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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. Rough day, so far. I'm glad I can finally work from home tomorrow and will get to spend some much needed time with Whizzer. If she's not doing well, I'm taking off Friday, I'm sick of work dictating my life lately.


    so sorry she is having a bad day - the ups n downs of os are such a roller coaster - hang in there....glad you will be home with her - she will like that :)

  2. i made chicken breasts for rivie - then processed in the food processor -- mixed in veggies and whatever else i had around i thought would be good for her and some evo kibble - she ate like a champ the morning she passed away. i would give some tuna sometimes too - hope this helps

  3. Sorry to just jump in here, but I could use some support please. I'm reading through some posts and is a bad night here or there typical? Whizzer was diagnosed just last week with os, but had limping much earlier (I thought it was due to an injury as I saw another dog run into her in the yard). She's really having a rough night tonight and I'm scared. She's just been whining every couple hours and panting like crazy. She couldn't get comfortable even though no one was in her way at one point.


    jen -- no appologies here other than to say we are all so sorry that whizzer (love the name!) and you have to go through this. the group is really great support when you're dealing with all the "stuff" associated with dealing with os....so welcome, but we're sorry you've had to come. you will always get great help and strong shoulders here. hope whizzer is feeling better this morning - please keep up posted!

  4. kiki - so good to see your post - i understand 100%. i cannot express how much this thread/group/humans and their greys meant to me during the long summer of 2010! i still follow the thread everyday. do not EVER feel badly about posting good news and updates -- we LOVE to read those!!! more please!!! we are truly happy for you and want to hear!!! i am so sorry that joe had a chemo reaction and neyla had a blip -- kyle, we are praying for you today as you are in charge of chemo - a better round today is well deserved!!! please let us know - rose - you are so beautiful and your mommy is taking such good care of you! i know i don't have to tell you to give them all a hug and scritch and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you dear friends.

  5. i am so sorry to hear about bing -- what a beauty! loved the photos in the sun.....please accept my shoulder to cry on - i'll join you in a good rant against this awful os -- my thoughts and sympathy are with you -


    still following the thread and cheering for each of you --

  6. no experience with grey's seizure -- but we had a little schipperke that my mother dropped on the tile floor when she was a puppy and she landed on her head :( at first she appeared to be all right -- but later that day or the next day suffered a seizure and we took her to the vet. i don't remember how long she stayed at the vets - i think it was a couple of days -- or what all they did (it's been quite a few years ago) -- when she came home from the vet she "walked to the right" and was very unstable for quite awhile (like at least several weeks) -- she eventually fully recovered and lived quite a long life after that -- you and rainey will be in our thoughts and prayers!!!

  7. my heart hurts for all of the recent losses....no words....


    ahhh charlie - i'm so sorry you had a rookie. i hope you got an extra chicken breast or steak!! kyle - i'm glad you can be there next time - i know this is so hard to be away, but honestly, i think your homecoming give charlie something to really look forward to!!


    i am still following the thread and cheering for you, crying with you, supporting you --


    i am so so sorry for your loss of beautiful abby - i understand

  8. I let my sweet baby girl go today. :weep I will miss her so much. :brokenheart

    Thank you all for your kindness & support, it helped me so much. :grouphug

    Hug your babies & give them a kiss for me.




    dee - we all understand your pain -- i am so sorry for you -- your abby was so so so beautiful. i know she took a piece of your heart with her - but she left you a piece of her own. you are in my thoughts and prayers

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