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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please feel free to read my blog about grief (linkin my siggie) a number of people have wrote to me and inidcated how much it helped them when the pain was overwhelming. What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget.
  2. What a lovely tribute to Twister...no wonder you still miss her.
  3. Welcome to GT! I'd love to see pics when you have time to share, although every grey on here is cute and funny and lovable and adorable and...well you get the idea.
  4. greytpups


    Two years already...it probably seems like just yesterday. I imagine you still miss him a lot.
  5. any decision you made was the right decision because it came from your heart. he looks wonderful and I hope he continues to do well.
  6. I'm wondering if the food has too much filler in it and she's excreting what her body can't use. I'm definately not a food expert though. Brooke weighs 61 lbs and has weighed that since we adopted her. That's also her racing weight. She eats a minimum 4 cups kibble a day plus treats and poops 3 normal poops a day; morning walk, when I get home from work walk and evening walk. I was worried that I was feeding her too much, but she maintains her weight (it rarely varies much), so perhaps your grey is like this as well.
  7. this is wonderful news...try not to get too anxious so Clever doesn't pick up on it...just relax and enjoy him being home. You can worry about Monday when it comes because you may not need to worry about it at all considering how well he's doing! woo hoo Love these wonderful updates. thanks for sharing with the GT cheering section again.
  8. poor Munchie, I hope your paw feels better ritawayquik sweetie...you have been through so much...what a trooper...and mama too!
  9. Oh Marc, i'm so sorry you are suffering another loss...I hope you get some comfort knowing she had such a wonderful loving life with you. Rest well sweet Kara...you will be missed but not forgotten.
  10. If Ben doesn't feel like eating, I just pick up his bowl and give it to him at lunch. We're at work so he doesn't get anything until I get home and he knows this. He's a dog but he's not stupid, he won't starve himself. We found that when we gave them pizza bones and food like that, he wouldn't eat his kibble. so no more human food, except for yogurt. He does eat less in the heat too. Brooke is a chow hound, if she ever stopped eating, we're off to the vet.
  11. Instructions Create an account in http://photobucket.com/ Photobucket (this part is really easy) Once it's created you will see a button called "Upload" near the top of your screen - click on it click on the button "Select photos and videos" Select the photo from your computer and then select "open" the photo will be uploaded to Photobucket automatically select "view album" scroll your mouse over the photo until a drop down menu appears copy the IMG code paste it into your GT reply the GT cheering squad would love to see photos Oops I see you figured it out...beautiful hounds
  12. Thinking of you guys and sending lots of healing thoughts for a quick recovery for Tristan .
  13. She's used to eating a lot more and you are feeding her more healthy amounts??
  14. When we got Ben he was leash walked because we didn't have a fence so he still doesn't go in our yard.For us, it works though because our greys get lots of walks, no matter what the weather. I know Susan (georgeofne above) has mentioned a greyt idea in the past. The first walk is short and meant for George to do his business before breakfast, then she takes him out for a longer walk after that. I always thought this was ideal, however, it can take time to train him and maybe she can expand on her method. What I can tell you is that you need to keep him outside until he goes so he learns what is expected of him. You may need to go out before 10am to give yourself extra time to stay with him until he does his business.
  15. I'm so sorry this is your first post. I can help at all because I haven't experienced this with my hounds but I'm sure many others will chime in with questions and answers. You may want to add additional info like medication and tests performed at the vet. Also, there is a world'renowned vet at OSU, sorry I can't remember his name, but I believe he's a neurologist because I heard him at a conference who may also be able to provide answers if you consult with them. Again, other GTers may have more helpful info. Plus I sure hope they have helped alleviate the pain for now.
  16. I love her name...she's beautiful and her name suits her. What a lucky girl she is too. Welcome and I look forward to lots of pics and stories.
  17. Remember when training a dog, you need to show them the expected behaviour. So use treats and the word "off" or whatever word you choose. Don't use his name though, save that for recall training when you want him to come to you.
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