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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Bet you never wanted the weekend to go as quickly as you want this one to go! Greyt news about Jaynie!
  2. Dani- you gave her the 100mg of tramadol and the rimadyl? HOw long ago?
  3. Oh God- how frightening. I am so sorry. Sending loads of prayers. Please update as soon as you can.
  4. Much too young. I am so sorry. thank you for being such a good friend to her.
  5. Greyt news, hoping for continued good days ahead!
  6. This is what I was thinking. We are not trying to scare you. Polli starting limping Sept. 07. We did extensive x-rays- all clear. She kept on limping. We limited her walks to the grass as it was easier on her. Then, it started to get better and it all but disappeared. She would limp very infrequently. 11 months later she started limping again- same leg. We did not panic because we had done the tests. After 2-3 weeks of limping (not too badly, just enough to see her gait was off) I was about to make the appointment for x-rays when she fractured her leg by tripping on the steps and the rest as they say is history. It could also be something like the beginning of a corn which I understand are very painful to arthritis. What I've learned is that if they are limping, they are in pain. Prayers for an easy diagnosis and fix. ETA- just read the following posts. I am very happy to hear good news in H&M!
  7. What a happy and beautiful girl who was obviously so loved. I am so sorry for your loss.
  8. Hoping you got the "6AM" email from Dr. C. Please update and as Tracey said- do not be afraid to call.
  9. This might be her. Stars N Stripes yep, that is her! Janet spoke to her, I spoke to her, she is going to email Dr. C tonight and get all the labs/films together for him. I pray that this young (way too young) sweet girl (half sister to my Beau through TN Star Wars) will be OK.
  10. I too was thinking about you. Glad it wasn't something that had to be removed ASAP because it might be serious. So far.. so good!
  11. I was on with Dani- Janet Beeped in on the phone and so I asked Dani to speak to Janet first and I would speak to her after janet I could not find the pups name on GH data.
  12. I offer the same advice as Janet above. If you want to chat- you can email me your phone number @ rlm410@optonline.net The first thing I would do is to overnight the films to OSU. Time is not on the side of cancer. See what Dr. Couto says and then make your decisions. Is your vet savvy with greyhounds and anesethesia, meds to prevent bleeding out, etc?
  13. Welcome from NY- born, raised and still living here! How about some pics of your pup?
  14. First off, I am very sorry. I have been where you are now. We amputated for our Polli and had 5 months. It doesn't sound like a lot because there is down time after the surgery (3 weeks) and a week after each chemo (x 5) BUT when she was UP she was UP and she had a ball. She was loving life. Polli had fractured her leg so there were no options for us. Bone canced is exceptionally painful. There are some greyhounds who get 1 , 2 or more years. She could be one of the lucky ones. They adjust realy well. But you need to do what you need to do. Best of luck and prayers for you and your girl.
  15. We have a chatterer too! Beau chatters like a wild man when he is either stressed or excited... usually when he is waiting for something.
  16. Baby steps... one step at a time... like I said... SHE WILL get better! Continued prayers. I am thrilled for you both!
  17. Oh no. I am so very sorry.
  18. Every time I see this thread name I think of Achy Breaky Heart- don't ask me why- I am a classic rock girl! Sorry- Irene- No help. I know!
  19. Acupunture helped Teddy and his disc issues. Big time. It's easy on the dog. Bring a nice comfy comforter and plan on sitting on the floor with him. Bring some treats too and a book for you. Eventually he will sit down and relax. Nothing bad will happen, however it could take up to 5 or 6 times before you see anything, although it's usually sooner. It can APPEAR worse before it gets better. I don't like chiro as the manipulation can cause issues but acupunture is just fine. I recommend it.
  20. My Chloe is a true hypothyroid dog. She tested at .02 AND she exhibted many symptoms. Once on the meds, she became a much happier dog.
  21. RobinM

    So Long Kees

    So young. I am so sorry.
  22. Mary- after reading post # 115- I feel so much better as I am sure you are. There are a lot of people pulling for your sweet girl. This must be making you totally crazy- I can relate. She will get through this.
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