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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Update: Ben sliced his leg yesterday while running and I thought he just needed antibiotics and could wait until today...wrong...our vet said we should have called him. Ben needed stitches and then Grant (our vet) checked his teeth while he was anesthetized and poor guy had to have some teeth extracted. Grant thought he may have to extract his canines, but we're hoping the antibiotics will help his mouth as well. It would have been a lot easier on Ben if I hadn't waited. Then Dh took him for a short walk down the street and he came back with a cut paw I had to call our vet's office at noon. The last time I had to call the vet at noon, he told me Bailey had cancer and there wasn't anything he could do for her. So to say I was a bit anxious making the call would be an understatement...yeah, I know I worry too much, but geez, these are my babies. I feel bad because I didn't want to impose on our vet and didn't think it warranted a trip to the evet. Poor Ben is suffering for it though. I don't have to worry about putting the cone on yet though...he's far too groggy. Thanks for your good thoughts and phone calls...mostly I've been watching him to make sure he's still breathing Ben could use a few good thoughts please Damn, I wish I hadn't fed him this morning...I had no idea he'd need surgey...how can I be so clueless sometimes
  2. Welcome from Waterloo, Ontario (about an hour west of Toronto)
  3. greytpups


    I'm so sorry...too many losses. She was so sweet.
  4. greytpups


    Tena, I am sos so sorry...a beautiful tribute to a beautiful pup.
  5. Ducky, I am so so sorry for your loss.
  6. When Brooke blew her kennel coat I was very concerned because she lost so much fur including her whole neck in the middle of winter last year. But it eventually filled in without the use of supplementation.
  7. Oh Gil, I am so so sorry. I will always remember your sweet quirky girl who let me pet her on the bed. The shy spooky ones always have a special place in my heart and Dimples was one of them for sure.
  8. What a beautiful way to remember them.
  9. I'm so sorry...I too was hoping she'd fight this and be well again.
  10. Perhaps her mouth was causing some difficulty and once she feels better, she may want to eat more Hope sweet Shelby recovers quickly.
  11. He is so handsome...how kind of you to take him in where he will have such a wonderful home. And we love pics...no such thing as too many.
  12. I've watched it, very interesting documentary and I would recommend viewing it and drawing your own conclusions.
  13. greytpups


    I'm so sorry...what a beautiful tribute to him Heather.
  14. I'm so sorry...how sad.
  15. What a beautiful tribute to Tina...I'm so sorry for your loss.
  16. Welcome from Waterloo...Becker is very handsome.
  17. Eva and Tim, I'm so sorry it was her time. Rest well sweet Bailey.
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