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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. i do not have the results of all the bloodwork - they are awesome at the e-vet - just making lists and checking twice and absolutely open to suggestion (hence my appeal for help) -- all i know result wise is that they did a preliminary test for addisons (that cost $80) to see if there was any need to test further - we were told that "normal results were 1-9 - and if if was a 1 or 2 there would be suspicion of addisons and a further test would be necessary - we know bleu had a 0.7 on this test - the $250 test was then done, but came back normal - she does not have addisons - which shocked them. the next thing they want to rule out is TBD and that was sent off, but has not come back. her appt with doggie neurologist is in the morning -- she did see him in february and we really liked him - thought his approach was fabulous. as to "desensitizing" her in the car - of course we have done this - we have had her for 2 years -- we've done short runs for ice cream, mcdonalds, ball park to run, etc - nope - still hates the car :) and yes, we have absolutely thought that it might all be anixiety (however the bout after win passed away is curious) the vet says normally anxiety will present with loose stools and vomit - she does none of that.....we do absolutely think it is something that stress is setting off though- but what is the question -- and how far to go with testing, etc....... i will post update tomorrow and also the exact bloodwork when i get it - thank you all for your input!!

  2. That's an awful thing to have to worry about. The only common factor being the long car trip? Something from the car perhaps?? Motion sickness aggravating exisiting problems? Carbon Monoxide poisoing from exahuast leak at the back??

    Most likely TBD though.... hope you get a diagnosis and she's better soon.


    other than the "extreme depression" after win died that caused a mild lethargy the 2 road trips are the common denominator, yes - just got back from visiting our little sweetie - got to take her outside for a walk - just being nit-picky i thought her eyes looked a little dull, and when we opened up her cage door she did not clammer to get out, but other than that is doing very well - she loved the special treats i brought her (of course) -- thanks to you how have helped - and more replies will be much appreciated!!!!! thanks - teri

  3. help/advise please!! bleu is at the e-vet. background info: bleu is 4 years old. she hates to travel (and also storms). only medical problem besides what's listed below is an ear infection our regular vet was concerned about. last february we drove from oklahoma to kansas city and when we arrived at our destination she was completely lethargic - couldn't stand, walk - barely hold up her head. we took her to the e-vet and she steadily made improvements with only iv - no meds over 4 day period. all tests were normal and doggie neurologist said as long as she is improving no need for invasive tests or medications. she has always been a bit of a picky eater - but other than that, no problems. in june we lost her best buddy, win, to osteosarcoma. she was depressed to the extreme.....we had to carry her outside to pee, she did not want to go on walks - almost seemed to not remember her usual daily routines. we adopted ronee in july and she has been a very happy camper.


    brings us to friday. another trip to kansas city - same deal, but not quite as bad - she could not stand up to get out of the car - had to pick her up and sit her on the ground she was able to stand with much assistance - but pretty much totally lethargic. where february she seemed like weakend back end - this time weakened front end. she has been at the e-vet since then. the original blood work all came back normal. vet saw some external bruising around her kidneys. suspicion of addisons - they ran the $80 test , which the vet said normal range 1-9 with 1-2 being suspicious. bleu had a 0.7 - so they did the $250 test - which came back normal - vet was shocked. they have drawn blood for a tick panel, but it has not come back yet, of course. our adoption group has suggested stress-riders/rhabdomyilitis......vet says she thinks with that the initial bloodwork should have had some flags -- and what about the extreme grief response? she has appointment to see doggie neurologist on monday and they are thinking they might like to do an mri --- help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. hello kb's mom - i am so sorry your first post had to be this one - but we all here understand and our hearts break for you. i can't help with any of the technical questions, but if you want to rant, rave, cry -- i understand - i've lost 2 "fur-kids" to osteo....you'll find comfort and answers here for you and for kb - hugs teri

  5. it's been several years ago, but we had a schipperke (spelled wrong i'm sure) with diabetes. we kept Darla on a fairly rigid schedule - feedings and walks, etc. she got shots in the morning at 7 and evening at 7 every day. she basically did great. as far as for emergency, karo syrup is a must have. i'll refresh my memory when i'm not tired after work and write more to you later. teri


    edited to add - darla died 7 years ago - and had had diabetes for 4 years i think prior to that - so i'm sure things have changed vastly since that time - we did not use a glucometer for her. i know food and treats have really changed in that time period as well - but darla ate regular food and had snacks just like the other dogs did - she was just on a schedule. - more later :)

  6. tears are flowing for macho. what a beautiful tribute.....what a wonderful year ---- why is it when we adopt them we tell ourselves "they are so lucky to be a part of our family"-- then it so quickly becomes "we are so lucky that they are a part of our family" ..... the walk is never long enough and the hole in your heart they leave is huge

  7. oh boozer - how lucky you were to have a family who could write such a touching tribute - i feel like i know you (and want a bite of the dairy queen, too) the walk is truly never long enough - teri

  8. so very sorry - i have done a lot of thinking in the last few weeks --- every time we adopt we say things like aren't they so lucky to come to our house, they will be so loved; and then the end comes and it has changed to aren't we so lucky to have had them and we were so loved - don't know when that change comes, but it does -- and the walk is just never long enough. thoughts and prayers are with you.

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