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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. ozgirl2

    Dweebis Kaneebis

    I'm so sorry - I always liked hearing about Dweebis...
  2. You gave them great lives & they gave you their hearts... (It's coming up on four years since I lost Cody... unbelievable...) Unfortunately I know how you feel...Mine this year is a very sad Christmas as well... I'll be thinking of you..
  3. Cody did this when she had a bulgy disc in her back... if he's having trouble jumping up now, it might be worth a check! She was on prednisone & acupuncture & it improved for a looooong time!
  4. :I'm so sorry, Pat... we'll all miss the queen... Run free, Barbiejade...
  5. I'm so sorry Patti... but those pictures just made me smile - she'll always be a GT favorite, just like her sister Sophia...
  6. :I've been moonlighting a bit as an evil elf BUT I leave on my trip tomorrow!! No more elfing for me till Dec. 3!! However... if anyone still needs evil elves by then, I'd be happy to help!
  7. Mmmmmmmm!! (Go check out my pix from Dewey in events... you won't LIKE it!!! Maybe eat a bunch of chocolate first?!?!?!?!? )
  8. She's a beauty!! What group did you go through?
  9. "tripe"... Hi Kerri - and THANKS, Judy!! I was the original evil elf but I can't start a new topic on GT!! (I'll have to ask Jeff about this one... I think it may be my new-old computer!) Thanks for answering - I'm sure your SS will see this!! (And maybe send some tripe for Penny... )
  10. Thank you, Tania!! I'm sure your SS will see this!!
  11. Oh NO! Secret Santa probably won't reveal him/herself now!! I know who it is!!! I was s'posed to be an evil elf but can't post new topics - so someone ELSE will be posting a request for you, Penny (and for mom...) so keep an eye out!!
  12. Bumping for Doofbert & Tania!!!! Where ARE they??
  13. Good Day to you Jayne I need to obtain Some info for someone conniving On Tania the grey Who lives in PA So packages can be arriving!! In Poconos, Tania the grey Can often cause quite a melee She's barely turned one And has lots of fun Sometimes to her parents' dismay!! Her Secret Santa wants to know What he should bring a 'dog-on-the-go' Just what is in her doggie dreams? Some stuffies? Or a monkey who screams? And just what ARE her favorite treats? Does she need booties for her feets? What kind of bling to bring this grey? These questions please answer without delay!! And what about for mom & dad? What things would really make them glad? But homework now you need to start... On Tania - measure EVERY part! From nose to tail, around the chest, How big's her neck, what color is best? And when you've finished, don't dismay - Kick back & have some Chardonnay!!! Thanks from your personal evil elf... I need the standard measurements for Tania and other clues about what KINDS of toys she likes best, favorite treat flavors (all?) or consistencies (all?); does she (or you) have a favorite color for jammies/coats?? {PS!!! Tania... your own very special Secret Santa wants to know (and I quote!): "what herb willy wants dat herb ma won't git herb"!!! So PM me back so your momma won't see this, OK???}
  14. Do you have both your evil elves yet?? If not, PM me!!
  15. Since I'm not doing SS this year, I can reveal my methods!! I try to send post cards from Santa from ALL over the place! (Either from travelling or enlisting lots of elves!!) It's great to confuse your SS-ee!! Then I reveal in the main box ('cause there are usually also some pre-presents...) But you can do whatever you like - as long as you DO reveal with the main gift...
  16. I DO love SS poems & songs!! (PS - I'm not participating this year so if anyone needs another evil elf, my speciality is bad limericks!! I'll just need some info to go on... PM me...)
  17. I'm so sorry for the loss of your mentor... I had 2 teachers in grade school who really influenced my life & was never able to find them after high school, once they'd both moved on... I hope all teachers read your tribute! They need to know how wonderfully they can influence lives & perhaps never even know it!
  18. "and we said how miserable and sad she'd been" But Bev - that's ALWAYS been Darcy's schtick!! I'm soooooo pathetic!!
  19. Hi Nicki!! I was gonna suggest you introduce yourself to the Doyles since you're close by... guess I don't need to!! Paddy is so cute! Looks just a bit like Sprout! And Robin's right - that's a GORGEOUS fireplace in the background!! Please give my love Darcy a HUGE hug from her auntie Jeannine since you're lots closer than I am!! Welcome to GT!
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