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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. susan - tears are flowing for you here, too --- you know you're showing him the highest love you can show him, but it's the hardest thing -- you know you're all in my thoughts and prayers -- rivie girl, be there to show opie the ropes and share treats with him, ok???? hugs to you, susan

  2. susan - i am so sorry that opie is not eating well - when rivie has os she did not want to eat - i started cooking boneless/skinless chicken breasts in water with chicken boullion and then shredding it up in the food processor....i think the osteo did something to her jaw and eating caused her discomfort, as if i just cut the chicken up into pieces it was not devoured like when i shredded it in the food processor. every once in awhile i would brown her some hamburger and she would eat that pretty well, too -- i would cook several days worth and just keep in in the frige and zap it at meal time to bring to room temp - hope this helps opie - my heart breaks for you that you are going thru this -- hugs - teri

  3. checking in for updates after the oncologist visit -- it's not just the expense -- it's quality of life, odds that the surgery will give extended life, putting them thru the surgery (sounds like a major one), what does "aggressive" mean (fast growing or fast spreading??), etc, etc etc -- so many factors -- i am SO sorry you are facing these decisions -- i hope that your oncologist is good with guiding you thru all the info you need to process to make a decision. just remember - there is NO right or wrong - only the path that you choose for opie - and once you choose the path you're going to take, don't ever look back -- all we can do is just do the best that we can....even though we so wish we could change the circumstance, we can't. hugs to all of you - hang in there -

  4. Kyle-- so many memories of Charlie and Rivie and the others that were fighting osteo at the same time.....i couldn't have gotten thru that time without you and the support of gt family -- nobody else "got it". so i think of you all often and fondly. happy birthday, charlie - i just know you "special seven" are together watching over us.

  5. kuro's mom - i wish i could help, as you can see from my post a few up we have had similar issues with bleu - she is only 4 years old -- not a severe as what you are describing, and always hooked to stress. i can only tell you what tests the neurologist did on her and how they came out - a full tick panel was done - negative....also a test for addisons disease (which was the initial diagnosis and what we were told to expect -- the original test was a very strong positive - so they did further testing, which was negative. her bloodwork upon arrival at the e-vet was normal both episodes that she had that we took her to the e-vet. our neurologist talked with us about an mri both times, but when she kept improving in the hospital advised against it . she has had 3 episodes in all - beginning in february of this year (the most severe case by far) in june (the mildest case - not connected with car travel) and in september. there was mention of vestibular disease. she was completely lethargic and in september the internal med vet noticed visable bruising around her kidneys. she was put on doxycycline - no steroids. if i were you i would absolutely phone the vet and fill them in on what happening..... i'll be watching this with great interest.

  6. oh do i feel for you! we adopted ronee in july happy tail and all - i was SURE i could beat it - lol! foam hair rollers, pipe insulation, gauze, muzzle, antibiotics -- you name it we tried it - 10 days ago she had partial (about 4-5") removal - her nicknames are: wags, thumper, whacker because that girl can REALLY wag!! i keep telling her there is nothing that is that exciting at our house......first vet check post surgery yesterday - i'm so hoping we can get this all cleared up!!

  7. we had similar issues with bleu recently - has had 2 episodes after car rides (one in february and one in september) and similar symptoms this summer in june after her buddy, win, died of osteo. the doggie neurologist was awesome - talked with us about the mri, but told us as long as she kept improving on her own that one would not be done.....we don't have any firm answers, they have ruled out several things with testing and the known factor is that stress brings on the symptoms. would love to compare notes with you!!

  8. bleu saw the neurologist this morning - since she is an "inpatient" i was not present. bleu's internal med dr phoned and said the neurologist would call and visit with us later, but saw no reason for mri (YEA!!!) at this time -- so she can come home today -- then we will address neurologist concerns and further testing (if needed) as an out patient at the clinic. she indicated at this time they are just waiting on the return of the TBD testing.......thanks everybody for thoughts and prayers and advise/help!!! i'll keep you updated.

  9. hi kyle - hope you all are doing ok ! yes, bleu has water in the car - and she has been many other times when this has not happened at all - our daughter lives in kc, so its an easy drive and the dogs are always welcome :) so we take them there often. there are tons of things there they love to do - lovely trails, arboretium for walks, special treats, her dog they play with, etc. bleu has had the 2 episodes in the car - february and last weekend and the same-ish symptoms after win died this summer that we originally just attributed to very severe depression and grief over her lost friend.....she is seeing the neurologist this morning - so i'll update after her appt with him. thanks again for all the responses. hopefully she gets out of the hospital today!!!!!

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