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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. for Wabi and hope it's nothing too serious for your dandelion girl.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss of Benson. He sounds like a very special pup.
  3. You indicated she may not be treat oriented. I had to find some really high-value treats for Ben so maybe you just haven't found the right treat yet. Secondly, I found that if I want Ben to pee, (he doesn't like to pee in our yard so I have to take him out the back to the park), I won't take a treat with me because he won't pee if I have a treat with me until he gets the treat first. However, if I don't take treats with me, he quickly pees so he can go back in the house and get his treat.
  4. I'm so sorry for your sudden loss.
  5. I hope this brought you some comfort.
  6. hhhmmmm...I can smell a special birthday dinner. Brooke will be turning 5 pretty soon...thanks for sharing
  7. Please note in my case the opposite happened. Ben was really affectionate and palyful when we adopted him but now he is much less so and prefers to stay on his pillow in the corner of the room. we have a large pillow in the middle of the great room that Brooke lays on a lot, and Ben will come over occasionally and lie on it. Niether of our pups have space aggresiion, but Ben prefers to lie quietly by himself. My point is that if you find a playful, affectionate grey, they may change over time like Ben did so something to keep in mind while deciding what to do.
  8. I'm so sorry to hear about Bernie, but glad that his remaining time was filled with love.
  9. Welcome! How far up north are you? Mind you, we're about 1.5 hours from the border and people still ask me if we see bears here...um no, we have 1/2 million people in our region. I see the odd dear though. I am on the GRA forum once in a while.
  10. greytpups

    Momma Tess

    I'm so sorry for your loss of beautiful Tess.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss...your pictures really show what a special girl she is.
  12. I'm so sorry to hear about Frank...how terribly sad.
  13. GHWP Newsletter This was from another thread but it might be an interesting read for you.
  14. Glad to hear the words "cancer free". That must be a huuuuuuuge relief.
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss...she may have had a rough start in life, but I'm sure you made up for it many times over.
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss. I too will miss Brandee pics. My thoughts are with you and Debbie at this sad time...and of course, I imagine the loss will affect Charley too.
  17. Ingrid, I'm so sorry. He was such a sweet pup.
  18. Lisa, I sent you a PM. I'm so so sorry. Words can never express how sad I am for you and Kevin. Max lived with dignity (well, most of the time) and died with dignity, very quickly, just being the sweet soul he always was. We will miss you Max, especially our walks in Waterloo Park. We will always have fond memories of NCR, M&G's and your soft soft fur. Lisa, no one could have given him a better life. He was loved so much and brought happiness and joy to many people over the years. Your tribute was beautiful Rest well dear Max, We will miss you. Love Jan, Ben and Brooke
  19. congrats...a face like his would be very hard to resist.
  20. Silver is so cute and he looks like such a happy pup.
  21. I'd say you have your answer in your post. If sleeping near her quiets her, then she wants to be near you. I also suggest a pillow and a baby gate and lots of exercise. A tired pup is a good pup
  22. I'm so so sorry for your loss of sweet Grace.
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