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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. My little old lady Onyx had it done 4 yrs ago when she was 11. If you have a good surgeon, you should have no problems. The doctor I used went in from the side of the neck, not down the throat. She was sent home the same day. I don't remember much about her recovery which means, whatever issues she had were minor. I would have remembered otherwise if she had a problem. She wasn't allowed to eat anything that would produced something small enough to inhale. Aspirate pneumonia is the biggest issue with these dogs. So no crunchy milkbones or similar items. I didn't like giving her rice either. If she needed a bland diet at anytime she got macaroni. All her food was moist. I would soak people cookies for her for her cookie treats. Heat exchange thru panting is also diminished, so you don't want them to overheat. She was on daily pepcid as a precaution to vomiting as that was an aspirate concern as well. Be prepared for a complete loss of voice. Onyx ended up with just a "huff". But she still communicated well enough just huffing at me. She lived to 15.5, and passed away to problems not related to her LP.
  2. I hate to say this, because it sounds like a painful break, but I'm glad it's that and not OS. When I needed something similar to the cone, I just got a piece of cardboard (thin, like what's left over after the paper towels run out). I make it the whole length of the neck, pad really well, especially around the jaw and shoulder area where it would rub, then tape it. It looks more like a splint for his neck than anything. But he won't hit things with this on like he would with the cone. But it should be inflexible enough that he still can't quite bend around to his leg. Depending on how flexible he really is, would depend on if it works. Good luck.
  3. Judy there is nothing wrong with praying for Dawn, she is after all one of God's creatures, too. Hopefully it's nothing major, prayers coming her way.
  4. Larry I'm so sorry to hear of Wingie's passing. I lost two 12 yr olds last year, and even at that age it seems too young. Sleep Sweet, Wingie.
  5. Jane, I had to be careful with Ony's pancreas, so in the last year of her life to keep her weight up I gave her Ensure Plus several times a week. Many times, once daily. In fact if anyone from your neck of the woods is going to GIG, I have a few bottles left I can give you.
  6. I can't help you with finding that info, but my girl had her right front amputated. Is his a front or rear? The first day was the hardest for me because of the look of fear and astonishment on her face that something was wrong. Her leg was gone. But that lasted only a day. By day 2 she was moving on her own. By day 4 I was able to take her home(I went to OSU from NJ, a 9 hr drive) The first 2 weeks she was anxious, panted a lot, restless. But as soon as I stopped the meds, she bounced back to almost normal. She did have an infection of the area, so she wore a t-shirt all the time. Once we found what she had, we got her on the right antibiotic and she cleared right up. She actually thought she could do more than she was able to do, so be careful about him wanting to do stairs, hop in the car, etc. I did make a ramp for her because she always had trouble with stairs. The lengths of her walks was dimished because it took more energy to hop, however, when deer were around, she could still do a good run. She went 6 months pain free until OS claimed another leg. Dima was 12 when she had her leg amputated. Goodluck.
  7. Well, Ima Dima Lima Bean, you had to leave me a year ago when that horrible OS attacked another of your legs. You were already a tripod, I couldn't do anything else but set you free. I always thought you'd outlive your sister/littermate Pearl but not by only 2 months. My Diamond was the second of the three to leave me within a year. I'm still missing my babies so much. Oh geez, Mom, didja have to show the spagetti on the head photo? Queen of ETS Going head to head with her sister Her eyes were the windows to her soul Sleep sweet, baby. I miss you more and more each day.
  8. You can tell she was much loved. She was a beautiful girl and seemed to have quite a personality, too.
  9. He was far to young to have left you. But no matter what the age, no one can prepare for the loss of a loved one so deeply imbedded in the fibers of our hearts. God speed Kevin.
  10. You will always wonder if you let her go too soon and probably feel guilty about it. A lot of people say better a day too soon than a day too late. But, she still has time. You don't need to make it a week or a month too early.
  11. MP_the4pack


    It doesn't seem like it's been 2 yrs. I remember when he left, I could feel the raw pain in your post. He was definitely a once in a lifetime love.
  12. I know what you mean Jane, money not spent on our furkids is money not well spent. Nothing else matters! Twistie, sweetie, you do your Momma proud and you hang around for a long time.
  13. I'm sorry you had to join this post Corinne. I had a front leg amp last year.(well she actually had the amp Oct 09 and went to the Bridge last year). But I just want to give you encouragement. She was 12. While this awful disease did strike another leg, she had a good 6 months pain free and she was able to do almost anything. However I did restrict her stair usage. I built a ramp for her. The first two weeks are the hardest, but then it seems like overnight, they are fine. Good luck with Curtis.
  14. Oh gee, so young! She was beautiful. I'm sorry she had to leave.
  15. I had two dreams about Topaz. One just after she died 11 yrs ago, and one a few months ago. Neither time did I remember she was gone. I had several dreams about Brindle (she left 9 yrs ago). I never remembered she was gone either until one dream a year later. I remembered she was gone, I hugged her, and that was the last time I dreampt of her. I haven't dreampt of Pearl, Diamond or Onyx, who I lost within this past year. And I SO want to have a dream with them. I'm sorry Jason's dream ended in such pain, but I'm glad it was a happy dream for the most part.
  16. I received this from Dream Girl's (now to be called Tanzi.....short for Tanzanite) foster mom. I leave for Altoona, Pa tomorrow afternoon. Staying overnight and Tanzi will be on her way home Saturday morning with her Auntie Opal. Opal's dad is Scott Free, who is Tanzi's granddad.
  17. Oh Alicia. I hope you get to dodge a bullet here and it's not as bad as all of us fear when something like this happens.
  18. Beryl, you've gone thru so much. I don't know how you do it. But I can give you cyber hugs from NJ.
  19. I'm adopting Dream Girl, soon to be Tanzi (short for Tanzanite...gotta keep that gemstone theme going). She's having her spay tomorrow. If all goes smoothly, I'll be picking her up on Saturday. Here's what she looks like: (She's from Monica's Heart)
  20. Oh Jane! I'm so sorry to hear the news. (You know I'll never forget your sisters!...remember the BP med episode?!) I just lost my 15.5 yr old Onyx. And you know..........it has nothing to do with age. Whether they're 14 months or 14 yrs, they are still a very important part of the family. And it still hurts just as much even if they've had a good long life. I'll pray that she still has some good quality of life left. And a good length of life. Mary Pat
  21. Oh Donna, I thought you would have had more time. I'm so sorry. Mary Pat
  22. If you were thinking of going as far as NJ, then there's OSU (Ohio) who has done a gazillion greyhounds. that's where Dr. Couto is. It's about 5 hrs from you. When I was there with both of my sisters, I saw greyhounds in and out all day long.
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