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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Oh Gil, I am so sorry, my heart just dropped. How terribly sad...I know you love them so much. My heart goes out to you today, along with a few tears.
  2. Ducky, I'm so sorry to hear about Little Dude. How sad
  3. I just saw this today...Brooke eats about 6 cups food including treats/day and maintains her weight of about 63 lbs. She raced at 61 lbs. I guess if you aren't feeding her enough, she would be losing weight. btw, Brooke is our only grey who eats this much. And I have to space her meals 12 hours apart or she'll have me up at 4 am because she's hungry
  4. I'm so sorry...as much as we love them, it's just so darn painful.
  5. We have a special little bin with a charcoal filter that we store poop until garbage day so it doesn't smell. We can also put it in the green bin but then I'd have to empty it from the plastic bag that I use to pick it up.
  6. Wonderful news...hope she continues to do well.
  7. I've been searching for current CPR techniques on dogs but can only find ones that include rescue breathing. Adult CPR no longer includes rescue breathing, just chest compressions, so I wonder if that is true for canines. Does anyone know?
  8. How sad, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a lovely tribute to your sweet Rainey.
  9. No advice...just hoping is something minor and Max feels better soon.
  10. greytpups

    Miss Echo

    Jen, I'm so so sorry...I was really hoping she'd get well again. Words are so inadequate so I'll just send a
  11. greytpups

    My Brindle

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  12. Welcome, Sophi is so beautiful
  13. A beautiful tribute to your beautiful girl...I am so sorry.
  14. glad he's feeling better...and thanks for posting...I agree, those signs may be hard to determine if there is a problem or not.
  15. Wonderful update Hope she continues to do well and recovers quickly.
  16. Sending lots of healing thoughts...Sara will be back to her happy bouncy self before you know it...after all, she has us GTers praying for her.
  17. How sad...Brie I'm so sorry. He was so young. Heartbreaking
  18. He needs it...we only take it off when he's using the stairs, eating or going for a walk. Yes, he will lick his stitches. I would never forgive myself if he tore his stitches out and needed more anaesthesia to replace them. I have to admit, there are times when I laughed. He was going to lick out his bowl but the cone prevented him from reaching the bottom. that's why we take it off when he eats. And he can't quite figure out how to go upstairs with the cone on, even though it doesn't hit anything or prevent him from going up It's cute to come home and see him and the cone waiting for me at the door...it's not so cute though when sweet Brooke gets hit in the head with the cone.
  19. Welcome...yeah, we all have the same bug
  20. Our pups sleep in our bedroom, their choice and my preference. I'm a light sleeper so I can hear them if they need anything. But more importantly, if we needed to evacuate our home in an emergency and we needed to do it quickly, I know exactly where they are and if we can get ourselves out safely, we can get them out as well. Both of us are capable of carrying them which also helps.
  21. Poor ben is having a little trouble moving around with this big cone on his head...he's hitting the wall, chairs and kitchen island. He doesn't quite get it that his head is three times as wide...poor guy has to wear for another week yet.
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