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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. I was horrified when I saw this on Facebook. Please know that you and Chevy are in many, many prayers. Let us know how your sweet boy is doing.
  2. I'm so sorry you and Neko are going through this. I night at the ER vets has got to be one of the worst experiences ever. Wish I had some answers, but there is a lot of knowledge here, and the advice for an OSU consult is good. The poor, sweet boy! Please give him a gentle hug, and know that you are both in LOTS of prayers!
  3. Oh, I hope Beanie likes the lady vet better! Maybe that, and staying in the car (and the treats) till right before she's seen will make the visits less stressful. Let us know how she does. Been thinking about both of you a lot.
  4. After such a hard life, how blessed he was to have found your wonderful family. You were able to give him so many more days filled with comfort, security and love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Santa.
  5. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Moose. Your first Greyhound always holds a special place in your heart.
  6. Melissa, we go to Dr. Theresa Fitzgerald at Avalon Vets. Everyone there is pretty good, and they don't gouge you, but we've been seeing Dr. Fitzgerald for at least 12 years now. She was the one who did Winnie's amp. We love her. She's not one to throw lots of tests at you without first trying the obvious. Then of course, there's the fact that she almost always cuts us a break.
  7. Ah, the poor girl. Hope they can find what is still causing her pain. Let us know.
  8. What a wonderful update. Freddy's story is one of the most inspiring I've heard in a long time.
  9. We're back from the vet, and I'm relieved! Our vet checked her all over real well and cleaned the scrape. By that time, she had trouble finding the place where the blood had come from. She said we did a good job with getting the bleeding stopped, and the bandage. That was Doug. He was a vet assistant in Florida, and is really good at that type of thing. We were both worried, though, that there was something more, or that the bleeding would start again. The vet put some ointment on it and changed the bandage, and said we could change it tomorrow. She'd recommended a gel called Vetricyn that we use for the cats, that is pretty all purpose, and said we could use that. So we are reassured. I said I'd planned to take her to the Home and Garden Show for a Meet and Greet tomorrow night, but didn't know if that would be alright. But she said she looks great, her color was really pink, and if she wanted go go, she didn't see why she couldn't. Oh, know what the charge was? $15. I love my vet. She has Greyhounds. And since Lydia was Born To Smooze, if she looks this good tomorrow, I guess she'll go. Thanks so much for all the good thoughts, and some good suggestions for wound care that I didn't know about. I'm going to have a glass of wine now.
  10. She sounds like a truly exceptional dog who really deserved a great family that understood her so well and loved her unconditionally. How wonderful that you found each other. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  11. Well, she seems fine this morning! We're going to keep the bandage on, even though the bleeding stopped. I don't want to run the risk of pulling off any scab that might have formed. I don't think the powder was painful because she would have let us know---she's a screamer. She was just standing there with a puzzled look on her face, as if she couldn't understand why Mom and Dad were freaking out. Now Clotisol---I know that hurts, I tried it on myself! Our vet has an opening at 4:00, so I'm going to take her in then. Deb, I do think her skin is a bit thinner than most, especially since she's older. She's 12 now. And, as everyone knows, my heart dog. It was such a tiny opening, but the amount of blood was scary. Erika, I'm going to check out the Paw Flex. And Judy, I'd love more info on the Yunnan Baiyao. Off to Google it now. I'll update after we see the vet. We both appreciate the good thoughts!
  12. I had just written about Lydia's scrape on her back leg in my Soapbox post, and never dreamed I'd be dealing with it tonight. I was watching T.V., sitting on the coffee table (as usual) and Lydia was laying on the couch behind me. I turned around and she was laying in a pool of blood, her whole abdomen covered. It looked like she'd been eviscerated! Freaking out, I'm wiping her off, trying to find where the blood is coming from. Nothing on her stomach. I find the scrape on her right hind leg from when she'd stumbled on our steps week before last. It had stopped bleeding pretty quickly then, and we thought she was all healed. I don't know what happened tonight, but it must have opened up and started bleeding---a LOT. Like a head wound. Or happy tail. I was thinking we'd have to go to the emergency vet. But I don't know what they would do. I don't think it can be stitched. It's right above the thin separate cartilage or muscle, and area where it's just skin. She was dripping all over the place. We got it cleaned off and covered the area in this powder called Antiseptic Blood Stopper. Like Clotisol? We put pressure on it, then bandaged it. She seemed fine during the whole thing. If something hurts Lydia, she definitely lets you know. She'd have to be muzzled. She sleeps with me, so I'll be able to keep her under observation. I was just looking at that place on the other leg, and there is a big vein running right along there. Should I take her to the vet tomorrow? I guess we'll have to see if the bleeding stops, but is there anything we can do that we haven't done?
  13. Aw, Judy, I'm so sorry. We lost our Patsy to lymphoma after doing chemo too. It was a roller coaster, because the vet thought it was likely that this type of cancer would respond well---and our vet is pragmatic about these things, so it gave us hope. It's such a crapshoot. Sometimes we get lucky, and sometimes everything we do is not enough. I really hope that you do have more time with her. I know how much you love her, and how hard both of you are trying. And I also know that you will make the right decision for you and for Beanie. You're both in my prayers. Hugs to you, and gentle nose kisses to Beanie and Nadir from Lydia, Polly, Tess and Calvin.
  14. Oh, Jey, it feels like some sunlight just left the world.Joseph made so many of us smile. He kind of epitomized the happiness that could grow and spread when the right dog found exactly the right owner. Thank-you for sharing him with us. We're sharing your sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your good, good boy. I will never hear the words "a good egg" without thinking of sweet Joseph.
  15. Becky, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Gweneth. Thinking of you, and sending much sympathy.
  16. Oh, Tom, I'm so sorry you lost your special boy. You and Hero were blessed to have found each other.
  17. You are wise to remember him best for his joy, the joyful spirit within him and the happiness he brought to you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tornado.
  18. It's especially hard to lose your first one, isn't it? He's a gorgeous boy. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tom Sawyer.
  19. Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Pop. I know you've had lots of emotions swirling around, with your guy shipping out, and knowing that you might not have much longer with Popcorn. Thinking of you, and sending much sympathy.
  20. Oh, I'm so sorry. It's hard to lose a precious dog even when you have to make that decision yourself, but when it's sudden, it's doubly painful.
  21. I didn't know all these Pittsburghers were around! I'd love to walk through Hartwood at some point. Not in this weather though! Actually, I'm pet sitting down in South Fayette then, but I'll email you, Alicia, and keep it in mind for the future. Welcome to all the Greys in the Burg! We're in Brighton Heights, on the North Side. There is a huge fenced dog park in Riverside Park by the observatory. My dogs are getting a little senior for running in the park, but Riverview is also nice to walk on leash, if anyone is closer to the city. Let me know! Oh, yeah, it's Riverview, not Riverside.
  22. Sometimes they know that they are home way before we do. He clearly knew he had found the perfect family. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cobb.
  23. How blessed you were to have such a wonderful family of siblings. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lily. She was a lovely lady.
  24. Yes, many prayers! He's come so far, and has been so brave. He HAS to come through this surgery, and be on his way to a full recovery.
  25. Eighteen years old---you must have been through so many changes together. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little lady Martha.
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