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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Possible cyst? Maddie has a bump that I thought was a tick when I first found it, it was not so I kept an eye on it, then she started "biting"(it is on her left side where she can bite at it) so I called the vet they could not get her in til the next day so they told me to put a t shirt on her- went in and they aspirated it and it was a cyst. (it was not cancerous) It is not bothering her but if it gets any bigger they want to surgically remove it which will require her going under to remove it. Def get it checked out by a vet just to be safe.
  2. I remember seeing Reuben at GF- I check their website often and I have bought some stuff from their online store and I contacted them when I was on Nantucket 2 summers and there was a grey in the local shelter up there - So glad that Reuben has found his forever home. he is such a lucky boy
  3. Hi from NC- what's your little one's name- we want photos and info!!!
  4. Maddie had this problem. Try a baby sock or a regular sock with some vet wrap around the top of it to keep it in place.
  5. Prayers for Blue from Maddie and I. maddie has her paws crossed and I have my fingers crossed for good news for Blue and his family.
  6. Linda and Woody and gang, I am so sorry. Maddie and I will be thinking of you all. Give Beecher a big kiss and hug for me. Run Free sweet Beecher, there will be a big star shining tonight.
  7. You did the right thing. Good for you and Lola for walking out. I would have done the same thing if I felt uncomfortable with the way they were treating me and my fur baby.
  8. I feel your pain on this- Maddie just went through this for 10 days. Thought we did NOT have snow and rain . I was able to keep her dry with vet wrap and a baby sock. Good Luck
  9. "I've had good luck with Blue Buffalo brand, especially the organic version. My girl liked the Nutro you're on now, but she got fat on it, and I think the Blue is more of a premium food. " I went to High School with the owners of Blue Buffalo, they are such a nice family, it is located in my hometown of Wilton CT. They have been a sponsor of Mountain Hounds for 2 years now.
  10. Definately thinking of you, Tara Sue and Will today.
  11. I am so sorry for you. I can tell from your posts how much you Love Tara Sue. She will run free and will pain free and will have many of friends to run with. Several of my previous pets will be there to met her along with Freckles and other GT pets. Again I am so sorry. from Maddie and I to you, Tara Sue and Will.
  12. Lori- hoping that Bill is better. Maddie and I have our fingers and Paws crossed as well as prayers and hugs coming your way.
  13. Hi From Charlotte, NC- (Although I have family in Wilton and Trumbull, CT and grew up in CT)
  14. OMG- you all are killing me here. Glad I have a girl dog and not a boy. and Susan "hoo hoo" is correct, but Doo Hicky is a good one.- Should have a spoot warning on this - I almost sprayed my Diet Coke all over my computer. edit because I can't spell properly
  15. Vinnie- Maddie has her paws crossed and I have my fingers crossed that you find a home soon. Lori is good at finding homes for her fosters. Cal found a home so now it is YOUR turn.
  16. Ginny- Hope you feel better soon- Maddie (the other barker)
  17. HI Sue - Where in CT are you- My Mom and Dad live in Wilton and My brother and sister in law live in Trumbull.
  18. That is good to hear that he is back home- now Pepper don't play with those stitches.
  19. any updates on Pepper and his removal of his warts? We have our fingers and paws crossed here that all went well for him
  20. Maddie will be crossing her paws for you tomorrow Huey. Sending prayers from the human in this house
  21. How horrible for those two littel ones... run free --- Thanks go out to the people who tried to save them.
  22. I live in Charlotte and driving Maddie and I next month to CT to see my parent. i am not looking forward to being on tick patrol while up there. Usually I am out in hte fenced yard here in NC with her as she likes to eat stuff (poop included) dig and roll around in the grass, umm maybe grass is not such a great word as my grass is dead. More like dust bowl. so I watch her like a hawk to make sure she is not gettiing into something that she is not supposed to. Plus she likes me being out there so she can practice with her nerf football as college football season is coming up - she loves to get the ball but not give it back. we are working on it thought. Also with me cutting the grass weekly I usually am aware if we have an fire ant mounds etc. Welcome to the south. I lived in atlanta before moving herre. Hope you enjoy, The summers are hot but the winters are mild (at times) we did have some snow and ice when I was there.
  23. I am so sorry.... run free sweet Cin Cin
  24. Maddie raced at 64 #- when I got her she was 55# and was a skinny dog she is now 69.5#- (with some variations above and below that during the time period just like us humans) and you can stilll see some ribs on her. She looks good to me
  25. Ouch- that must of hurt Cash. Feel Better Big Guy- I know your daddy does
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