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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. galgrey


    Such a beautiful tribute to your beloved boy. I'm so sorry.
  2. Welcome and Congratulations! She's a beauty!
  3. Sadly, cancer is the leading cause of death of dogs of all breeds. Landmark Study Confirms Cancer is Top Cause of Dog Death by Dr. Demian Dressler A study done in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine backs up the fact that canine cancer is now the number one cause of death in dogs. Data from 74,556 dogs over 20 years (1984-2004) were analyzed. This data was archived for the National Cancer Foundations Veterinary Medical Database, and then surveyed. 27 veterinary hospitals across the country contributed. There is no single cause for this. Certainly there are breed (genetic) issues at play. It could be that age of death is a factor. However, there is more to this picture. Diet, lifestyle, and environmental issues are likely culprits. In immigrants coming into the US, their cancer rates end up matching that of the Americans. This combines with other research tells us that diet, lifestyle, and environmental issues are major culprits of cancer. Here is an excerpt from the National Cancer Institutes SEER program: Between 1975 and 2003, a number of studies were published;Their conclusions have been remarkably uniform. The studies found that cancer incidence patterns among first-generation immigrants were nearly identical to those of their native country, but through subsequent generations, these patterns evolved to resemble those found in the United States. This tells us that we should pay much more attention to diet, environmental issues, and lifestyle in our dogs. Link to article: http://www.dogcancerblog.com/landmark-study-confirms-cancer-is-top-cause-of-dog-death/ Link to article below: http://www.findavet.us/2010/10/top-5-dog-breeds-prone-to-cancer/ Based on pet insurance claims, Boxers are apparently more susceptible to canine cancer than other breeds, according to a list released today by Trupanion, a pet-insurance company. The list is based on the number of cancer-related claims the company has received for each breed since August 2000. These are the breeds with the most cancer-related claims, and the number for each: 1. Boxers 98 2. German Shepherds 96 3. Golden Retrievers 86 4. Rottweilers 86 5. Doberman Pinschers 42 The National Canine Cancer Foundation reports that cancer affects one in every three dogs, and half of those will die from the disease. The foundation encourages all dog owners to routinely examine their dogs for any physical or behavioral abnormalities and bring their dogs in for regular veterinary exams.
  4. Julie. I've been where you are many times and know the anguish and heartache you're feeling. It doesn't always feel that way, but being able to end their suffering is truly a gift of love we are able to give them. I'm sorry you're hurting so badly right now. I will hold you in my thoughts and hope you find some comfort there.
  5. So glad to hear it wasn't malignant. Hope you can get him eating soon so he can heal.
  6. I've nothing to add re: pain management. Just know that you and Nube are in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. galgrey

    Alan's Birthday

    to you as your remember your beloved boy today.
  8. Welcome to Grey Talk! Beautiful hounds!
  9. It's obvious he's a very loved hound. I'm so sorry you are facing this. The panting and limping sound like his pain is not under control. I'm sure others with more pain management experience can advise you about what to do next. Enjoy every precious day.
  10. Thank you. I will check it out. I'm trying everything.
  11. I'm not really seeing any benefit from the Mirtazapine either, but will definitely ask about Winstrol. Thanks for the suggestion. Keep eating Jessie!
  12. I second this. After Wilbur broke his leg, he was given Tramadol, and it was horrible for him. He could not get settled and was up & down, up & down, pacing, and panting. It was terrible. I think I would request a different pain medicine. I'm sorry your guy didn't get better care after surgery. I hope he feels better soon. My galgo, Cruz, had a similiar reaction to Tramadol he was given after surgery a couple of years ago. I hope Da Vid makes a full recovery.
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