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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Poor Diamond. I hope he has a quick and painless recovery.
  2. You are forever optimistic which is wonderful and I usually am too, but in this case, I am afraid that the most "minor" thing it's going to be is severe IBD. My poor boy has really not been well for a long time.
  3. Karen- I haven't a clue. I am still trying to digest Polli's amp.
  4. IS it tomorrow yet? I want my Beau Beau home. The house is so quiet withou this big mouth. What will we do without his roo fest tonight demanding his after dinner walk? We have the other big mouth here (his mom, Polli) but even she is quiet without our Beau,
  5. I completely understand your fears. Prayers for your sweet boy.
  6. Update from vet. Now, I am 110% Isure did the right thing. Gross inflammation of the intestines. Surgeon called my vet during the surgery to let her know, it looked pretty bad. Could be lymphoma or just a very bad case of IBD. She did say that he did not see some of the tell tale signs of cancer, but because of all the inflamation, he can't be certain without the bx. The one thing they did reiterate to me is that they are sure they would not have seen it this clear doing it any other way. I won't know for sure until Friday or Saturday. If it's cancer, we will do chemo and pred. GOD willing it will just be the IBD.
  7. I'm guessing they won't let you see him tonight? they would let me see him but I wouldn't do that to him. That would be for me, not for him. He's there, resting comfortably. Me coming and then leaving would not be good for him.
  8. tomorrow. I miss him. I will leave work as early as I have to to get him tomorrow. He will have someone with him all night giving him pain meds keeping him as comfortable as possible. It's equivilent to a female spay as far as invasivness goes.
  9. no, the scope wouldn't be needed if they are doing the surgical bx. Scope does not go deep enough and the dx could be missed. This was a harder than hard to decision to make, but it's done.
  10. Beau is out of surgery, starting to wake up. Surgeon went on to the next case. I heard from the tech who will be staying with him overnight. It went "Well". The fact that they did not need to call me in the middle telling me they saw "something" is good. He did take several bx and until my regular vet gets in between 2 and 2:30, I won't know more till then. What really killed me about doing this was this morning, I had a dog play bowing, and playing with toys happy. Now, we have a dog that needs to recover from surgery. But, we will have the answers. This has been going on for a long time and when I read the email yesterday of a dog who had many of the same symtoms, but treated differently who had to be PTS because of a bad case of lymphona, I knew I had to do this. So, I will be able to update this afternoon, but he is out of surgery and waking up. Surgeon is pleased the way it went.
  11. For a "fee" you can have a tech stay usually. There is this one woman who I have that stays and I have her call me every 3 hours (work for her money!!!!) during the night so I can get updates. It's tough just leaving them all alone.
  12. I will be paying $300.00 cash for what I call the "babysitter" for someone to sit with Beau all night, tomororw night. I did that the 2 nights Polli was in the hospital as well as the other time Beau was in. I just don't want him being alone in a crate. My vets close at 9 pm, and reopen at 8 am and I would sleep in the crate with him if they allowed it.
  13. No. with all the overnights we have, we need to have someplace where they can be treated around the clock if necessary.
  14. I can appreciate the bills. Without Beau's surgery tomorrow, our bills are over 1600 this month... Oh well.. Hoping that Pearl continues to improve and her appetite does as well.
  15. did not ask. If it's IBD (which I am certain it has to be. IT HAS TO BE!) I believe they will see visually the imflammation but of course will go by the bx. I will ask when I drop him off.
  16. How are the stools? What labs did she have? We are in the middle of something with Beau and are having a bx tomorrow to get to the bottom of it all. I hope you can as well. Prayers for your sweet girl.
  17. See new post I just put on. Greyt minds think alike.
  18. Tomorrow is the day. He will have that bx to determine what heck is going on. Although he is otherwise happy and loving and silly and Beau, I feel I am doing an injustice to him not treating him and how do I treat him without a bx for a diagnosis? His eating at best is ehh. He's been tested for everything so it's time. God forbid it's cancer, it's going unrtreated... I got an email today from someone I met at a M&G who has a greyhound. She emailed today to tell me her beloved "Lena" was dx with lyphmona of the intestines on Dec. 5 and was PTS on Jan. 15. When I read that I realized I had to make a decsion. So, please keep Beau in your prayers. I know he will be in really good hands but it's very scary all the same. But once treated we will be able to move on from the H&M section of GT and pay more attention to the fun stuff!
  19. AH, thanks Patty~ She is just fine. Crazy girlie that she is. She is back. I still have no idea what happened but it was very scary to see her like that.
  20. I just saw this,. Poor baby, I hope she is feeling better soon.
  21. After much research, debate, research, 2nd and 3rd opionions we are going this route tomorrow. Beau has had soft serve or diarreah since before Thanksgiving. His eating became non existant for a few days and now he is eating, but not enough to sustain his 64 pound weight frame. Even when he is eating, he is not absorbing correctly. He is not gaining. We have had 6 negative fecals, treated anyway for worms, multiple blood tests of various sorts. All were normal. So, tomorrow he is having a sugical biopsy to get to the bottom of this. The problem with treating with pred first, is that if it needs a surgical bx after using the pred, it won't be as accurate.
  22. I am so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a very special boy.
  23. This poor boy. Continued prayers for you guys.
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