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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Thanks. I will check it out. I like the ingredients of the food, I had listed, but there is no documentation on it yet. I don't want to be a clicnical trial with Beau!!!
  2. No he won't. He literally has looked at raw and then up at me like Mom you forgot to cook it. If something Dh is about to cook and is too close to the end of the counter, Chloe and Teddy will be eyeing it, but not Beau. Polli, Beau's mom eats EVO. It was too rich for Beau. Doesn't EVO have either a grain or potato in it? I don't remember. Poilli eats the yellow bag, small bites.
  3. I'm not looking for canned, only kibble. I have the canned BG which has no grain. I want to match a kibble. The BG kibble has potatos. I did a search for NO grain OR potato. It is expensive, that's seconadary if we can get him well. Is there any other kibble out there without grain or potato?
  4. I did a search for grain and potato free dog food and came up with this. There are several options. Chicken, beef, bison, lamp or venison. let me know what you think, other than the price! http://www.thewholedog.org/FoodDry.html#DryFood
  5. The canned she is feeding him is just meat and water for proccessing, but it would be really spendy to just feed that. But we will if that's what it takes. At this point cost can not be a factor as we have to get him well. Don't get me wrong, we are hurting financially right now- business is down considerably for DH- but we have faith that it will pick up. We will do whatever it takes to get him better. If the dry BG is the way to go with the wet, I'll make the change now. We just bought a small bag of it today. ETA- the kibble has potato.
  6. Still trying to figure out which direction to turn. As of 2 days ago, Beau is eating Hills ID with BG Chicken 1/2 teaspoon tylan powder. Today we are adding in vit. B12. We are thinking of changing the kibble to the BG kibble as well, but don't know if this is the time. So confused.
  7. Yes, she did and DH just ran out to get B12. As far as the ultrsound goes, my vet feels that it would be a waste of money to do. She said that all they would see was a thickening of certain walls, blah blah blah and nothing really conclusive. So, we aren't doing that as of now. She did say that if I really wanted to, she'd rather me have it done at a specialist office where the dr/tech did nothing but US since it was such a specialty. Like I said above, so many different opinions and options. I wish it were more cut and dry. Beau has these symtoms, do this, that and the other thing and live happily ever after. OK who's delusional?
  8. If the gut of an animal is damaged, throwing B12 (or any other vitamin) down their throat does not serve to maximize absorption. But if it's injected, it is available immediately. There is also supposedly a transdermal version of B12, but then you'd need to find some relatively hairless part of the body- perhaps the groinular region- in which to apply it. Not sure if it even works; B12 is such a large molecule, I have trouble believing it can be absorbed in that fashion. There may be more than one route to getting where you want to be. Because the idiosyncrasies of various gastric disorders are so cryptic, all sorts of whackos (myself included) will come out of the woodwork with things for you to try. Almost certainly, your solution will be a combination of meds, supplements, and diet. What we- the collective whackos- have done is provide you with things that have worked under our circumstances, and give you some suggestions that you can mull over with your vet. makes complete sense. I am just a bit overwhelmed. Ijust want to get "there" already.
  9. What is tyleson vs tylan powder? And as far as putting the food in ice trays as a snack, that would work for Chloe, possibly Teddy but no freaking way would Beau go for that. He is ridiculously picky, just like his mother. What are the chances of one person getting 2 dogs with eating disorders. They drive me NUTS! I love them and that's a very good thing!!!!
  10. Lynn- I was actually hoping you;d chime in. What doesn't have to be compounded? How does the B12 injection 1x a week differ from the 200mg daily in pill form? We are just taking him OFF the Flagyl as he has been on and off for about 5 weeks at this point with no changes however the Tylan we did not give it long enough according to the "experts". As far as the weight control, I just bought Dyne, a supplement with 150 calories in 1 oz so I pray he likes the taste of that as he will not go near the ensure. One of the biggest problems I have is that there are so many foods that so many different people recommend and I have NO experience witt this, I am all over the place.
  11. Oh man, I am so sorry to hear that. I was rooting for you guys and hoping to find something for my Beau too.
  12. This is what my vet wants to do. Start a low dose of pred and hope for the best. I feel that we should try and do everything possible before we go that route since that route is always an option. I read on one of the UKs IBD sites that the tylan powder should be used for 6 weeks before we say it's not works. We have had him on 1/4 teaspoon for 9 days and just today upped it to 1/2 teaspoon. We are also going to add in the B12. I need to give this a serious try before we do the pred route but it's a definite possibilty. I do not want to do surgery again on this poor dog. It's just too much already.
  13. Oh no! Poor Frosty and poor Frosty's Mommy! Hope he's feeling OK
  14. We just read many of the things you guys have repsonded about ie: SIBO, (which has many more of the traits Beau is showing, B12 and Budesonide. I eamailed my vet my thoughts and the several articles about these several things. I sure hope she does not think I am trying to undermine her. i am trying to, at all costs avoid sugery and pred. If it becomes absolutely necessary, I will do whatever it takes, but for now, we are trying the B1, tylan, BG canned and possibly a change to the BG kibble for 6 weeks.
  15. So what should he be eating. We know what not to feed him. What should we feed him that he will eat keeping in mind we have an extremely picky dog.
  16. I picked up a bag today for him. I don't know if I should start changing kibble again. I am really overwhelmed but need to stay focused. I went to some IBD sites and see, no protein, a lot of protein, no carbs, a lot of carbs, low fat, high fat. etc., etc. There seems to be no cut and dry rule for this, hit or miss and in the meantime, nothing is getting better. Holistic vets take one approach, traditional vets take another.
  17. Positive thoughts and white lights for your sweet boy.
  18. 3 day fecal came back negative for Beau. We are starting him on the Drontal Plus tonight after he eats since I know that is going to mess him up more and I may as well try and get 2 meals in him today. He has been eating. At 3pm and at 10 pm, but he has been eating. His poops are still custardy if not looser. We are taking him off the flagy and putting him on 1/2 teaspoon of the tylan rather than the 1/4 tsp. Vet said she feels we are looking at IBD with Beau and we could see if a very low dose of pred will help. The other option is surgery/biopsy which I can't fathom to do right now for so many reasons. I asked if a no grain diet could help. She doesn't seem to think it's a food related issue although yes, some foods are better than others for this. He seems to like the BG canned chicken mixed in with the ID. I wondering if I should change to BG dry too. The BG has NO grain at all. Thoughts?
  19. No advice. Just mega prayers for Crickett and hugs to you. Please update.
  20. Lewis is a miracle pup for sure. He is continually in my prayers. Please update as soon as you can. And you know you can always call me.
  21. It came! I'm actually surprised, the postal service around here seems to hibernate when there is ice and snow on the ground. Thank you so much! You are so welcome. Now, Soulman, please - No more of this and tell your buddy Beau to knock it off as well. The moms need a break already!
  22. Just a thought, rather than take home the Reglen the day of chemo, see if they can give him an injection of Cerenia and then you give 1 pill of cerenia the next 4 days. It's only meant to be taken 5 days. It helps. Each pill is for 24 hours. The injection, the day of chemo is usually stronger than the pills we give. Also, usually the nausea starts that night or next day so try and get him to eat when you get him home. And let him eat whatever he will eat! With Polli it was a struggle the first few but we got wise after a while and if she wanted to eat 15 cookies and peanut butter granola bars for 3 days, that's what she ate! She managed to gain weight and went back to eating her evo when she was ready!
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