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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. So happy and relieved to hear she is OK and home. Now YOU get some rest!
  2. So sorry you are both going through this. My prayers are with you both.
  3. RobinM


    I am so sorry.
  4. RobinM

    Ef Cajun Nicky

    Just sitting her with tears running down my face, shaking my head, wondering WHY? WHY? WHY?
  5. Very happy to hear she is doing well. One day at a time!
  6. OK- it's weird. He had "D from what we think is the oatmeal so we stopped it midday on Thursday. Today is day 4 of only tilalpia. For the last 3 days he has a BLAST of GAS then a spray of liquid poop. That's it. He is taking in about 3 pounds of fish and only pooping maybe a tablespoon 3 times a day. What is this about???? Anyone ever hear of this? He is not otherwise gassy at all.
  7. I am so sorry. Run free Jack.
  8. he sounds very, very stressed. That's how my Polli was after her amputaion. She did not have a patch. I did get valium 10mg to help her and it worked wonders. It's also an appetite stimulent after it wears off a bit so there is an added benefit. Hope Mikie is feeling better soon.
  9. Looks like a wonderful day. Hope you get to enhoy many more.
  10. Beau's labs on Friday were "beautiful" as per my vets call this morning which means he will be starting in addition to the prednosone, Immuran. That takes a bit longer to kick in but GOD willing, we will start seeing some definite improvement in the very near future. He is not pooping much but eating about 3 pounds of fish a day. That could mean he is starting to absorb. Vet also thinks he's got a gluten allergy so we can't add anything else in for a while. His poops are very scarce but still runny. Stay tuned... have I mentioned how much I hate this?
  11. Except for Beau- he can have more fish! ] With cancer, it's cut and dry. You do this, that or the other thing but there aren't too many options. With severe IBD it could take MONTHS and MONTHS to stablize. We are at one day at a time with Beau and if that gets too stressful, it's one hour at a time. This is one nasty nasty disease where what may work for one dog, won't for another and there is no cure, just treatment and hopefully managment. We just keep plugging away.
  12. We need some good news around here, especially at our house! Today marks the 4 month mark of Polli's amputation. Her last chemo was January 5th. I am thrilled to say she is totally, 100% back to her old tricks and crazy demanding ways. Running around, screaming for cookies, yelling at us when we are not moving quick enough and just feeling good. We thank GOD for the good things, every day. Here's to my Polli girlie! May we celebrate many many many more milestones with her.
  13. Polli will be 4 months post amp tomorrow. It's a good day! She will not be without a leg, she will be without cancer! You are giving her a new start at life. You both will be in my prayers.
  14. Thank you..I haven't used it..just following the vets directions. but so many people here have said how good it is, I bought a tube to have just in case! It's great stuff, no doubt about it. I just don't think it would be right for this situation. Hi donna. I agree with Claudia- no emt gel for this. I have it just in case but I haven't used it as of yet. Hope Garry heals quickly.
  15. RobinM


    Beautiful and much loved boy, you will be missed. I am so sorry for your loss.
  16. this is something I have worked out with my vet. If it has to happen, I want it to happen in the place that my babies feel the most comfortable. Home. Continued prayers for Coach.
  17. I have no words. I wish there were something I could say. I am so sorry, Pat. God Speed Stepper.
  18. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for Jack.
  19. Thanks Mary, but raw for an IBD dog would make him sicker. I can not make ANY changes.
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