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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. oh sherry - i am so sorry that you have "joined the other club" in this thread. my heart hurts for you. it just sucks, and there's no two ways about it. just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and that danny was one of the lucky ones, as he knew true love. i will, as i have for all the other os angels in this thread, drink a toast to danny tonight. know that we are all with you in spirit - i am so so so sorry.

  2. The last couple days have been tough (mostly for me) but we've survived. Flash is none the worse for the wear. He is still feeling greyt -- loves his walks, food and life in general. I've started the Tramadol again to try and stay ahead of whatever pain he will be experiencing. From talking to our regular vet, it appears there are numerous mets not just a couple. I've been told what to expect and feel as prepared as I can be. I know my boy and when he no longer wants to go for walks or eat his yummies, life won't be worth living. And that thought breaks my heart into a million pieces. I feel like a failure and, yes, I know I shouldn't but it is still hard to think that I couldn't protect him from all the bad.


    I hope and pray that those of you still fighting this #$^%(* ^$#()#@ devil join the ranks of the miracle dogs we've all heard about.

    Love your hounds and cherish each day.


    shannon - hang in there - i am so sorry that you've had a rough couple of days....glad that flash is feeling good and doing well. my heart goes out to you -- please do not feel like a failure - you are a hero!! flash loves you with all of his heart, and you are there for him in every way, even though your heart is breaking. it is not easy to deal with (i know). you are in our thoughts and prayers. how i wish we could have protected them from the disease, but we are there for them and stick by them through thick and thin and that's what matters - just love him - that is all he knows and desires. hugs to you as you face each day - i won't lie to you, it sucks. teri

  3. shannon - kyle - jen - we are here for you just as you were there for us -- i'm still holding out for being the cheerleader not the comforter - but whatever your news or your day holds, we are all here for you, you know. all of you just keep doing what you've always done - - LOVE THEM!! (i know i don't have to tell you that :)

  4. always highs and lows aren't there??? my heart hurts for kristin this morning -- i understand and your gt os 'family' is with you in thoughts and prayers. i drink a toast to both kristin and sutra this evening -- both such brave warriors and kind loving souls! thank you so much for helping me get through our 'summer of (*&&^&*&*^ with os -- your very being inspired us and gave us hope that there were many good days (and we DID have good days :) your tips and posts were so helpful that another thank you is far from enough.


    now to neyla, flash, charlie and joe (and the others i have forgotten in my sad state this morning YIPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEE!!!! you keep it up - we are SO SO happy for neyla's anniversary and we are with kyle and charlie as they have the x-ray -- you are our heros!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. i tried to read your whole post, but the tears came and won't stop -- it is all just too fresh for me.....our beloved rivie lost her os battle in august. i only hope that you can feel my thoughts and prayers coming your way. when rivie was first diagnosed, our vet gave us great advice -- make a list right now of the things that make her "rivie" - things like eating, enjoying treats, seemingly pain-free, enjoys walks, or at least going outside for a minute, greeting us at the door -- when you start marking these things off the list they are not themselves and it is time to let them go. i truly believe (but my heart hurt all the same and still does) that it is those who have known such love that are the lucky ones -- we should mourn those who never get the chance. my heart is with you and the tears are still flowing -- hugs to you as you face today - you might check out the other os thread on gt -- you will get lots of support there!!

  6. october8th2010.jpg[/img]


    Sweet Freddy Boy we will miss you dearly! Freddy was relieved from his pain October 9, 2010 at 10:30 am. It was the hardest decision we have ever had to make. Although we know it was the right decision, we had no idea how hard it would be to go through the process. We grieve for our boy. We love you Freddy and hope that you are running on the other side without pain or sadness. Rest in Peace Freddy..you were loved.


    oh i am so very sorry that you have joined 'the other club' on this thread - those who have lost our precious babies to os -- i hope the comfort you have found here helps you as much as it did me. my heart is with you - how lucky freddy was to be loved!!!

  7. Well. Freddy seems to be having a bad day (sorry that I never seem to have good news) His tumor on his leg is the size of a tennis ball and now today his foot swelled up....I don't know why the foot swelled and of course we didn't notice till after the vet had closed. Any ideas? I am getting the feeling that maybe this enough..how bad do I want it to get before I say goodbye...The thought of calling the vet to make that appointment is gut wrenching...ahhh what a day


    no advice -- just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you on this roller coaster -- i hope that freddy is just having a bad day.


    neyla - i am SO SO happy you are at dewey!! i hope you have the best time ever!!!


    i am cheering for all of you, as always - teri

  8. I drank a toast and then some to our precious Rose tonight. I miss her :( She was so wildly full of life. It's not fair :cry1


    we, too, drank a toast to the beautiful rose last night (as promised) -- and a toast to rivie-- and a toast to all the other warriors in this thread who have lost the battle -- and a toast to all those on here doing well(you go neyla, sutra, charlie, flash, joe and the others that are doing well YIPPEE-- and another toast to the fighters) and a toast to charlie who just finished chemo - YEA!! and a toast to those just diagnosed and the decisions and choices -- and a toast to all my friends here who have helped me through -- couldn't resist -- hope this lightened things up a bit


    the good news and the bad is all part of it, isn't it? -- but it is so good to have it all here together and helping each other through and cheering each other on -- nobody gets it like those of us who visit this thread

  9. Carol and I just got done burying her :(

    and i thought i didn't have any more tears -- my heart hurts so for you. i pray that my rivie and the rest of the warriors from this thread helped rose over the bridge and they are all our special angels now looking over us. they were all loved - that is for sure - i keep reminding myself that i should feel such hurt for those that have never known a home and love - but my self gets in the way. i hope that you feel the support and care coming your way from all on this thread - we truly do understand - hugs to you - and like i told you in rememberance thread - i drink a toast to the beautiful rose this evening

  10. Hi everyone!


    Sadly, I am new to this thread. My Danny was diagnosed with osteo, Thursday, in his right rear leg. This is a leg he had injured at the track 7 1/2 years ago. Danny is 10 years old, sweet, happy & the perfect gentleman......he never takes anything & always waits his turn for anything that he is given. I have 6 greyhounds & a shepherd mix so he shares a lot.


    I have dealt with this terrible disease once before when I lost my beloved Susie. But Susie was an 11 1/2 year old brood who had come off the brood farm as a tripod. I only had her a few weeks when she fell one day in my kitchen & started to limp. When I took her to the vet the x-ray showed osteo had eaten away at her shoulder & a piece of bone had already broken off. I had to make an immediate decision to help her on her way. The grief was horrible......this poor girl had finally found her way off a breeding farm & had just begun to experience the love & joy of home life. So unfair!


    This time around, I am praying I have more time. Danny & I have been together for 7 1/2 years but it just does not seem long enough. Danny is still his happy, silly self & I want to let him live as long as he tells me he wants to be here, just want to keep the pain away & make the quality of life a good one.


    I am trying so hard to sort this out & get his treatment started ASAP but the emotions keep coming in waves......hard to sort out & think with a clear mind. I had started a separate topic yesterday seeking advice & information and several directed me to this thread. It has taken me 2 days & many tears but I have read each & every post in this thread. I have taken notes & gained some inspiration in being able to help Danny. My choice is palliative care & I am going to read & look into some of the holistic things that you have all talked about.


    I am so sorry to all of you that have lost your hounds & those that are still in the fight I will keep you & your hounds in my prayers. I would appreciate any advice or help you are able to offer. Thank you all for this place to come.


    Hugs & tail wags,


    Sherry & Danny

    hi sherry & danny -- glad you have found your way here -- i am so sorry for your dx - but you will find lots of friends here, even in the middle of the night :) and we all "get it" - no matter what your "it" is -- so welcome to friends, support, inspiration, help, and ranting & raving -- i hope you feel all the thoughts and prayers coming your way - no advice, just lots of hugs

  11. Kiki,


    You need a place to express that pain. This thread should be a good place for that. If it is too difficult to hear happy news for some of you, perhaps those of us with good news should post on a different thread? What do you think? Or is it helpful for more of you to hear the good news?




    I am so sorry you are facing this. Charlie's dad has a lot of good tips. When and if it is time for chemo, remember that certain drugs are available from OSU at no charge -- you still pay for the administration. Let us know when you need contact info.




    i LOVE reading the good news - keep it all together - this thread has helped us all get through everything involved with having a pup with os - good, bad and ugly. the good news belongs here just like the rants, the emotions, the support - it's all part of it. no matter your treatment decision, where you are on the path - or if the path has already ended - its all part of it and it all belongs. i am the biggest cheerleader for the good news - and i will be here for you all, just like you were here for me when my news turned south -- there is no better support network than those who are facing the same things - even though the things you are facing may be very different (or at least different today) -- we are all in this together -and we all get it and understand like nobody else can -


    patti - so sorry you are facing this - keep us posted - you will be in our thoughts and prayers are you go through the fna -

  12. ah kiki - nobody takes offense at anything on here - we all are just hurting and emotional!! your bing - love the picture with the kissy on his forehead - how sweet! i totally understand where you are - my heart hurts everyday for rivie and i miss her so -- but we all totally get it on here - and while we are different in treatment/path/location/where we are in this deal -- we are all bound together by the diagnosis and it stinks - hugs to all

  13. oh i am so sorry to hear of the dx -- check out the osteo diagnosis thread on here - 25 or so pages of some wonderful advice and the emotional support you will crave with the coming times -- i agree that jen is so helpful because of her experience with neyla also sutra is maybe at 6 months?? and a good source of help/advice/support -- hugs to you all - teri

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