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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. Teddy Palmer, halfway home greyhounds, has always recommended taking dogs on walk to neutral territory leashed - each party brings a few treats in their pocket which they share with all parties - then allow all to walk together - to yard and then into house to ease into personal territory......has always worked great when introducing new doggies!!!!

  2. leave it to violet and bleu - huh Jen ??? Our vet has only had one other rhabdo dog in all his years of practice -- teddy is the guru who originally suggested the possibility of rhabdo and had the e vet clinic in kc scrambling to research and confirm. it is extremely rare. too weird the way Jens and my paths have crossed in the last few years.... I'm going to try and meet you next time we come to Maryland to visit our son!!!

  3. This is all still so scary. I knew what rhabdo was but it hasn't affected anyone I know.


    I hope you can make some headway with her, Jen, as I'm pretty sure that getting a new car just isn't really an option!


    gathering from our vet, teddy palmer and the e-vet folks in kc (who treated bleu twice) rhabdo or "stress rider syndrome" is very very rare.

  4. We have gone the "try a different car-buy a different car" route with bleu. Also short car rides to get a happy meal, ice cream, run at the ball park, beautiful arboritum for walk and treats, ect......not quite sure how to measure success????? Bleus three rhabdo episodes have been stress induced - twice car induced. We normally get a petsitter and don't take the doggies with us anymore :( We did take bleu on a trip this summer -four hours in the car -we did not premedicate her - on vets advice we stopped every 45 minutes and made her get out of the car for a short walk and water bowl- he says this keeps the toxins from building the whole trip to release upon arrival and release of stress of riding (probably not explaining this very well) but she did ok and that's all that matters,

  5. so glad to hear that violet is doing well!! stress rider/rhabdo is very rare syndrome - but it is quite serious. i do have to tell you that we try to avoid taking bleu in the car at all ever - we have found a wonderful pet sitter thank goodness, and bleu is most happy staying at home. we did take her this summer on a four hour road trip and she did ok - but we stopped every 45 min and made them get out and walk around a bit and examine her pee and have a big drink in the process. it does, and always will weigh on your mind when you get her in the car. bleu's first episode (there have been 3 total - two involving car rides - one involving depression after losing her best buddy, win, to osteo suddenly) was by far the worst....is that the norm??? and i wonder if her reaction of acting completely lethargic & unable to move is the norm or just her reaction or her bouts were really really bad? am so very interested in totally comparing notes with you, jen, and hearing your doctors advise, etc. - we did have awesome vet/internist/neurologist in Kansas city at the e-vet - and teddy palmer has also been a huge help to me - but we still have many questions! would love to know if your vets advise giving anything (benedryl, etc) before a car ride??? we have heard very mixed advise.

  6. edited::: well - yep -- bet she had to pee and this made her agitated!!!!!! that's a good sign, right??? would they consider weaning off all meds???? when bleu has had episodes of rhabdo the only thing they have given her is iv fluids (big time) to flush system -- the vet thinking being -- as long as there is improvement then don't medicate a greyhound and number 2 - if other symptoms present that indicates a stroke or other they don't want to be medicating wrong - ie - starting steroids if then that is exactly the wrong protocol.....

  7. oh so sorry your first post is this one - others will chime in soon with experience -- but I just wanted to say you'll find friends here - you are doing the exact right thing now. the first post of this thread has lots of info - just remember that YOU and your family are the only ones that know Compass, there are lots of different paths in this forest and you just have to pick the right one for you and your dog.........there is no right or wrong --- hugs as you start down the path of your choice

  8. whenever a new osteo thread starts from the original I can't help but think of my dear friends flash, Charlie, sirocco, annubis, chase, jasmine, neyla and my very precious rivie -- here's to you and those who loved you - little did they know they would help so many others - this thread and it's off-shoots have been going for over three years now -

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