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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. Toby did better last night and today. Perhaps we have enough painkillers in his system now that he is comfortable. I'm hoping he'll sleep through the night again tonight, so that we all can get some more rest. I suppose like a golfer, we'll "play it as it lays." Now if we can just encourage him to eat more, we'll be even better off. Toby's always been a chow hound extraordinaire...for him to be off his food tells me how uncomfortable he was. He's eating some food, but nowhere near as much as in the past, and with less gusto.



    i cooked rivie chicken breasts and then processed them in the food processor (which she LOVED and ate with relish!). we thought the os caused some pain in her jaw or something so it was hard for her to chew -- you might try something along this line.


    my thoughts are with all of you -- hugs - teri

  2. Add another name to this damnable list...our Toby (A Blazing Glory) was just diagnosed. The lesions aren't on his long bones...they're in his pelvis. Our vet says it's been upwards of 20 years since he's seen osteo present like this in a greyhound. We plan to keep him comfortable, spoil him rotten, and just sort of see how things go from here.


    i am so sorry your name is added to the list. our rivie's os was on her rib - there is lots of friendship and support for you on this thread -- and lots of great tips and advice as well - scritches to toby!!

    edited to add - jen and neyla - you continue to be in our prayers!!!!

  3. i wanted you all to know i got an email from carol (anubis' mom) today.....many of us had wondered about her in this thread (for those of you who are new to the thread, anubis was one of the original 5 dogs with osteo dx in early july). she has not returned to gt since august when anubis lost the fight - says she is still not in any condition to hear about pain & anguish others are having. ... she is still hurting. her prayers are with us all and she hopes we are all healing from our loss or doing well. please keep carol in your prayers as well - thanks - teri

  4. my friends daughter lives in la an "rents" a little thing of grass for her condo's deck - you might look into that - she has a little "holder" - then the rental company brings a rolled up grass to fit the holder and a baggie for the used grass and some disposable gloves to carry out this task. i believe there are different plans for rental, but she gets fresh grass every week - is there anything like this in your area? just an idea --


    edited to add -- we're pulling for you sweet neyla!!!

  5. shannon - what a wonderful tribute to flash...you and flash have become friends over the last months as we were diagnosed within days of each other and fought together --






    and now there is just charlie (and kyle, you know we are all charlie's biggest cheerleaders! he is going to kick os for you and the rest of us, too!)

    my heart hurts for you, you know.....

    tonight i drink a toast to you shannon, and to beautiful angel flash

    cancer sucks

  6. shannon - i cooked rivie chicken breasts and chopped them in the food processor - sometimes i got the idea from her that it hurt her to chew - she had just had a dental a month before her dx, so i don't think it was due to teeth problems - just an idea that might help flash???


    jen - so glad the proceedure is over and some answers are on the way!

    think i'll join you in a glass......

  7. as thanksgiving is on my mind i just want to tell you all how thankful i am for each of you -- you got me through one of the toughest times of my life -- you were there for my rants, cries for help, ups and downs being supportive and becoming my friends. to each of you still fighting the fight, you have my admiration and support - i am your biggest cheerleader!! i LOVE to hear your good news and i celebrate with you! to those of you who, like me, have lost the fight - my heart is with you and i truly understand. i am so thankful to have this thread of "everything you ever wanted (and didn't want) to know about osteo" - what a GREAT resource for all. i too never visited h&m on gt - but i am so thankful it was here when i needed it - and that you all were placed in my life - i could not have gotten through the summer and fall without each of you -- so happy thanksgiving to you dear ones - be thankful for each day with your sweet pups - we NONE of us know what tomorrow holds - HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

    now go feed those pups some turkey!!!

  8. rivie's osteo was on her rib -- i noticed a very small less than pecan sized "lump" on her side 2 days after a rabies shot last june. looking back i ask myself what other symptoms i might have missed - she seemed to have been shedding heavily during the summer....other than that no clue.

  9. i had just thought of you this morning and opened up gt to post a CONGRATS NEYLA on "the thread". jen she is SO beautiful and looks so happy. Thank you, Neyla and Jen for your help, support, tips, etc. - you are an inspiration and deserve a very special celebration!!!! i, too, will drink a toast this evening to the beautiful neyla and jen -- Happy 6 months anniversary!

  10. after just going through this with my beloved rivie some advice for you as a friend -- PLEASE call her often - every day if possible. let her know you "get it" and want to hear about what she is feeling. take a treat or 2 to flash or a bottle of wine to her people -- or anything -- just show them that you care and are there for them. if not for my friends on the osteo thread of gt i don't know what i would have done.....even my "doggie loving friends" didn't get it. so be there for your friends and for flash. you might also direct them to the 40-odd page osteo thread on here -- it is full of GREAT information and support!!

  11. My Grey started limping, so we called the vet and they said to give it a day and see if it gets better. The next day it seemed better, as he was putting more weight on it, but than the following day he began favoring the leg again. The vet took X-Rays and showed us two things: one was a slight bulge/spur of the bone and the other were 2 little black marks on the bone. The vet said she didn't want to worry us, but it could be cancer. She said since the dog is young and and cancer doesn't usually appear in that spot, that it might not be cancer. She gave us some anti-inflammatories and antibiotics and told us to come back in 2 weeks for more xrays. I don't know if she was giving us her full thoughts, though, and after reading all about osteosarcoma some of the symptoms seem to match. They ordered 3 xrays, and only showed us 2, so I'm also wondering if the third was one of his lungs. I might be overreacting, but it just seems that the vet wasn't telling us everything and were all a bit worried now.

    I am sorry that you might be facing this. Your vet probably isn't withholding anything. Like other's have said, the 3rd x-ray probably didn't show anything.


    Unfortunately osteosarcoma symptoms are very similar or even the same as symptoms from many other more minor causes. But with a large breed like a greyhound, it is always wise to be on the safe side and take x-rays. Since your vet saw something somewhat suspicious on the x-rays, I would definitely have them looked at by an oncologist. Dr. Couto's team at OSU will look at x-rays at no charge. You or your vet would need to e-mail them (if digital) or mail them to OSU. I will follow this message with my standard information on the OSU Greyhound Program.


    You asked if the symptoms could come and go if it was OS. Yes, in the early stages especially, the limping can come and go. But it can do that for many other reasons also.


    It would be unusual for a 5 year old to get cancer, but it certainly has happened. The abnormalities on the x-rays could be signs of cancer, or they could be signs of an old racing injury or any number of things. So don't panic for now.


    If it is osteo, there are treatments available. Feel free to call me and I can do my best to answer questions for you. My number is 614-523-0754.




    Here is info on the OSU program:


    The email or phone consult is free, however a few people have been told they must sign up for the website ($50) and submit the request that way. Dr. Couto tells me that this is not true. However, if you are a member of their website, please submit your request that way because it will automate things and make record keeping for them easier. Certain chemo drugs are free; you would need to pay to have them administered.


    Greyhound Health and Wellness Program

    Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine

    601 Vernon Tharp Street

    Columbus, Ohio 43210

    Phone: (614) 247-6757 or (614) 247-8490

    Email: greyosu@osu.edu

    Website: http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/GHWP.htm (registration and fee now required to get full access to this site)


    This email goes to the team. If Dr. Couto is traveling, you may get a quicker answer from one of his team members. Drs. Marin and Zaldivar typically respond to greyhound owners. The consult is free but if you can afford to support the program please do so. You can sign up for full access to the website ($99 per calendar year) or donate through the giving page on the website. If you decide to donate, you can double your money by giving through the Greyhound Project. Just go to this website and scroll down to the appropriate donation button: http://www.adopt-a-greyhound.org/donate.shtml. They will match the funds that you donate.


    The Team:


    Dr. Couto, Department Head, Greyhound Medicine, Oncology and Hematology

    Dr. Lili Marin, Greyhound Health and Oncology

    Dr. Sara Zaldivar, Greyhound Health and Oncology

    Dr. William Kisselberth, Oncology

    Dr. Cheryl London, Oncology

    Dr. Cristina Iazbik, Blood Bank Director and Hematologist

    Dr. Bridget Urie, Oncology Resident

    Dr. Matt Sherger, Oncology Resident

    Dr. Joelle Fenger, Oncology Resident

    Dr. Roberta Portela, Oncology Resident

    Dawn Hudson, Vet Tech

    Ashley DeFelice, Vet Tech

    Stacey Gallant, Vet Tech


    Drs Marin and Zaldivar are originally from Spanish speaking countries. If you have trouble understanding them over the phone, you might ask for one of the other vets or vet techs to translate.


    Dr. Couto's direct email is:


    His phone number is also 614-247-6757. If he is in town, he typically returns emails in the early hours of the morning.


    You should know that (in my humble opinion) they need more staff. Unfortunately finances do not permit it at this time. They do 20 to 30 greyhound consults a day along with all of their "in canine" patients. Depending on their workload there may be a wait for the consultation. If you are contacting them on an emergency basis, please let them know.

    If you want to make an appointment to be seen in person/canine, you can call the main number to set up a date/time. The main number for the veterinary hospital is 614-292-3551.


    If you decide to visit OSU please contact me. I may be able to put you up in a local home, provide moral support, or just help with logistics:






    linda --here you go - i would not wait 2 weeks to contact - sorry for your x-ray, but glad you have found this thread - you will find help, support, advice, and much needed friends here

  12. jen - loved the beautiful tribute to a very beautiful whizzer...i still LOVE her name :) i know your heart hurts - may the wonderful memories of your goofy girl fill that hole. a toast to whizzer!

  13. oh jen - i am so sorry - i was afraid this was coming soon - i drink a toast to whizzer and her people this evening. i know how it is - wish i could tell you something other than -- it just sucks! whizzer was so blessed to be in your family and you were blessed by her in return - what more could you ask other than more time??? just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. hugs - teri



    edited to add - the good news of the day is that the MISS NELLIE HOPE FOR HOUNDS auction raised over 10,000!!! maybe someday we will have an end to this awful disease.

  14. patti - i am so sorry that you have joined 'the other club' on the thread. bay was so lucky to have been loved by you. just like the others -- tonite a drink a toast to bay. my your many wonderful memories help your hurting heart. just sucks, doesn't it? hugs to you - teri

  15. thoughts and prayers are with you and rippa -- i can't lie -- it sucks. please check out the 30-odd page osteo thread - you will find lots of support/tips/prayers/help/friends there - all are in the same boat and that is so comforting as nobody in your everyday life will seem to get it (or that was our experience) - you will need the friends you will make there.

  16. I don't know why I did this, but I was thinking about the "original" dogs in this thread and how Flash and Charlie are the only 2 left :( which made me go back and start rereading from the first page. I only got through about 1/4 of the thread b/c I was getting really emotional rereading about everyone's losses. This seems like a stupid thing to do, no? :rolleyes:


    Anyway, I just wanted to send hugs and good thoughts out to everyone who has lost their pup and continues to check in with us and offer us support. I really appreciate it. At some point I think I will go back and reread the whole thread, just not at work. I was also wondering, has anyone heard from Carolxi, Anubis's mom lately? I don't think I've seen her check in much if at all since she lost Anubis.


    i have often thought about going back and re-reading the whole thread, but i just can't do it yet. i still check in several times a day and i am SO SO happy for flash, charlie, joe and neyla to still be alive - in a way it makes me feel like a part of rivie is still here as well. i truly am your biggest cheerleader! i am amazed, but thrilled, that the thread is still going - i hope it goes on forever adding and subtracting as it is SO needed. i can't tell you what the support meant to me while i was going through 'the ordeal'.....nobody got it except those who were on the same page and you all truly became my friends and support. there is so much good information, support, friendship, help, joy and sorrow in these 30odd pages! i pm'ed carol quite awhile ago, but never got a response - i hope she is ok.

    i am happy to report that we have adopted another greyhound. she is a tiny little thing - just perfect and beautiful. she is not my rivie and it is going to take me some time, but she is such a nice and BEAUTIFUL girlie. she is a snuggle-bunny and everything i had on my wish list when we first adopted and came home with my broken hock boy, win.


    emotional over everyone else's losses - i hope i am never so hard that i can't cry over somebody else's pain -- so no - it is not crazy at all!! my thoughts and prayers are with each of you - whether you are still fighting, or still mourning. i hope you all know that i will be here for you whatever today brings - just as you all were there for me. hugs to all!!

  17. jen - you have not only been sensational for neyla - you have been a great source of information/support/comfort to all of us that have had pups with os dx in the past 6 months!! over july 4th weekend we took win & rivie on a little trip -- we had the BEST time - at the time i wondered if it was ok - did it hurt her or make the cancer go faster -- now that she has been gone for 2 months i can honestly say that i would not have traded the GREAT time we all had that day for one extra day of her laying around the house!! do not second guess yourself on anything - you have been there for not only neyla, but the rest of us, too - and i say a huge THANK YOU from all of the warriors.


    my thoughts and prayers are with you as you enter this new phase - not going to lie - it sucks - but remember that we are all here for you just as you have been here for us -- just keep loving her and make sure you take plenty of pictures -- i can't look at all the pics i took of rivie yet, but it does comfort me to know they are there



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