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Pain relief without NSAIDs

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Vonnie, who is 11,  is unable to take NSAIDs.   She has some tendon issues and is currently on Gabapentin, and until recently also Amantadine.  We've had to stop the Amantadine because it started to make her vomit, even though she was getting it with a meal.

I am almost certain there has been discussion here of at least one other pain relief medication that is not an NSAID, but I can't remember the name.

If anyone has had a successful experience with such a drug, please share your it here.

Thank you so much for your help.

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A few options: Tramadol, Adequan injections, Duralactin/microlactin (supplement), laser therapy, acupuncture. The only one I don't have personal experience with is Adequan, but several people here have reported good results. Unfortunately, in Sweep's case, NSAIDs have been the most effective. (She couldn't tolerate meloxicam but does well with Previcox.) I hope you find something that works well for Vonnie!


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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the adequan injects can be a PITA, especially since the first 4 injections need to be given 3-4 days apart. but they WORK!  then you are talking monthly boosters, well worth the try. no side effects except for a more mobile happy hounds. 

you are giving Pecid AC prior to the NASID, right?

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You may be thinking about Galliprant.  It *is* an nsaid, but a different class from previous ones (I think) so you may be able to use it.  Or you might think about an actual pain reliever like codeine sulfate, which I've found to be more effective than tramadol with way less side effects.  If you can identify a specific joint or focus of her pain - an ankle joint or spinal issues - lazer therapy may be a good modality for her too.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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If she has a reaction to nsaids it still *might* rule it out, but it's supposed to be different enough.

Also, think about something like the liquid meloxicam, which is absorbed much faster and is thus in their digestive system much less to cause trouble.  

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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29 minutes ago, greysmom said:

If she has a reaction to nsaids it still *might* rule it out, but it's supposed to be different enough.

Also, think about something like the liquid meloxicam, which is absorbed much faster and is thus in their digestive system much less to cause trouble.  

Thanks.  The issue isn't her tummy but her kidneys.  We have a recheck with the IM vet on Thursday and I will ask about Galliprant, and options in general.  The weather here is pretty messy right now, so it isn't easy for me to tell whether / how much the boost in Gabapentin is helping.

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On 2/24/2020 at 5:49 PM, Rickiesmom said:

Vonnie, who is 11,  is unable to take NSAIDs.   She has some tendon issues and is currently on Gabapentin, and until recently also Amantadine.  We've had to stop the Amantadine because it started to make her vomit, even though she was getting it with a meal.

I am almost certain there has been discussion here of at least one other pain relief medication that is not an NSAID, but I can't remember the name.

If anyone has had a successful experience with such a drug, please share your it here.

Thank you so much for your help.

RickiesMom, how long was Vonnie on the amatadine before she started vomiting on it even with a meal?  Our Larry just started it last Tuesday and got the first 3 doses (Tues, Wed & Thur nights) 1.5 hours after eating but on Friday and Saturday, vomited 50 minutes after and 13 minutes, respectively.  We started feeding him later and gave the dose right after he ate and thankfully no vomiting since then (knock on wood!).  This is Larry's last chance as his mobility is getting so bad and there's no other meds to try so hoping he can be on it for a while :(  hope your girl can find something.  Is Rimadyl (carprofen) an NSAID?

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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Raineysmom, Vonnie was on amantadine for over a month before it began to bother her.  I still don't know why, but she threw up 3 mornings out of five one week.  There was no change in her diet or meds.  I took her off it and  there has been no vomiting since.

On the weekend just past, I decided to try the amantadine again as she needs a boost in pain meds - it had been several weeks since the vomiting episodes.  First day was fine, second day she threw up.  We are therefore done with amantadine. 

FWIW I gave it to her immediately after breakfast, wrapped in wet food, kind of like dessert : )    

Rimadyl is indeed an NSAID.   From what I understand, amantadine is most effective when used with an NSAID, so I hope your Larry can stay on it.

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On 2/26/2020 at 5:25 PM, Rickiesmom said:

Raineysmom, Vonnie was on amantadine for over a month before it began to bother her.  I still don't know why, but she threw up 3 mornings out of five one week.  There was no change in her diet or meds.  I took her off it and  there has been no vomiting since.

On the weekend just past, I decided to try the amantadine again as she needs a boost in pain meds - it had been several weeks since the vomiting episodes.  First day was fine, second day she threw up.  We are therefore done with amantadine. 

FWIW I gave it to her immediately after breakfast, wrapped in wet food, kind of like dessert : )    

Rimadyl is indeed an NSAID.   From what I understand, amantadine is most effective when used with an NSAID, so I hope your Larry can stay on it.

:( oy.  I hope Larry doesn't develop issues with the amantadine :(  he is not really prone to vomiting so when he did those 2 nights last week I knew it was unusual, and was absolutely from the med.  He had been getting it immediately after breakfast with no vomiting so after the 2 nights we figured out it needed to be given with a meal. :( He too gets it (and all his other meds) encased in liver sausage (YUM) or peanut butter :)

he is on Meloxicam (3.75mg in the a.m. and 500mg gabapentin and 100 mg Tramadol 3 x day, plus a Chinese herb 2 x day) so the amantadine should be boosting that.  I didn't post here but his back legs went out on him completely a week ago Sunday (2/16) and we stared the amantadine as a last resort that Tuesday (2/18).  He improved a bit the next day but was SO bad that Thursday morning and afternoon (2/20) we had contacted the vet to come out that Saturday to give him his wings :( that evening he improved and KNOCK ON WOOD has been doing ok since then -- until last Sunday (2/23) he was in the kitchen and when he went to get up his front feet hit the only laminate flooring that is not covered by 100 square feet of throw rugs and he went down hard :( he frog-legged and was screaming (he has NEVER cried out in pain, no matter all the medical things he's been through!) :( we thought it would do him in :( but he's hanging in there.

I hope your Vonnie can find something.  I don't know if adequan (sp?) or a depo-medrol shot (predisone, not an NSAID) would help?  From what I understand, the Depo shot can only be given after any NSAIDS have been stopped for a while and doesn't work with every dog.  For Larry, stopping his meds and taking a chance that the shot would work was the bigger of two evils so we never tried it.  Sending hugs :kiss2

ETA:  we also use an Assisi Loop on his lower back up to 3 times a day (thing is $289 a pop and you can't replace the friggen batteries :( ) and he has been getting a chiro treatment every 4 weeks but since December, he's gotten so bad (this is before this collapsed back end thing) I couldn't get him into my van safely so he missed the January one and my hubby was able to get him to his February one.  He's got aggression issues so acupuncture is not an option with him.

Edited by RaineysMom

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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