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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Thanks all. I haven't updated since we are at more of the same...and it's redundant. There have been some slight improvemnets. He is now only on prilosec 1st thing in the morning. He is now eating breakfast which is grilled chicken breast. Not a lot, maybe 3/4 cup. This is about 7:30 AM. DH is NOT feeding him when he gets home but we are making him wait till 5 ish pm to eat and he is. He won't finish it so I give him the rest at about 8. His poops are still liquid. Soft serve. I know he only lost 3 pounds, however when you look at him, his face looks sunken and his body looks much thinner. He is not well and there is something definitely wrong. I know my boy. We will give it another 5 days and if no change, we will have to rethink which path to take.
  2. I'm sorry Claudia. I know how much you were hoping for different results. Continued prayers for your girl and hugs to you.
  3. Well if you saw any of the threads on Polli she ate whatever she would eat. Some days that meant only cookies and granola bars. For real. Make sure you get cerinia for his nausea.. Remember if he is not somewhat sick from it, it's not working. When my vet said that to me, it made a lot of sense which made it more tolerable for me if that makes any sense. Polli got the cerinia shot the day of her chemo, then the next 4 days she got the pill as it is only to be used for 5 days.
  4. Sending TONS for prayers for your Butch. (Butch was to be the name of my cowboy that I never got!) Let it PLEASE be something other than "that" other thing.
  5. What can I say that hasn't already been said. We will all miss Ember, but she will live in in all our hearts, especially yours. Hugs to you.
  6. We do have eggs, but I don't know what a mortar or pestle is and I don't have coffee grinder a coffee grinder. I guess that is easy enough to get. I do know where bed bath and beyond is. I really don't do the kitchen so please bear with me. I think I'd like to do the egg shell over the calcium supplement but by microwaving the shells to dry them out, won't I be destroying the vitamins???
  7. Well, normal is good, at least they didn't tell you something dreadful. Same situation here, everything is "normal" but he poops blood. . . . Argh! So glad to hear he's eating again! If they were not normal ie: pancratic enzymes off, then all it would have been were the enzymes or vit b12 shots etc. So that's what I meant by da*n. So, now we will wait to see if being off the meds he starts eating regulary, poops close to normal .. if not, we have to do the bx.
  8. they changed it back since 1/09.
  9. Holding Crickett close in prayers.
  10. BTW- poops were still soft serve. And... labs came back "normal" DA*N. I had hoped he could be treated with enzymes or something easy but easy doesn't work in our lives right now. Have I said DA*N yet?????
  11. Time for a vet check. I know you had one in November but things change, or not. I am battling something like IBS or IBD with Beau and it's not conclusive but he is very symtomatic. ALL his labs and fecals have been normal. How is your girl's poop? Welcome. btw- what is your girls name?
  12. I'm not going out and buying cookware as who knows how long he will eat chicken. Please forgive my ignoramous in the kitchen, it's not my thing. The eggshells. Raw egg shells? Hardboiled? take eggshells from oven. I actually have one of these. I use it for heat in the winter to warm up the room! How long and what temp? Sprinke with powder? What kind of powder? Remember this is Beau, so far it does not sound like he will eat it. If I mix it in his food and he hears crunch, he won't eat it. If it smells different, he won't eat it.
  13. Why not? we already have 6 million types and brands of food! who makes it? How do I cook a whole (OH GAG ME NOW) chicken so that he can eat the bones???? Hi Robin--just wanted to make sure that you know not to ever feed cooked bones of any type--chicken bones in particular can splinter and perforate the bowel. If you want to feed bones to help firm up stool, etc. they MUST be raw!! Hope that helps. I thought you could slow cook the chicken whole? Not that I have a slow cooker!
  14. No when DH goes to the food store he gets the packaged breasts, 7 pounds in a package and just picks up 3-4 packages so we always have it. Beau and Polli like it grilled. DH standing out there grilling for the pups in 17 degree weather, gotta love the man.
  15. He ate chicken breast for dinner. He is on walk now with DH, stay tuned for poop report. Why not? we already have 6 million types and brands of food! who makes it? How do I cook a whole (OH GAG ME NOW) chicken so that he can eat the bones????
  16. Good idea. Since he ate decently and for the first time in the morning, this morning, DH did not offer him food when he came home today but rather we will feed him at "dinner"time when the others eat to try and get him back in the "groove". Hopefully, he will be up to it.
  17. So happy to hear that. Hope she is more comfortable soon.
  18. Oh Linda. I am sorry. What did the doc say?
  19. The vet gave my cat Stinky IV Valium to stimulate his appetite when he wasn't eating. He started eating IMMEDIATELY after the dose was given - it was like a miracle. She told me it only works for cats, for some reason, not dogs. Actually valium is a huge appetite stim for Polli. We found out quite by accident.
  20. Wed. Morning update and it's a decent one. 1) poops were thicker soft serve 2) he ate almost a full chicken breast (large) for breakfast. This is the 1st time we ate breakfast in about 2 weeks if not longer. We have him off all meds except prilesec and carafate only if we hear the gurlgies in his tummy. Last night he ate a whole chicken breast as well. I sure hope that chicken is not the trigger as it is the only thing he likes and will eat right now.
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