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Sweep: New Year, New Issue, New Leg

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This could just as easily be a Soap Box post because I'm mostly whiny, sad, and frustrated. Background: Sweep has been on Previcox since 12/9 and it has resolved the limping upon rising she's had off and on since August in her left front leg; three sets of x-rays have been clear and reviewed by two vets, one of whom is an ortho/surgical specialist. This past Saturday through Monday, we were in Atlanta with Sweep to see DH's family. Sunday night we noticed a very small wound on her inner right front leg below the elbow, like she ran into a branch or something. It had already started clotting and looked like a hundred other minor cuts and scrapes she's had, so we didn't do anything. She was fine all day Monday on the drive home and on Tuesday morning. We ran some errands for a couple of hours Tuesday mid-morning and came home to find her limping terribly...not putting weight on her right leg at all. I immediately called the ortho/surgical specialist she saw a few weeks ago and thankfully we were able to get her in that afternoon. Her lower leg started swelling a bit before our appointment, and over the course of the four hours we were at the vet it swelled quite a bit more. She whined when we touched the area and was clearly in significant pain--panting, could not easily lie down or get up, very pitiful. Result $632 later: X-rays were clear, blood work was normal, and other than the aforementioned wound and a couple of other minor abrasions they did not see anything remarkable and could not give us a diagnosis. It's sort of acting like a bite/abscess but could be a soft tissue injury...she did run around the yard Sunday morning in Atlanta. There were 6 other dogs in the house at one point but she was never home alone with them so I have no reason to suspect a scuffle. Anyway, she is now on Clavamox, Tramadol, and we refilled her Previcox, which originally she was scheduled to stop yesterday to see if her original limp returned, but she's running out of good legs. :( Two days in, her walking has improved; she's putting weight on the leg again and seems much more comfortable, though a bit stoned, on the Tramadol (we're giving 100mg every 12 hours). Spirits, appetite, and poop are good and she's roaching again. However, the leg is still swollen and the swelling seems to migrate; yesterday it was behind her elbow and today it's redistributed around her wrist/paw. When I spoke to the vet again (and sent pics) yesterday he didn't seem surprised or overly concerned about the swelling given that overall her condition seems improved. I just can't believe we're now apparently facing an acute issue on top of the chronic one we were still trying to get to the bottom of! Trying to look on the bright side and focus on being grateful she is so much better than she was Tuesday--it broke my heart to see her hurting that much.


ETA: Keeping it elevated this afternoon:


Edited by ramonaghan


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Keeping it elevated. Way to go Sweep!


Feel better soon.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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how frustrating, hopefully she will bounce back quickly. Great job elevating the legs Sweep!!!

Kathy, Bo (SK's Bozo), and Angels Storm (Greys Big Storm), Grace (Rise to Glory) and Sky(Greys Sky Dove),

My dog believes I go to work for their food and treats.

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Thanks everyone for the support/good wishes and for letting me vent! Today's update: the swelling is much better and we reduced Sweep yesterday to 50mg of Tramadol every 12 hours (plus the Clavamox and Previcox), which seems to be keeping the pain at bay without zonking her out so much. Other than some stiffness upon rising, she's walking well and no longer limping. She's a little stir crazy from the restricted activity (she spins and tries to have zoomies on lead), she's tired of all the pills, and she's also licking the small wound more than I'd like, but I think the latest ordeal is almost behind us. :goodluck We have a recheck appointment on Tuesday; it was originally scheduled for the chronic issue with the left leg, but since she'll still be on the Previcox we won't get much insight into whether that's improved. I still plan to pursue acupuncture/chiropractic/laser therapy as our next course of action.


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checking in to see how Miss Sweep is doing. Hoping you're all well!


Aw, thanks! Her recent issue with the right leg is all better, though we still don't know what it was. At her recheck appointment last week the specialist called her the "mystery dog"! :riphair He wanted us to finish out her Previcox Rx for the chronic issue with her left leg, so that's where we are. I've tapered her off to 1/2 a pill every other day, and so far so good. She has two more doses and then we'll see how she is with no meds at all. Keep your fingers crossed for us! Hope you and your lovely ladies are having a good 2016 so far.

Edited by ramonaghan


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Aw, thanks! Her recent issue with the right leg is all better, though we still don't know what it was. At her recheck appointment last week the specialist called her the "mystery dog"! :riphair He wanted us to finish out her Previcox Rx for the chronic issue with her left leg, so that's where we are. I've tapered her off to 1/2 a pill every other day, and so far so good. She has two more doses and then we'll see how she is with no meds at all. Keep your fingers crossed for us! Hope you and your lovely ladies are having a good 2016 so far.


I am glad to hear her right leg is looking better. Fingers crossed she'll be able to stay off of meds once her course of Previcox is through!

Laura, mom to Luna (Boc's Duchess) and Nova (Atascocita Venus).
Forever in my heart, Phantom (Tequila Nights) and Zippy (Iruska Monte).

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