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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. It doesn't work for Brooke. I give her melatonin as well...she's still a little vibrator hiding in my closet. I also bought another coat that's suppose to help with thinderstorms, it has a silver lining so maybe it's suppose to do something with the static, but it doesn't alleviate the panting and quivering. Brooke may just be one of those greys that nothing helps.
  2. Welcome from Waterloo! Occasionally I post on the GRA forum, but not much since we don't have a GRA grey now. What a cute name. I thought by the title you were wondering if you could get licorice in ON
  3. I'm so sorry you have to go through this...it must feel overwhelming at times, not to mention sad, frustrating, worried, and all the other emotions you must be feeling. I really don't have any words of comfort, just that we're here for you and hope your pups start recovering.
  4. Bailey had a tumour in her paw which pressed on a nerve and as a result, we amputated her toe...just putting it out there fwiw. Mary, i hope you get some answers soon. Have you tried the thera paw again to see if it brings relief...if not, it may confirm it's a shoulder issue. I know he doesn't like the thera paw, just wondering if it might help narrow it down a bit for you.
  5. I still can't believe he's gone Robin. I will miss him so much on our walks. Phene has always been there from day 1. I've always loved him...he was always such a good boy...makes me teary -eyed just to write this...sometimes life just sucks. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost their beloved companions. It's such a painful experience. Phillypups always said, it's like taking all their pain and more, and putting it in your heart.
  6. Glad to hear Jilly is home, and she looks very happy to be home. Hope Heart is getting some pain relief. for you because you've had way more than your share of worries lately.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss...they always take such a big piece of our hearts with them.
  8. ok, three things, first I'm not a fan of crates unless it's for the dog's safety ,and secondly, I don't have children, and thirdly, i don't want this topic to go off track because you know how people can exert their opinions at times. Why would you crate train a grey when you have crawling babies? Isn't it enough for them to have a safe place upstairs in a bedroom for instance? Our greys get up and go to their pillows in our bedroom if they are scared or want to go to another comfortable area. Neither of them ever wanted to go in a crate once they came home to us. People in the UK rarely use crates and must face the same issues. Why are people suggesting crating? Flame me if you feel it's necessary but I hope the topic stays on track for sake of the OP...just wondering if crating is a good answer in this instance.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss of Mizzy.
  10. Ducky, he is soooooooooo cute How sweet of you
  11. Jen, didn't you have a leather leash vendor at the bbbq last year?
  12. GINA has an event at a winery on August 7 and I imagine lots of GINA volunteers will be there that you could talk to about fostering. Ben is a GINA dog and I found the group was greyt to work with, but I also heard you have to wait a long time to adopt, although this wasn't my experience. I'm assuming this could be because they don't have enough foster families.
  13. What wonderful pics of Timo! Thanks for sharing pics of your handsome pup!
  14. I'm so sorry, I posted in your other thread... how sad this must be for be to lose Bill.
  15. I'm so sorry, what a wonderful life he had.
  16. Sending lots of good thoughts for Miss Bella and hopes that she's back to normal very soon
  17. Wow, poor Betty and poor you...it's so hard to go through all this without knowing what's wrong and what can be done to help her. Glad to hear she seems to be on the mend. Plus she is so precious looking.
  18. Hilda, I'm so sorry for your loss of sweet Gabby.
  19. Krissy, I know how much you love Summit, but even if he doesn't get a whole lot of exercise while your gone, he may be less stressed. It's a tough situation, so hopefully you'll find a solution. Plus it's only for a short period of time in the whole scheme of your life. Brooke still shakes like a vibrator when she's stressed, even when I tell her I won't ever let anything bad happen to her...you'd think they understand that by now You can always keep me on the back burner as well for doggie care...no charge! Jan
  20. Krissy, can your boyfriend take care of him while you're interning? You might also consider Robin's offer.
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