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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Our weather is certainly no where near what yours is, but where we are on LI- we rarely rarely rarely get snow. When we do, it's gone within a day and the temp is really not bad. It's the south shore ON the water which keeps things warmer than most parts of NY. We get some cold spells but today is 57 degrees. We've had a few chilly days, but it's not like upstate NY where it's Freaking cold!!!!! I guess it could be the muscles, the dampness, the strain... basically not one thing, many things adding up to make her not feel like walking.
  2. Thanks all- Diane- I've been in close contact with Gynis about this too! As far as acupunture, the vet who does Beau and Teddy said maybe/ no to it when she was initially home from surgery. He explained to us that with cancer, you don't want to manipulate the cells to make them move faster -I am definitely not explaining this correctly. Acupunture increases circulation- so you don't want microcancerous cells to metatisize. Now, may be a different story. I will run it by my vet and the vet who does it for my boys.
  3. She had given me her email address and cell phone (which I have never used) so I emailed her my concerns. My first reaction is because of the quiver, is that it does feel like a muscle but because.. just because I am who I am and where we have been, I am second guessing myself. I feel like I keep Polli under a microscope. I know MANY of you can relate to that. What's this, what's that, did she eat? did she eat enough? Did she eat too much (can't gain too much with 3 legs), is she walking enough, not enough, she farted, she farted too loud... get the point! Under a microscope is my best way of explaining. She must think "this lady is a total pain in my butt"!!! And I admit, I am, but only because Polli most definitely rocks my world & I love her so much. I don;t remember a time in my life that she wasn't here. She has such a huge presence that it just seems to be all about Polli... sorry for the rambling...
  4. Polli. I came home from work early today and when I let her out, she came down the stairs- looked a bit wobbly- she went out - did her business. She then waits at the steps for me to carry her back in. When she walked back into the house, her right front leg is quivering. When I place my hand on her leg, it feels like our muscles do when we are working out and we did one too many reps or the weight is too much. That is my best analogy. She has not wanted to walk and although she was rooing and vocal when I asked WHO WANTS A WALKIE- she laid down when we were getting coats on everyone. When she went out, she peed and wanted to go right back in. Another day- no walkie. She wants to, but won't. That leg is bothering her. PLEASE tell me this is a muscle ache and that the cancer is not in the other leg. Please tell me that. My vet's repsonse in email: Hi Robin, Often times these "tripod" dogs are more prone to muscle strains of other limbs due to the altered distribution of weight. Given there is no obvious pain and she seems otherwise happy, this is likely the case. That being said, I don't want to ignore it either if what you're seeing is persistent. Let her rest for a few days, keep her on the Deramaxx and we'll see how it goes. Keep me posted. Marybeth
  5. RobinM


    I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy.
  6. Tis the season... thrilled beyond words...
  7. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. She is running free with her boys now, pain free. Hugs to you.
  8. We are greyt believers in acupunture. Teddy and Beau go 2 weeks on, 1week off and then back on. We used to go every week. It has helped SO much. Beau is only 4.5. He has what would be similar to hip dysplasia but my vets refrain from calling it that because he is a GH. Cornell and OSU didnt know what it was. We knew what it wasn't so we went from there. His lower end and legs will collapse (not LS- not now anyway) and / or his hind legs will be kept up and he will tripod as he walks or runs. Since the acupunture has been underway, he has improved 95% at least. I am thrilled. I am concerned what the future holds for Beau but I can't think that far now! Teddy has some disk issue which caused pain. He now exhibits those symtoms very INfrequently. We take them both together to keep the cost down. I am very grateful for acupunture for them. I am thrilled to hear about Clark and will continue to pray and send good thoughts his way.
  9. The strongest! ( Welcome to GT- btw and thank you for the well wishes.)
  10. Much too soon. I am so sorry.
  11. We are all thinking and praying for your girl.
  12. Just getting on since early this morning. how is our girlie today?
  13. Thanks everyone. Polli is an inspriaton to me as well. I got an email from Winslows Mommy. She had been lurking on here and she read my post. She writes: Winslow had some times when he was just not himself, too. Sometimes it's better to allow them to set the pace. We really don't know how they're feeling. She may not come back "the same". Just spend time letting her know that whatever she needs, you will give her. Winslow still cannot go as far as he used to on walks. His was a hind leg and if he walks too far, he can't get up the steps when he comes home. He's changed some in other ways, too. We just watch to see if it's something new or a symptom of something wrong. There's always a level of paranoia, but we live with that . Winslow is still happy, friendly and loving, but his personality has changed since his surgery." Reading what she had to say helped a lot and I so appreciate it. I just get scared. I think when they go through this we are so overly senstive to anything we hear or see or anything we don't hear or see. Basically, I have Polli under a microscope. I need to take a chill pill and enjoy her rather than be so stressed worrying. I am good at leaving my stress at the door. In the house we are all silly loving and never negative. ETA- this is Polli's 2nd winter here in NY where we get mild ones compared to her farm in KS.
  14. Polli is 2 months post amp today. She doesn’t seem to have bounced back from her chemo as quickly as the last time and she is due to have her 4th treatment Monday. Although she is eating “OK” and is still my cookie monster, she is not as spunky and doesn’t appear to be as happy as she had been. She used to get 2 - 1mile walks a day and after the amputation she was getting 2- ½ mile walks a day. Now she only will do 1-½ mile and if I didn’t make a big deal about it, she wouldn’t care if she went or not. It’s her indifference that is causing me the most concern. I know there is nothing I can do that I am not already doing. Worried mommy here. Sometimes I think I am just reading into things too much. But I do know my puppies better than anyone.
  15. OH G-D. Poor baby. Poor you. I have Mango in my prayers... big time.
  16. Oh Sh*T Karen. Sitting her just shaking my head. Almost, but not quite ... totally unbelievable. I am so sorry the vet did not have better news. Monty will be right on top of my prayer list for clean margins and a full recovery.
  17. RobinM

    M's Stormrunner

    Oh no. I am so so sorry to hear about Stormy. Fun Free Stormy.
  18. Sigh. I am so sorry to hear about Mango but you are doing all you can and that is all you can do. As far as chemo goes, why don;t you check out OSU, bone cancer in greys article to help you make a informed decision as well as speak to as many professionals as you can. Here is the article: http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/2096.htm As far as her not eating, she would prob do best at home. Many vets recognize that greyhounds especially are so senstive to being away from home, that the best chance of getting them to eat is bringing them home. I believe Suzanne Stack, DVM wrote an article about that. My prayers are with you both. PM me if you need anything.
  19. She will be just fine nbut we will all send good thoughts and prayers for your girl. Please update when you can.
  20. Nope, no problems here on either of my girls. I heard that it can cause issues with chewing and the upper jaw alignment..... i am going to get it checked ASAP. Most dogs don't chew.
  21. Thinking about you and Willie.
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