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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  2. I thought that was high too. I still check to make sure Ben and Brooke are breathing every morning and sometimes it seems to take forever for their chest to rise.
  3. We are going to GIG and need tick preventative. We don't need it here but I want to protect the pups in PA. My vet suggested and ordered Advantix for us (I haven't picked it up yet) but some people indicated their pups reacted to it. What exactly does that mean? Is that "rushed to the evet "reactive or "lethargic" reactive, etc? Some folks indicated that Frontline was ineffective. Our vet said Revolution, which we use for HW from June - Nov, it won't work for ticks, yet robin_w's vet prescribed it for Iker and Treasure. I need to make a decision this week and I'd like to err on the side of caution. I do want to use something though because I don't want to take any risks and miss finding a tick, or worse. TIA Jan
  4. I'm so sorry you are your dw are going through so much right now.
  5. I'm so sorry Kyle,,,I don't have any words of comfort as I type through the tears. You gave him a chance and he lived life to the fullest. May he still have good days while he's with you.
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss of Lola.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss of Opie. You can tell in your wonderful tribute how much you loved him and how painful this is. May you gain some comfort knowing you gave him a life full of love which he deserved.
  8. I am so sorry to hear this latest update. My heart goes out to you.
  9. Congratulations on the new addition. Jeff is so cute, but of course, look how beautiful his mama is
  10. Keeping you guys in my thoughts, Here's hoping the lump is nothing serious, and you don't hurt yourself if you faint.
  11. :clap I'm so happy for you...geez, even got a bit teary eyed I imagine Charlie has worked his way into many hearts here on GT.
  12. thinking of you today and wishing nothing but the best possible outcomes for sweet Jasmine. She may feel better after the extractions if those teeth have been bothering her.
  13. What a lovely tribute to your sweet Maggie.
  14. Is he pulling because he's afraid or because he's not used to leash walking? If it is poor leash manners, Stanley Coren always just walks and turns and walks and turns until the dog stays with him.
  15. I'm so sorry for the loss of precious Bella...she was far too young.
  16. I'm so sorry...what a terrible loss.
  17. I'm so sorry for the news...I'm sure you will cherish each and every day with sweet Munchie. All of your decisions, no matter how difficult, come fro a deep loving place in your heart. But remember, Munchie is "living" with arthritis and OS....hopefully she will have many more comfortable days with you.
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