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. To me, the goofier the better. He sounds like my kind of boy. I'm sorry I never got to meet him. It's so hard to lose them. Especially the ones that were always in the way, in the face, into everything. They leave the loudest silence, the most deafening quiet.
  2. What time is she getting done? I don't know how you were able to wait the week. I would have been at another vet's office getting xrays 'yesterday'. I'm keeping all fingers and toes crossed and I've asked my girls to cross their toes too. (I told Diamond that she didn't have to do it with her one good front leg! )
  3. My Onyx had an LP tieback 3 yrs ago. At 14 1/2 yrs old, she has minimal rear end weakness. Nothing that can't be attributed to simple old age. She still trots easily around the yard. Does stairs. She's just a little slow getting up. So maybe I'm lucky and she's one of the ones that doesn't have both problems.
  4. VPI did not insure Diamond because she had erhlichia before I adopted her. Said she was prone to neurological problems and cancer. Well at age 12, she got OS. How many greyhounds have that?! She has cost me the least amount of money over the years and I often joke that VPI covered the wrong sister because Pearl cost them a mint. The lost a lot of money insuring Pearl. While I had Pearl I didn't want to leave VPI, but now that she's gone, I don't need to stay. Also......Opal, the baby, went in for an upset tummy once and stitches once before I insured her. Now all gastric problems and lacerations are excluded!
  5. Send the lab results and xrays (if any) to Dr. Couto at OSU. He's the greyhound oncologist. He doesn't charge for consultations like this either.
  6. Vetmedin/pimobendan is considered a miracle drug. It actually can improve the heart. Lessen the thickened areas caused by pumping too hard. Pearl was put on that in August. When she was diagnosed with cancer, she was seen by a cardiologist at OSU because the chemo drug is hard on the heart. They said that she still had the mitral valve problem, but the heart looked very good. Better than it did in August. The only problem is that it is expensive. (she was also on lasix and enalapril)
  7. Pearl actually never made it to CHF. She had heart disease and if she didn't get cancer would have ended up with it. She was diagnosed with heart disease about 7 yrs ago and started on meds. As needed her meds were increased or added to. If you can afford it, take him to a cardiologist for a second opinion.
  8. I'm dying to have my Pearl visit me since she left last month too. Nothing.
  9. Soft tissue injuries actually take longer to heal than bones. My Opal limped for weeks and I finally got xrays thinking the worst. Nothing showed up. It took a good 2 months for her to stop limping. And I stopped pain meds because it was making her feel better and she kept running around reinjuring herself.
  10. Diamond is only 5 months, but her xrays were clear last week. While she had a couple of rough weeks the first two, she definitely has told me she's happy now. She is 12. Lost her front leg 2 weeks before her birthday. She's still going strong, tries to chase deer, and LOVES her ice cream at night. I doubt she'll make it to 3 years, simply because she's already 12. But, she might surprise all of us.
  11. Oh no Beth!! I can't believe what I just read. I can only pray and hope that it is nothing more than a sprain or something minor. Fate cannot be this cruel!
  12. When I lost my Brindle 8 yrs ago, it was very sudden. She was fine in the morning, gone that night (hemangio). I had many dreams about her but for some reason I never remembered in the dream that she was gone. I would wake up and be upset that I didn't get to hug and kiss her. Finally a few years later and about a dozen dreams, I remembered and hugged and cried and told her I missed her. That was my last dream of Brindle.
  13. I call my little old lady Nana (Onyx). She's 14 1/2. Well, she'd have some diarrhea once in a while. She'd spit up once in a while. Sometimes her appetite wasn't great. (sometimes non-existant). Well since she has a LP tieback, anytime she spits up, we go to the vets because I fear aspirate pneumonia. So we ended up at the vets the other night and since she is a super senior, I did the full workup, blood, urine and poo. She has very high protein in the urine and her pancreatic enzymes are just over the high limit. The doctor suggested a BP. That's one thing that may push proteins thru the kidneys (those values were okay). And if that's normal, an ultrasound. Well you know me. I scheduled both at the same time. Her BP was terrific at 134. Her ultrasound showed glomerulonephritis and chronic pancreatitis. But NO CANCER....anywhere!! (yippee, I have a cancer free dog) Now, she does have a pretty funky tooth that we're getting cleaned via the non-anesthetic route next month, that might be causing the GN. (No way am I putting a 14.5 yr old under anesthesia, not even with the super dentist that she's been to before) The pancreatitis could also be causing it. So she's on the baby aspirin that Pearl was on when she was diagnosed with GN. I also switched her to a low fat, low protein diet. She's perfectly happy with that senior canned food and fat fee ice cream. We're going to do another urinalysis in a week to see if the antibiotics for the tooth help with the GN. It stinks when they get old. But she does seem to feel okay and has been running around. She played in the snow when we had it.
  14. Checking in this morning. How's she doing?
  15. I really wanted to go, but already made a trip out to OSU twice in a three month time frame. I hope he does it again next year. And.....we all already knew how awesome Dr. C and his team are!
  16. See, greyhound people know, whether here or in person at an adoption group. We all understand. No one does grief support better than a greyhound person. How far are you from Philly? 2 hrs? (I think). I'll be at the NGAP kennels tomorrow morning 'walking dogs'. The morning open hours are from 9-10:30. If you want to come and cry on the dogs (and me.....and I can cry on you). (directions are on their website)
  17. MP_the4pack


    I cried when I saw the thread in H&W was locked. But what a beautiful tribute you posted for him. He sounded truly amazing. Rest in peace Sobe.
  18. {{{{Hugs}}}}} It took me several days before I did Pearl's "obit" here. take your time, we all understand. And yeah, I can't believe my baby is on this list either.
  19. Brindle, and soon Pearl will be in a cabinet with glass doors. But it's deep, so they're hidden in the back. My will states that their cremains be scattered along with mine into the ocean. So, their urns are not stuffed in the back of a closet, but they aren't in immediate view either.
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