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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. If they are not eating dog food, and only pieces of chicken ( as of last night) how the heck do I get powered medication in him???
  2. Spoke to Vet. She said NO to the panacur as that will make the Colitis worse. They are certain it's a colitis, possible IBS/maybe crohns. So, the plan of action is to try the flagyl again 250 bid and see if he tolerates it this time with the prilesec and carafate plus adding in a powder that starts with "T". I was on my cell phone driving to work when trying to comprehend all of this. IF GOD forbid this doesn't work, he would need to have a biopsy done of the intestine which of course would require general AGAIN and at least 24 hour hospital stay which at this point isn't the problem. It's the diagnosis that I am going certifiably crazy over. We are also going to try the Royal Canin prescription diet.
  3. Morning update. Whatever "light: sedative she gave him, I have NEVER seen him so drugged for so long even after major surgery... anyway, I woke up ever couple of hours to check on him and he had not moved, an inch. Finally at 4AM, I said to DH- beau has not peed since 2Pm (he is our resident pee pot) and has not moved. I could not get him up. Finally, I took the leash and he willingly got up. Went out back- took leash off and watched. No grass eating. A MAJOR pee and pooped. Decent color- no blood. Ate 1 strip of plain grilled chicken. That was it- he finished it all. Took out another package to defrost and made that at 7Am. I am leaving for work. He has not eaten breakfast which I figured he wouldn't but DH will try when he gets back from the walk. He does not like the ID. I did not know there was a precription Royal Canin- Are the ingredients better? Will be speaking to the vet in a few minutes....
  4. I will mention it tomorrow. They do check for it (a friend of mine has a dog that was diagnosed there with it) but in the event Beau wasn't checked, we will do that too. I will also ask about Whipworm. This is so bizarre.
  5. The good news is that he was/is feeling good enough to do that, but the bad news is that it increases the chance of him fracturing that leg by doing something or nothing. Polli fractured her leg by a simple mis-step going up the steps. A healhly leg would not have fractured. So, you have got to make a decision you can live with. Me? If amputation was not in the stars for one of my dogs, I wouldn't let them run like that because of the increased chance of a fracture. But that's me. I've been thinking about you and Lewis this week- however, i have had my hands full with Beau being sick.
  6. He is still very, very groggy, actually groggier than I expected for being only "sedated" but I took him an hour after instead of him sleeping it off there. He had collapsed on the floor- so tired in the weirdest position and all of a sudden, while I was blowdrying my hair - I saw in the mirror his head popped up. I layed down next to him with a cookie and after a few minutes he started to smell it, I ran downstairs and got the AD. He ate about 1/2 can out of my hand very slowly then turned away. I hadn;t eaten so I grabbed a piece of grilled chicken and he was very interested so I gave it to him. It was plain- just grilled. So, he managed to get down almost a whole chicken breast which was cut in strips. That is a good, very good thing. The last thing the vet said, was I doubt he'll eat tonight because of the sedation, but try to offer him some food now and then. I am so grateful there is something in his tummy now. I am praying that this will pass and it can get behind us too.
  7. RobinM

    My Jack

    I am so sorry.
  8. RobinM

    Dem Bones

    Oh no. I am so sorry.
  9. Thanks all. We are back from the vet. Beau had x-rays and more labs done. The good is news there was no obvious obstruction, no obvious masses. His stomach looked full and she was a bit concerned why it looked full on the x-ray if he hadn't eaten unless it was the grass, (which he was out there a loooong time eating) or dinner from last night. Blood will be back tomorrow. he pooped while there. no blood. But no real answers either. He is now so drugged out of his mind and looks so sad and pathetic. he is down to 61 pounds from 64. He wouldn't get out of my car so that was a production- trying to get him out of there.... Please say a prayer for my poor Beau. This is just not right. ETA- Forgot to add that although he was not dehydragted we opted for a sub q just as a precaution.
  10. Spoke to the vet at the acupunture place and he said to give him Flagyl (which we took him off of a week ago) and that of course without examing him etc, he could not diagnosis but it sound more like colitis than HGE. So, I will give him 250mg of flagyl and I think we should bring him in.
  11. We have been giving him the stomach soother. Carafate. We will give him ANYTHING to eat- he will not EAT ANYTHING at all. Kibble, wet, tripe chicken, beef, rice nothing. He will not take chicken broth when he is feeling like this. We are going to take him to the vet I can't stand. I don't know what for, but maybe we can get the labs done today so that it will be ready for my vet to see tomorrow first thing. We will bring the poop too. Wish us luck.
  12. Liquid poop.Tinged with blood. I called the vet and spoke to her. I can not stomach her and I get the feeling, the feeling is mutual. We have a call into the vet who does the acupunture. I am really scared to bring him into the vet at the usual place. I am so all over the place right now.
  13. THERE IS BLOOD IN THE POOP. Just did a walk with all 4 on this long grassy strip so that Polli could join us and when Beau pooped, it was a squirt of liquid and red/pink in color. Called vet- there is no one there that I would bring him to. (low person on totem poll who I took my cat to once and she does not know GH) My vet is there at 8 am. He spirits are good. Does this sound like HGE??? If so, what should I do NOW until 8AM?
  14. He won't touch the ID kibble mixed with the AD. Can't force feed him with a bulb either. He would get much too upset and we'd basically have to hold him down, force it which nothing good will come of that. he will have to go back in tomorrow to the vet. I feel like a top that is just spiining.
  15. WE HAVE A WINNER! The vet that see them for acupunture is also open and HAS IT. Please GOD let this be the silver bullet. Off to get the AD. Tried, HE HATES the ID He just came in from morning walk, DH said grass in poops and his stomach is SO gurgly, it startled all of us, including poor Beau who walked straight from the front door upon getting back from his walk to the back door so he could go uot and resume eating grass. We are going out for about an hour or 2 and I am so worried about him.
  16. Thanks Maryann- I just called my vet- they have emergency hours on Sunday morning- they don't have it but it can be special ordered. I need it now. I guess I could call around my most vets are not open on Sunday. ARGH.
  17. I don;t even know how long this has been going on at this point. Well over a month now, 2 vet visits, a change of food and things have never returned to "normal" but instead, I fear they are headed south again. Mornings- he is just not eating and he will not make up the amount later at night. So he is not getting enough to eat and it shows on his very, very thin body. Today, when we let him out, he stayed outside way too long which meant one thing only. He was eating grass. He must have stayed outside for at least 20 minutes grazing. Now, I made him lean beef with rice and it's sitting between his legs on the bed and he is licking his privates instead. We are still giving him the prilesec and carafate as directed. Back to work tomorrow and I am really having a lot of anxiety about leaving him without being able to feed him all day. I can not leave food out. I am at a loss. ETA- his tummy is gurgling for the 1st time in a week. Was it the tripe? the 1/4 cup of PP sensitive stomach he got his paws on???? I'll never know.
  18. Teddy had a white looking one on the roof of his mouth. When he was roaching, shortly after I adopted him I noticed what looked like a tooth growing from the roof of his mouth. It would up being benign and has not grown back so far in 2 years. They told me it could.
  19. RobinM

    Cindy (tv Cindy)

    The truth is you were both lucky to have each other. God Speed Cindy. Hugs to you.
  20. Greyt idea becasue they do shed, a lot. Just because their hair is short doesn't mean they don't!
  21. yeah- it looks like a blood blister that is full and the reason it's so dark is that the blood is old. Is it bothering him at all? Wishing you an uneventful vet visit tomorrow.
  22. Poor baby- hope he is feeling better soon.
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