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New Owner! Hi All

Guest Lofarber

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Guest Lofarber

Hi all. Picked up my new greyhound this morning. A big beautiful boy, Alfred. He has done fab today! 2 accidents in house, One bonk into sliding glass door, crazy barking at TV, and some strange fascination with an angel statue. He was amazing on walks with tons of other dogs, runners and even a skateboarder! Squirrels on the other hand...he is now finally resting, NEXT to his gigantic bed! Ha! This is all new for me too as this is my first dog, I've always had cats. Anyway I'm thrilled to be here,thanks!

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Welcome! So glad you're loving Alfred. Now we need a picture.. or two.. or three.


A suggestion: Put something on the sliding door so he knows it's there, though it may be he learned a lesson. Nonetheless, Greyhounds often don't know about glass so a decal, a piece of paper, something big enough so he knows that there is something solid there is necessary. I have princess fairy decals from my granddaughter on my French door though I've had Annie for almost 5 years and she knows by now it's glass.


As far as accidents, are you taking him outside frequently to get a chance to P&P? Once he's settled in and there are no more accidents, he can go for a long time without needing to go out but until then, take him out often and praise him every time he pees outside.


Good luck!

Edited by Feisty49
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Congratulations! There is nothing better than adopting your first Greyhound!


Suggestion: put blue painters tape on your sliding glass doors, so that he can see it. After he learns, you can easily remove the tape.

Also, praise him like he just won the Kentucky Derby after he does his "Bizness" outside.


Enjoy him as you grow together and learn each other's ways. In a few months, you'll look back at this time and marvel how far you both have come!


And post pics of him soon, ok?

Cheryl - "Mom" to RUNNER (Gunnah, born 6/15/2012) and FARGO (Ridin Shotgun, born 8/21/2015). Missing my Grey-Angels HEISMAN (RX Heisman) (3/29/2005-2/1/2016) and ALEX (Bevenly) (4/15/2005-6/7/2018).

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Congrats from us, too. Getting your first grey is a very special time. It will never be the same, regardless how many pups come to live with you over the years to come.

Sorry for butchering the english language. I try to keep the mistakes to a minimum.


Nadine with Paddy (Zippy Mullane), Saoirse (Lizzie Be Nice), Abu (Cillowen Abu) and bridge angels Colin (Dessies Hero) and Andy (Riot Officer).

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Welcome, and congratulations on your new boy! Such an exciting time for you both. We'd all love to see some photos of him when you get the chance.

Clare with Tiger (Snapper Gar, b. 18/05/2015), and remembering Ken (Boomtown Ken, 01/05/2011-21/02/2020) and Doc (Barefoot Doctor, 20/08/2001-15/04/2015).

"It is also to be noted of every species, that the handsomest of each move best ... and beasts of the most elegant form, always excel in speed; of this, the horse and greyhound are beautiful examples."----Wiliam Hogarth, The Analysis of Beauty, 1753.

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Guest Lofarber




Here he is!!!!! :)

Thanks for the advice. I am taking him out a lot right now. He also has diareeah really bad. I have him immodium and am feeding rice with chicken. I'm more worried that he isn't crate training well. Every time I leave the room he whines a lot. I have to go back to work on Wed. I want him to feel OK when I do. I will keep trying. Everything is so new for him I'm sure it will take a little time.

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Alfred is gorgeous, congratulations! If Alfred dose not do well being crated you may want to consider baby gating him in the kitchen. I did this with Brady, I had the baby gate about 8 inches off the ground so my kitty could visit him but also have a means to escape.


The handsome boy Brady, mid-morning nap. The sun, the sun feels so, so, so good.

I can't keep my eyes open ... ... Retirement agrees ...

... and the Diva Ms India, 2001 - 10/16/2009 ....

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He is gorgeous. Love his tilted head. Have you tried to leave the house without crating him? All retired racers come from an environment where they were crated, but IMO that doesn't mean they liked it. I know my girl *hated* the crate in my house and less than two days after adoption, I stopped using it. If there's no reason to confine him, why bother. If you want him confined to just one or two rooms, use gates, as suggested above.

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Guest Lofarber

Great advice everyone, thanks! I thought about the kitchen idea. Never thought about just leaving him because "everyone" always says crate them. But that makes sense too. He definitely doesn't like the crate.

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Congreytulations! Alfred is stunning.


Hope his tummy has settled down, but just some ideas -- The diarrhea may be from nervousness at the big changes in his life, or change in food, or worms that resisted deworming, or ... . You may want to think of just giving him water for up to 24 hours to let his digestive system rest. Or with the chicken and rice, some say that dogs do better if you really overcook the rice. On the nervousness at being alone, you can search on GreyTalk for ideas about "alone training" -- basically a gradual training to let your dog learn that it's ok; you will always return.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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