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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. jen - xander was such a handsome guy! LOVED the pictures of neyla and xander together -- so tonight a toast to xander -- and to dante, and to jack and to my precious win -- all missed so much - it's true, only the good die young - teri

  2. machos mum - sounds like you are right on track - nope, never stop rambling!


    kyle - how are you guys doing?? - talk about taking your breath away - when i saw your post re: jack i cried right along with you - we have both been given a swift kick again. i am SO sorry your jack had to leave you. are you still just in shock?? my feelings are very strange this time....for the first few days all i could do was the "ugly cry" and i felt as if i just couldn't get my breath. but i have been totally at peace with decisions because, well, there just weren't any decisions. i am, however, worried sick about our "survivor" - bleu has hardly come out of the closet in the last week - between the fireworks and losing her best buddy - she is taking this really hard.....any suggestions? the frozen yogurt treats i got her seem to be the only good thing in her life the last week.

  3. oh my heart hurts to read your post -- i am SO sorry for all you are going through - you will find lots of support and great info here -- and if you haven't already, there are previous osteo threads from the last 2 years. you will find all different choices and paths along the osteo road here. ramble - i think you did a great job, and we all here understand - welcome new friend - teri

  4. ha! when we trained them to use the doggie door, we used treats. i would hold up the door and be on the other side with a treat -- they quickly graduated to when they used it i would say "doggie door - good doggie door" and i would go to the counter to get a treat out of the jar close by. win was standing by the door whining on the second training day and i said "doggie door" -- he ran as fast as he could to the counter and stood by the treat jar :omg so you have to watch out for doggies that are smarter than you are lol

  5. Win more than lived up to his name as an awesome racer.....but he was even better at being a best buddy in his retirement. from the moment in january of 2006 when he set eyes on us, he knew he was destined to be a member of our family...yes, he truly chose us (just ask teddy!!) to those that knew him before we did, a huge thanks for going above and beyond to get this broken legged boy from wheeling to HHGA so he could find a family. win was perfect except for the stubborn streak and that poop eating thing. win loved life, roaching, treats, walks, stuffies, his bed, doing zoomies, air snapping, people, but most of all win loved us with all of his big heart - and, of course, we loved him with all of ours in return. diagnosed with osteo in his "good" back leg on 6/28, and unable to bear total weight on either back leg, there was nothing that could be done besides stay with him and love him till the end.............you'll be in our hearts forever -- the walk was truly not long enough with you, win.



  6. hello old and new friends - teri here - i was one of the original "founders" of the first Osteo thread when our rivie was diagnosed in july of 2010. The thread was my lifeline with all of you for several months until rivie lost her battle - since then i don't visit gt much - and when i do, even if i start to post i just haven't been able to do it....can't even say exactly why -- and i really applaud those of you who have hung around and helped others through their battle - you are the very best. when i read cindy's post i just had to respond. cindy, i am so sorry for your loss and i am right there with you. we, too, were hit by os again last week - our win (whistler's win - 05/11/03 - 06/28/12). win had a broken right leg when we met/adopted him....didn't matter, but was always "weak - the bum leg". on tuesday evening we heard the gsod when it was walk time - he couldn't put any weight on his good left leg at all - not much better on wednesday - we took him in for x-rays on thursday morning and it showed os in knee of good left leg - lung x-rays just to confirm because there was no way to biopsy his only good back leg - yep - looked like 4 specs already on the lung - there was no choice - we loved on him, gave him some treats and sent him to the bridge on thursday - i HATE osteo

  7. Rocket ate a bunch of banannas this evening - just the insides, while somehow avoidig the peels. (my husband saw the devastation, i did not) Any ideas what to expect tomorrow?


    within a few weeks of bringing win home he ate a whole bunch of banannas, peels and all - left the stems :) i phoned the vet frantic who laughed and said he would have gas, maybe big d and the peels may come out in-tact (ewww) but nothing - nope - nada - gas was about as bad as usual, no d and didn't see a thing - it's probably been 5 years ago, so i'm saying you're just fine.

  8. before locking one last tribute to the original 7.5 os doggies who all fought, and are still fighting (you go charlie -- our hero!!!) the horrible monster osteo.....here's to:








    and all the brave greys and their people mentioned in this 60 page thread since the first who have fought, and are still fighting osteo - who have provided so much information to those on the path and opened their hearts to support others. i pray for a cure.

  9. Thank you for posting this list -- my rivie (Rivendell Escort) is on the list. Reading through brought back so many memories of posts/pictures/blogs of so many listed pups -- i pray they are all angels watching over us now....a toast to all the bridge pups of 2010 - and may the list be shorter for 2011

  10. Any updates on Toby? The max dosages on the non-NSAID meds (Tramadol, Gabapentin, etc.) are quite high so do call your vet and see how high you are allowed to go. Even if you don't need to today it's good to have it written down somewhere so you have it available if something like that happens again. I would also get Rx for a few other things to have on hand, including something a bit stronger. We tried Tylenol w/codeine, but there are a few opiate options you could choose from just in case.


    Shannon, a big old congrats on your pending addition!! :yay Elly is beautiful and I'm so happy you're ready to welcome a new pup into your home. Can't wait to hear more about her and see more pics!


    jenn - how are you doing? you have been in my thoughts and prayers!!!

  11. my heart hurts for you -- i highly recommend the LONG os thread on gt -- LOTS of good advice - help- support -- there are many different paths to walk down once you're in the os forest - we lost our rivie this summer - i could not have coped without my friends on gt in the os thread - my thoughts and prayers are with you as you start down the path

  12. you and neyla have been an inspiration to so many (including me) - thank you for sharing the new pics of your beautiful girl. my thoughts and prayers are with you, you know. tonight i drink a toast to the beautiful neyla and her wonderful mommy whom she loves dearly.

  13. carol - it's so good to see you back on gt!!! i hope your heart is mending - it just still hurts, doesn't it - i had a REALLY sad day this week, rivie will always be in my heart, jsut as anubis is in yours. thank you for helping me through the worst time period in my life - you all were my friends, support, helpers - still sucked, but you all did help! loved the photos of anubis - what a handsome greyhound!!!!! thanks so much for sharing - and it is SO SO good to see you back - teri

  14. Glad to hear Toby is doing better! :yay


    Neyla was definitely feeling nauseous from teh Tylenol 3 so I started to cook her food (she normally eats raw) and that seemed to do the trick. She's off the Tylenol 3 now so last night I was able to do part raw, part cooked.


    Well we had a rough day or two, realized the night before last that her entire leg was really bruised, then woke up yesterday to edema in her bad leg. We did end up getting an x-ray. The vet said her lesion has progressed, but we're still not to the point that we'd be at risk of fracture and certainly not at the point where it would cause her swelling. The oncoloogist wanted me to rush her in for an exam and a clotting profile, but thank god for my regular vet said it was totally reasonable that I wanted to wait it out and see how she was today. So I did decide to wait and did arnica gel and warm compresses throughout the day yesterday.


    This morning the bruising is almost gone, she has only a tiny bit of edema left in her wrist, and she is more active and less painful. :yay


    I am having a hard time deciding what's right for her. I would have no doubt whatsoever that we should keep fighting - her personality is still the same, she's bright-eyed, my vet and I agree that her pain management is quite good overall. The only issue is that her back legs are very tired from compensating for her front leg so she's not up for a lot of walking and stairs are a real struggle (I'm carrying her). But we have one sort of oddball pain option left that I could try and hope that more pain relief overall would mean less effort for her back legs, I just have no idea if it will work or how long it might take to kick in, or what else it might do (it's actually a tricyclic anti-depressant that has also been used off label for chronic pain and as an alternative to proin, which might also help her incontinence issues although we have them pretty well managed now).


    I'm sorry I'm going on and on, I know that only I can make this decision, I'm sort of thinking out loud I guess. I just wish with all my might I didn't have stairs and instead had a yard. Neyla has definitely not taken to my little pee pad for her on our deck either. I should probably work harder to get her using that.


    Blah. Sorry for the mouth diarrhea. :puke:P


    you know there is never a need to appologize here! it is wonderful to have an outlet with understanding friends that are supportive and understanding -- we think whatever you think and feel free to go off - we all have at one time or another -- hugs to you and neyla - we all think you're both just AWESOME!

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