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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. While I ended up going the whole route, amp and chemo on a 12 yr old, one of the things that my vets are discussing with me (as we chat during Diamond's chemo) is that a lot of vets are trying to encourage just amputation if no chemo. If for nothing else, they recover quickly and the pain is gone. OS is a very painful disease. My Diamond gets shoved all over by the 5 yr old brat (grey) that I have and she does terrifically. And if nothing else. Talk with Dr. Couto. What a blessing to have him around.
  2. My local vet just called. He got the results this evening. he said I could lose her tonight, that's how large the splenic tumor is. Can't I even have a few more weeks with her?
  3. Excellent idea Jane. I'm waiting for a return call from him. Depending on our discussion, I may end up visiting you again.
  4. The ultrasound came back with a huge splenic mass and several liver tumors. The exact same 'effin' thing that Brindle had. Unlike Brindle who was in distress, Pearl has some options, even though they suck. She can have surgery which may prolong her life by 4 months, chemo would add another couple months. But Pearl is 12 with heart disease and hypertension. However, she is in the same condition as her 12 yr old sister. So age really should be a factor, just her heart and BP. Which are very stable. She probably would survive surgery. Without surgery she has days, weeks. Maybe a month or so. WIth the way she's feeling now, I don't imagine months is in her prognosis. I just put Diamond thru cancer surgery. Pearl was feeling REALLY GOOD since being put on the pimobendan. THis is so unfair. We were keeping her heart and hypertension under control and she was feeling really really good. this sucks. add to the equation that Diamond was given a 1 yr prognosis in Oct and my Onyx is already 14, this is going to be a really bad year for me.
  5. I emailed Dr. Couto back when Diamond was first diagnosed Sept 26. He was going to be out of the country for a few days but I still wanted to see him. When he gave me his schedule, I was able to get an appt for Oct 8. The day he came back. The surgery occured Oct 9. We would have cancelled that if they determined that she was not a surgical candidate. So, you really shouldn't have to wait too long.
  6. She's scaring me. Last night her "welcome home, Mom!" greeting was not quite as enthusiastic as usual. She turned down her liverwurst with med, so we had to drop 2 of her 8 meds that cause tummy trouble. (again). She ate a little bit of chicken and pasta, but I ended up having to shove the rest of her meds down her throat because she won't eat the liver, cookie or liverwurst. This morning, she did take her meds in liverwurst and she ate more chicken and pasta. But she's not even in the office with me while I work from home this morning. She's still in bed under a blanket. I can't wait for our 2:45 appt today. Something's wrong. I'm so afraid it's cancer (pancreatic or adrenal...something that we can't fix).
  7. I absolutely hate seeing the words osteo or OS in the title. Hits me right in the pit of my stomach.
  8. I just used this. (unfortunately) It is 614-292-6464.
  9. A week or so ago, I posted that Pearl was having weird periodic fevers. Well after the last one Jan 1, she basically stopped eating. I got her to eat a little now, but not like she was just a couple weeks ago. I took her back to the vets and we did more tests (including all TBDs) and there are changes to her pancreatic and kidney values in just 2 weeks. All TBDs were negative. So, we're getting an ultrasound of her pancrease and kidney tomorrow. Please keep us in your prayers, she's scaring me now.
  10. I feel your pain. I wish I could help more.
  11. Have Dr. Couto check the samples. He is after all an oncologist first. He might be able to give you more insight to what to expect.
  12. My Topaz had all her teeth. They were gorgeous. She died at age 5 to liver disease. Brindle had all her teeth. Just as gorgeous. She died at age 8 to hemangiosarcoma. Onyx has half her teeth, she's 14. Diamond lost most her teeth, she's 12. She has OS, an amputation and is going strong. Pearl has beautiful teeth. Heart disease. Hypertension. But feels fine and happy at age 12. (I take her to a cardiologist regularly and she's on 20 pills a day, 8 different meds) There is absolutely no way to know if a hound is going to live long or not. NONE!
  13. I sent you a PM. This was probably the hardest choice I ever had to make in my life and I'm in my 50's. Just remember the choice you make is because you love him. So there is no wrong choice. Hang in there.
  14. I so hate hearing about a young healthy grey leaving this earth before their time. to foster mom.
  15. Well, she's stopped eating and has watery diarrhea. I don't think I need to go to the evet, but she's going to see someone tomorrow. I have to call her cardiologist to see if any of her meds could cause this. Dr. Couto hasn't gotten back to me yet regarding her test results (faxed from my vets). But I think she needs updated tests. I might end up going to Red Bank Hospital.
  16. Luckily I do not have poop eaters. So that's not the problem. Diamond is taking Doxirubican (?) from OSU. (It's Doxyrubi-something) I'm hoping to hold off just putting her on antibiotics like doxicycline because she's already on 21 other pills for her heart and BP. She'll stop eating for sure. That's a rough antibiotic (I've been on it). I'll probably be asking for a blood sample to be sent out for other tick diseases. THing is, Pearl is 12. I've had her for 8 yrs. Isn't that kinda long before a tick disease acts up? And I'm praying it's not autoimmune. She absolutely can't handle prednizone.
  17. Hard to tell. I don't see anything going on. Diamond is handling her chemo really well. And Pearl is not particularly close to Diamond. But I have mentioned this to the vets. So far no one can really see a connection except for pure coincidence. I have a feeling I'll be making a road trip to OSU soon. Good thing it's the beginning of the year, I have vacation time.
  18. Has anyone ever heard of this? Pearl has been spiking a fever like clockwork every two weeks. It's reached as high as 104 (yesterday). A round of Novox breaks the fever. She's had bloodwork done including TBD and it was all good. I emailed Dr. Couto and he is also stumped and can't even begin to guess unless I bring her in (another 10 hr trip). The oddest thing about this is that it coincides with her sister's chemo. Pearl's not a poop eater, the worst that she would do is sniff Diamond's pee. Would that cause a fever?! I faxed her bloodwork to Dr. Couto today. She also has diarrhea now too. But that won't explain her fever 4 weeks ago or 2 weeks ago. Anyone hear of such a thing? thanks Mary Pat and the 4 pack.
  19. I hate to say it, but ask for another test. A liver FUNCTION test, not the liver enzymes that are part of a normal Chem profile. You'll know when this test is being done because there are two blood draws, one before food and one 2 hrs later after eating. My Topaz had PLE and everyone was focusing on her gut. We went to U of Penn and found it to be her liver. It was shot. Nothing left of it even though there were normal enzyme values. We went down there for a second opinion. She never made it back. She was only five. I sure hope it's something other than her liver or something that can be treated. Several things can cause PLE. Good luck.
  20. I'm so sorry to hear this. I really REALLY hope it's different from what my Brindle had. She went in for emergency surgery at 1 Am. They opened her up and she was loaded with tumors that were bleeding. It was hemangiosarcoma. She was so bad that they just let her sleep. I hope it's not the same thing. You have my prayers and lots of paws crossed here.
  21. Diamond had 23 teeth extracted at one time by a dentist. Onyx had 15 and Pearl 12. Each visit cost me an arm and a leg, but I much preferred the result. Their mouths seemed sore for a day or two but then they started eating regularly again. For the first day or two I made scrambled eggs, which, even with a sore mouth they all snarfed down.
  22. Oh Beryl, it's about time you got some good news. That's a nice Christmas present for you. Mary Pat
  23. I almost feel guilty posting good news here today after reading so much sad news in this forum. Like why should I be lucky for the holidays? Anyway. Diamond had her third chemo Friday and did well with it. I gave her Pepto Bismol on Saturday night (as per Dr. Couto) instead of waiting until Sunday when she is showing tummy upset. It must have worked because she ate her breakfast on Sunday. We had a pretty big snowstorm over the weekend, a foot of dry fluffy powder. Well you should have seen Diamond out back chasing deer Saturday night. She loves the snow and was enjoying it thoroughly. But she may have overdone it because today she is tired and seems a little under the weather. We had a chest xray today and it's CLEAR! So, it seems Diamond gets one more Christmas and one more snowstorm in her life. Thank you GT for all the prayers. They worked for us. Diamond says Thanks. Mary Pat and the 4 pack.
  24. I'm so sorry. There's nothing worse than losing a family member at the holidays. (I've lost two of my greys during the holidays). I wish there was more I could do than just send cyber hugs to your.
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