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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. greytpups


    Words seem so inadequate. Like many others, tears are flowing because I hoped that he would win this fight. I hope you get some comfort knowing that so many of us are mourning with you.
  2. Have you read GTer Giselle's posts or watched her videos? She's a behavourist...so is Patricia McConnell who also has a website. That should give you some ideas. I find both of them amazing. jmho
  3. Have you talked to Robin M...she has an IBD grey and may have suggestions.
  4. My story is a little bit different because I did not get a sign from Bailey. She had stomach cancer and we had to make a decision right away because she couldn't keep any food down. She was bright, alert, followed me around, went for walks, but couldn't keep her food down. I knew she was getting tired though and she couldn't be cured...so I made the decision that if she couldn't eat she would continue to lose weight and be malnourished, and that would not be fair to her, and would be selfish of me. I always felt I let her go too early, but I didn't want her to suffer any more and she would only be alive because of my selfishness and I knew it would be painful. After reading these stories, perhaps it was the right decision, even if Bailey never gave me any signs. A friend (gazehund) said she'd rather let a hound go one day too early rather than one day too late, and I kept this in mind when I was going through this. I just wanted to point out that I didn't get a sign, but I had to listen to my heart and do what was best for Bailey because I loved her so much.
  5. Welcome from Ontario...what a cute pic!
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss...rest well sweet Ladybug
  7. greytpups


    What a beautiful tribute...I am so sorry for your loss.
  8. Pam, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  9. What a legacy he leaves behind. Rest well, I'm sure you will be missed by the greyhound community.
  10. Rest well dear Rumble...how fitting his son won a stakes race...perhaps in his honour.
  11. My experience with dog parks is that a lot of people take their dogs to them but have very little knowledge about dog behaviour in general and do not keep their pets under their control. I've seen so much "he just wants to say hello" behaviour and I've tried to explain to the owner that their dog's behaviour is aggressive, not cute, but to no avail. I prefer greyhound play groups for socialization...at least I know all of the owners and they control their dogs.
  12. Precious pics of Garent...what a lovely name.
  13. greytpups

    Knoxie Kitteh

    I'm so sorry...16 years is a long time so you must really miss her.
  14. Just want to let you know we continue to keep you in our thoughts...it's easy to say take it one day at a time, but hopefully you can cherish those moments when Harley does those things that make your heart feel like it will explode with love, and keep those negative thoughts that are out of your control at bay for a few moments at least. I know easier to say than done... You will get through this...we are here for you.
  15. Thank you very much for the info! I take Bella to a weekly dog "playdate" at the enclosed diamond. There's only about 6 of us tops, but I will mention to them that if this were to happen, then everyone hold back their own dog...does that sound like the proper thing to do? Edit: Just wanted to mention that we do muzzle. Maggie, we've had this happen a couple of times at the park. All of us owners yell and run over and grab any dog, doesn't matter who the owner is, and get them off the hurt dog. that's usually what happens, a dog yelps and the pack mentality takes place. That's why I always keep Ben and Brooke in my sights. Even Ben will get in on the attack, that's my first clue to get my a$$ moving as fast as I can because you know how much he runs Once they've calmed down things are usually fine again...but it's a reminder that first and foremost they are dogs, even if you think of them as your babies.
  16. that Gracie continues to get well soon
  17. Sherry, thanks for posting pics, he's so handsome, and obviously very well loved. You all remain in our thoughts...I come here everyday for an update and hope he will continue to get well. Like everyone says, there are ups and downs, but he seems to be doing well.
  18. I'm sorry you got this dx...Kari, you and Sparks are in our thoughts.
  19. Beautiful pics of your beautiful pups.
  20. I know how hard it is to lose one so I can't begin to imagine what you are facing. I'm so sorry for all of your losses.
  21. Wonderful news Dee! I always check for an update and am so glad to hear how much she has improved. Your posts may help those of us who may face similar situations.
  22. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your loss...she sounds like she was doing what she liked best...no matter how long we have them, it's never long enough.
  23. Feel your heart Pat...she's with you
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