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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. as a side note im also glad you guys are all so open, friendly, sharing and no one is judging or implying that one way is worse than the other. the other grey site im on is almost guilting me into just letting her go they all seem to think amputation is a dumb idea so im gonna stay with you freindly positive supportive people :)

    jenny - you are doing all the right things! research & decisions aren't any fun when your heart is broken with the os news.....hang in there - you will find friends here that support you in whatever decision you make - lots of different paths here, none exactly the same. you are the only one that knows blitz, and your circumstances (both physical & financial)-- but everybody here is so great to share with each other!!! where's jenn??? neyla was an inspiration to us all and she will chime in here in a bit & has great info!! we will all support you whatever path you take, are delighted with good news and will cry with you when it's not so good - so feel free to rant, ask, cry, post lots of pictures (beautiful blitz & dodger!!)whatever!

  2. hi jenny! although we are sorry we meet you here, you are welcome and will make great friends on gt. you've found the right place - lots of SUPPORT, understanding, friends and advice here -- you will find that there is no "right" way to do this - many different paths to take and there is no right or wrong -- it's all about you and blitz and what's right for you - so on this thread you will find all sorts that have made all different decisions each right for them - so it's great information! this is actually the part VI - so there are multiple "threads" of peeps going thru osteo with their doggies. the original thread started 2 years ago when 7 of our doggies were diagnosed in the same week and we needed support. I have lost 2 to osteo - rivie's was on her rib, and win's in his back leg - both not operable - so I was "lucky" that I didn't have as many decisions to make.,..... win had a bum leg from racing days, and the osteo was in the other "good" leg - so he would not have been able to walk w/amputation. so I don't have any advice for you -- just lots of hugs to you and blitz. be sure and read page 1 of this thread - there is a lot of info just in the first post!

  3. Nancy and Rita -- so sorry you've posted on the dreaded osteo thread --you're an instant friend here and will get great help thru the days ahead. Sounds like you're on top of things, just want you to know when you feel you're on the bottom you'll find support here. Thoughts and prayers. Teri

  4. win once ate a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips -- i was at work and got a frantic phone call from the housekeeper in tears saying to come home fast, win had grabbed a bag of chocolate chips and was growling at her....i phoned the vet (now in tears as well) on the way home for advice and he started laughing -- "sorry" he said "just can't get the image of win holding your cleaning lady at bay over a bag of chocolate chips out of my mind". vet advise if he were a chihuahua that ate a bag of chocolate chips he'd have them come in asap - but a greyhound would be fine - yep - he had eaten the whole bag by the time i arrived home and he was just fine - not even any big d.

  5. Kyle - can't believe it's been a year -- charlie fought such a fight i thought he just might be the one to kick osteo. you (and the rest of "the group) helped me through as we all were members of a club we didn't want to be in. Tonight a toast to Charlie and all the rest of the beautiful greyhounds that had to leave us way to early.

  6. asking for prayers for my friend jennifer and her beautiful greyhound cammie in georgia -- cammie has osteo and the vet has been called to come monday after work to the house. jennifer's dh is deployed in the air force serving our country (thank you!!) -- jennier has 2 little ones at home - any advice here on how to help little 3 yr old dd deal with this?? baby son is too little. also second grey in the house will mourn, i know. my thoughts and prayers are with them this weekend - and my heart will hurt with jennifer on monday. thanks all - no family like the gt family for prayers and support - all of us on here "get it".

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