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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I recently adopted Ollie- (see signature) who recently turned 3 as well. He was retired on Aug. 29 due to a bad break in his right back hock. His leg was never set so it looks kinda funky and when we adopted him in Nov. he was still limping pretty badly. I had him x-rayed just to see what was doing since he was getting spayed and a dental anyway and they could see that is was a fresh break and I was advised no running for 6 months (from break) which we stuck with. Now he is exactly 6 months post break - at the end of Feb and he is not limping anymore. Every once ina while he will limp or favor it or hold it up when he goes into the yard but he is just fine and enjoying retiremenet. This was the first time he ran since being with us last week in the snow! As far as anything in the future--- who's the tell? There is always a chance anytime there is trauma to a bone there could be future problems, but there are no guarentees for any one or any thing! go for it!
  2. I have the GG stuff - she won't eat if it's mixed in. I googled Synovi and then also found these soft chews: http://nutramaxlabs.com/vet/Products/Dasuquin-for-dogs.aspx Might have to see if my vet carries the Dasuquin and will let me try some. Wean it in- a very little at a time. That might work. That's what I had to do for Polli!
  3. RobinM


    I am so sorry top hear of Annie's passing.
  4. go to www.greyhoundgang.com Claudia sells pure glucosomine so your dog is getting the real deal, all proceeds go to the hounds and you can't taste it. Elsie would know if there is a grain of salt on her food and I am able to get the glucosomine, MSM and CMO in her food, no problem.
  5. Interesting analysis os what it smells like: Dead mouse, honey, skunk, & BUTT. Sounds like it will fit into our house of smells just perfectly. Vet is leaving it at the desk for us today. Thanks all!
  6. Happy birthday sweet baby boy! Feel good.
  7. OH yes. We have this. We basically never go anywhere without them. Because we both work, we spend as much time on the weekends as we can. But when we are getting ready to leave on the weekend, they are insane- they KNOW we are ALL going to do something. they don't care what it is as long as we are all together!
  8. Vet (the one for acupuncture) is practicing more Chinese medicine and wants Elsie to try http://www.duralactin.com/products_canine.htm and http://www.elkantlers.com/ Problem is, I can't get pills into her.
  9. Hummm. A dead mouse? I don't know what a dead mouse smells like nor do i want to know what a dead mouse smells like!!!
  10. I can pill a dog. Or so I thought. Elsie is impossible to pill. Totally impossible. I can't do it. DH can't do it and we can't do it together. I am not going to tie her up and pry her mouth open after I chase her around the house for 1/2 hour. What if any liguid NSAIDs are there? I can not put it in her food. if there is a lump or bump in her food, she will walk away. I can not put it in cheese. She does not like yogert and all the other goodies to hide pills in. No NSAID tonight.
  11. Nancy is that what the VOMinator looked liked!?!?!
  12. Quirks- yes! "traits" not so much! Other than medical.
  13. that's exactly what it looked like. He said it was not as aggressive as the manual adjustments. I believe Bobbi- Freddygirls, 11 year old GH just had that done today. this is what I read about it. http://www.vomtech.com/whatis.htm this is about the device. http://www.vomtech.com/device.htm eta- I just saw that we looked at the same website!
  14. OY- she was a nervous wreck but all in all she did well. We have our next appointment next Friday. Doc wants to do VOM chiropractic on her. I want to do reading on it. Anyone do it? results?
  15. depends on the dog and it depends on the type of x-rays. If they need to twist them into pretzels, sedatiion is necessary. Mine usually have to be sedated.
  16. She'll be fine! But we will keep her in our thoughts and prayers for an easy time. Ask them to go light on the gas. It helps.
  17. bump. Does this sound like LS? http://greythealth.com/lumbosacral.htm
  18. thanks greys__dreams. I have had deramaxx in the house for years and have used it on all my hounds at one time or another. I know all about the side effects and possibilites and "what ifs". It's kinda like reading the precaution of tylenol. it's pretty scary. As much as I prefer not to use any NSAID, it seems to work and until the acupunture starts working, I hope to use the NSAID for a short period of time. As soon as we have 3-5 acupuntures- I will stop the NSAIDs. I do appreciate you thinking about my Elsie!
  19. Nancy- other than what we discussed and what you are doing, I don't know what to offer. But I am keeping sweet Bobbi in my thoughts and prayers. She'll do OK with the acupuncture, she has to. Hoping others have some input. Also- call A&A in the morning and ask them to fax over her H&P (history & physical) to this guy. he will need it and it will save time if it is in her chart before you get there. It's normal and customary to do it. ETA- Dr. Burton's fax- 631) 423-0452
  20. Glad Rascal is doing well. I can relate to vet bills. Boy, can I ever!
  21. Hey Erica- I am sorry to hear you are having some issues with Lily. She needs desensitizing. But first, as mentioned above- a full lab work done and thryoid (full panel) Let them send the results to MSU for testing. In the meantime, I would start taking her to petco/petsmart, etc to start socializing her with other people. Did she eat while you were away?
  22. OY. I have been there with the food intolerance and I know what a nightmare this is. Hoping you got to the bottom of it and she tolerates the home cooked.
  23. We are home. Elsie was so upset in the car as she has never traveled without a member of her pack. She was in the back of my car instead of the mini van- barked the whole way there and thrashed against the back. OY. She checked out good. Upon examination, vet felt that she was showing signs of pain in her neck, back and hips. So, long term course of deramaxx and as needed tramadol. In addition, acupunture would probably be beneficial. I was so scared it was something else...
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