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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM

    Keep Moving

    God Speed. I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. What a loved boy - a beautiful tribute to a very special boy. I am so sorry.
  3. Welcome from LI, NY. Your Annie is beautiful. I wish my 18 year old was into the GHs!
  4. What a year for you Denise. Continued prayers for Warlock.
  5. My heart breaks for you both. No advice, just prayers.
  6. Double trouble is right, but oh so cute!
  7. As Batmom said sometimes UTIs show and sometimes not. Chloe is suscetable to UTIs because she holds her urnine too long and does not drink enough. Hope it's a simple fix.
  8. Depending on the actual diagnosis. The imuran and pred together saved Beaus life along with a presecription diet of HP/ZD OR HA. YOU can mix z/d wet with the HP or the HA. but nothing else. NODDA. No other treats than the prescription. He was started at 50mg of imuran and 50 mg of pred in late Jan. We are down to 5mg of pred and 12.5 mg of imuran. In the right direction.
  9. Whatever your decision, I send my prayers.
  10. I don't know. All I do know is how Dr. Friedman who is semi retired, owner of the practice called me back on a SUNDAY and agreed to "take care" of Polli for us on a Sunday. He came to the house. He allowed us a lot of time with Polli- before, during the 1st shot to relax her and her final shot. He left the house and sat in his car for 20 minute intervals. Then, HE took Polli away for us, covered her gently in his trunk, and as he closed the lid- he said "I'm sorry Mommy". Man did I cry. He was amazing and not even my regualr vet- but the owner and knew what was going on. My vet had left for vacation that morning. I have no idea if we were charged.
  11. Tears for and with you. What a beautiful boy. I am so sorry.
  12. I have a dog who almost died at the age of 4 from severe IBD. After $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ of tests and finally an open abdominal exploratory surgery, the diagnosis was confirmed. Beside being put on 50mg of pred and 50 mg of imuran 3 weeks later, the very first thing we did was put him on Z/D. THere are 3 foods designated for IBD dogs. Z/D, HP and HA. Is there any reason the vet has not put him on any of these? Z/D is the only one which also has a wet one as far as I know and when the dog's stomach is upset, kibble may be too rough on it. Chicken and rice are usually the first things they elimate from an IBD dog. If you have not seem an Internal Medicine Vet, I suggest that you see one ASAP. Many vets don't know IBD and how to treat it.
  13. Similar to Elsie, however Elsie had 5 tunors all together. We didin't go for the other small ones until we had the big one removed- that one was cancer- the others were not. So we will do monthly exams to make sure. I won't do the lung x-rays because... as far a i am concerned, there is no point. As long as she is well and happy, it's all good. Hoping that Quilty's recovery is quick, unevernful and this is the end of this problem.
  14. OMG- WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FAVORITE COWBOY!? Hoping he has fast and uneventful recovery. Have I mentioned how much I love this boy?
  15. Coming from the track- he was prob in pretty good shape, it's when they are home and doing nothing they can get out of shape. he prob will be fine in 3 days or so. Give it a rest and see how he is in 3 days. If by Saturday, it's no better, than bring him in to ease your mind. All my dogs at one time or another have limped for many days. Don't not take him in the future- he probably had a ball! I'ts good for him to let off some steam although I do admit as soon as the leashes come off at the ball field, I say a little prayer that no one gets hurt.
  16. Welcome from LI and congrats! Looks like everyone is settling in beautifully!
  17. Polli came home 2 days post op. NO drains, NO patches. She DID have on a binding sweater which made it so she did not bruise AT ALL. She was on 100mg of tramadol every 4-6 hours and 100mg of deramax. We tapered off the tramadol. For the 1st 48 hours she was home we gave her 10 mg of valium because she was so stressed. She would not have been ready for a trip like that for about 3 weeks. 3 weeks was the turning point for Polli.
  18. Interesting that you should ask tis question. I have a script right now for 30 375mg clavamox that I can get with a 10% off from 1800 pet meds for $80 and my vet wants $102.
  19. Prayers for your girlie. Chloe- age 5 has a UTI too- we just put her on the clavamox. Chloe trys to hold her pee too often and winds up getting UTIs. She refuses to go out in the morning until after she eats and then after enough times of doing this, she gets a UTI. In addition, she is not a huge water drinker.
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