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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. yeah really. We're up to $1600 this months credit card already... it's totally insane Dh WAS out with her. He was on the deck shoveling and she was in the back, the pool was blocking her. Go figure.
  2. Sending good thoughts for todays visit. Hope she is more comfortable. Ask vet for deramaxx and tramdol to have in the house. Always good to have.
  3. Thanks all. Yes, she does appear to be OK this morning. She had nothing to eat at all yesterday because after this "trauma" she went into shutdown mode and slept until morning. She woke up, went to potty and is mellow but happy. That was very scary. Polli has never cried out except immediately after her amp and not knowing what the heck happened was even scarier. These poor dogs have been through so much lately.
  4. She is resting comfortably. Thank goodness for the meds which I think took the edge off. I hope she is OK in the morning. this is too much already. We have something we call WDS in this house. (White dog symdrome )
  5. Things have been super until about 1/2 hour ago. I know no one can help me unless someone has a crystal ball. She's been a little bit more quiet today than usual. She has not been interested in eating. We let her out for a potty break about 8:30. While I was upstairs 3 floors up, I thought I heard a cry but didn't really think twice since she is outside 3 floors down, all windows closed, etc. DH comes up with her and says she let out a cry but came walking fine. He brought her back up and she has been panting and standing and shaking. I have not seen this since we brought her home from her amp. Dh went outside to see what could have happened. He thinks that she slipped in the snow as there is a patch that looks like it could have been from a slide. We just gave her 50mg of tramadol and 75mg of deramaxx. She won't sit. I am hoping that the meds will kick in and she will get some relief. Please say a prayer that she will be OK and that this too shall pass. Quickly.
  6. Blair- my love and heart and soul are with you and your boy. He will continue to be high on my prayer list. Please update as soon as you can.
  7. Just reading this. Prayers for your sweet girl.
  8. I second every word of this. Willie had a left front leg amputation on December 31, 2008. Once the shock and horror of the diagnosis was handled, the treatment has been pretty much smooth sailing. Reading others posts going through this helped a lot. He had his first chemo this past Thursday and has had few side effects. We are also participating in the OSU study and being provided chemo through Dr. Couto. Hugs during this uncertain time. And I 3rd this. Polli is 3+ months post amp and her chemo is finished. Yesterday we brought her to the inclosed basemball field at the high school with the rest of her pack and she ran more than her 4 year old son, Beau. She is as crazya & fun and silly and demanding as she wa prior. The only difference is she is now pain and cancer free. What better gift to give to our loved ones!
  9. prob just a blocked oil gland just like us. She did not seen to be in any discomfort when I did it, on the contrary I was rubbing her butt and giving her attention! I don't think it hurts unless we are really doing surgery with our nails!
  10. Glad she will be on the mend. Feel better sweetie.
  11. Chloe had a huge one on her bun. I squezeed it and it emptied, never to refill. No prob!
  12. I am so sorry for their loss.
  13. Hugs to you. What is your vet saying?
  14. So sad. My heart is with you and Demas. Continued prayers.
  15. Easy enough to rule out and sound easy to collect, being that she is peeing so long. bring in a sample and see what they say.
  16. I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. Sorry you are still going through this. I know how frustrating it is to have test about test reveal nothing.
  18. Funny, DH just asked me this!!!! I said, well Beau is bothering you for a walk, so you know he wants to do it!!!!! it's really cold here right now for LI. Coldest it's been for 5 years. 10 degrees today.
  19. He was such an inspiration to many. He will missed. Run free Morgan. I am so sorry for your loss.
  20. Poor baby. Thank God it not more than the break. Get well soon Rusty.
  21. Baby steps are ok as long as it's in the right direction! Hugs to you and your girl.
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