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Fromm, Merrick Or 4Health?

Guest kahjul

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Guest kahjul

Having major poo issues after switching off Iams green bag to Natural Balance. I've been doing some reading on here and it looks like these are all reputable foods and they are all in my budget. Anyone have diarrhea issues with any of these?


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I did Fromm and while Molly and I really liked it Mason had terrible poops with it (in all fairness, Mason had terrible poops with EVERY high quality food I've tried). It has a great reputation and it was a good food. If it was just Molly I would have stuck with it.


I will say, to this day, my favorite food has been Anamaet. Low output, great quality and I really like that it's a family food. But, Mason's poops.... :(


It's Iam's green bag for us! :)

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Guest kahjul

So, Derby won't eat anything that hasn't walked the earth. And she won't eat anything raw-tried that route! Nothing from the sea, no veggies, berries, etc. Lamb creates smells I cannot live with, I have been reluctant to try duck, bison, rabbit or anything besides chicken. She likes ground beef, but not beef dog foods. I have been going crazy for 5 years trying to keep this dog eating. Iams green bag with Solid Gold probiotics and home cooked ground beef, egg, rice, occasional veggies when I can sneak them in has been working (for her-not me) for a few years. I realized I could be spending my money more wisely! The other 3 eat whatever is put in front of them. She LOVES!!! the Natural Balance. Gobbles it up without anything added and is excited about mealtime. Horrible, awful, liquid poo from all 4. Can hardly be in the house with them without a mask. I really want to find a palatable, chicken based food that is natural that I don't need to add to. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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So, Derby won't eat anything that hasn't walked the earth. And she won't eat anything raw-tried that route! Nothing from the sea, no veggies, berries, etc. Lamb creates smells I cannot live with, I have been reluctant to try duck, bison, rabbit or anything besides chicken. She likes ground beef, but not beef dog foods. I have been going crazy for 5 years trying to keep this dog eating. Iams green bag with Solid Gold probiotics and home cooked ground beef, egg, rice, occasional veggies when I can sneak them in has been working (for her-not me) for a few years. I realized I could be spending my money more wisely! The other 3 eat whatever is put in front of them. She LOVES!!! the Natural Balance. Gobbles it up without anything added and is excited about mealtime. Horrible, awful, liquid poo from all 4. Can hardly be in the house with them without a mask. I really want to find a palatable, chicken based food that is natural that I don't need to add to. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have you looked at the Chicken A La Veg from Fromm ? I liked the ingredients and just ordered it today from Chewy.com for Ruby. Hoping things work out with it.


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I really want to find a palatable, chicken based food that is natural that I don't need to add to. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I spent the first 6 months of Nadir's last year trying to get him to eat. It was a constant battle of changing foods and adding in extras to get him to eat. If he did eat he never finished it though. I then came across Canine Caviar Holistic Chicken and Pearl Millet and what a difference it made. For the first week I fed it I mixed in canned food, but after a week I stopped doing that and he never refused to eat any more. He started looking forward to eating and finished everything I gave him. His appetite was great with this food up to the day he died. I did add a tsp of psyllium fiber to his food at each meal, not because of soft poops, but because he tended to get constipated. You would probably have to order this food online, but it is definitely something I would try. For Nadir it was a lifesaver. I'm not sure how long he could have lasted not eating like he was prior to finding this food.

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Have you tried a different protein in the Natural Balance? It could be that or perhaps because Iams has a lot of grains and Natural Balance uses Sweet potatoes and your pup isn't used to that yet. Did you transition slowly? Mixing the Iams and Natural Balance for a week to 10 days?

I love Fromm and Canine Caviar that above posters mentioned but it all depends on what your dog can handle. Fromm makes grain free and foods with healthy grains. Canine Caviar is excellent but can be pricey, you stated you had a budget. Check out price of Canine Caviar online or local pet stores and see if it is within your budget.

I swear by green beef tripe adding it in my dogs food daily, it comes in cans too by Tripett. It has natural probiotics. It is stinky but very healthy.

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Lila is doing great on Fromm Gold Large Breed Adult. I also use sample packs of the 4 Star foods as treats.

I really like that they are a family owned company here in Wisconsin.

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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Guest kahjul

Well, 4Health is here in town, Fromm is an online option. Picked up the 4Health chicken & rice today. My gang is just miserable! I know they will continue to be for at least a few days while I transition to this, but hopefully this change will help. If I don't get any results in a couple weeks, I'll try the Fromm.

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Guest kahjul

I know its really too soon to tell, but thought I would let everyone know...Super happy so far with the 4Health Chicken and Rice. They had it for dinner last night and breakfast this morning, all firm poop!!! Can't believe it switched that around so fast. Poor things were just miserable. Much happier hounds already. Also, the princess gobbled it up with no add-ins.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been feeding 4Health for quite a while and am very happy with it. I just got my first bag of 4Health grain-free (my TS just got it in). Seems to be going well. I've never tried Merrick, so I can't comment on that.

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I know its really too soon to tell, but thought I would let everyone know...Super happy so far with the 4Health Chicken and Rice. They had it for dinner last night and breakfast this morning, all firm poop!!! Can't believe it switched that around so fast. Poor things were just miserable. Much happier hounds already. Also, the princess gobbled it up with no add-ins.

Cool! Hope it works out! 4Health also has canned food - so if the princess gets fussy you could add a scoop of that on top of the kibble - and her add-in would be a food you feel good about too. I did that with my Diana when she went through a "non-eating" spell and it worked great. If you do that - I'd suggest avoiding the Salmon canned if you don't have a strong stomach. That stuff REEKS! Diana Loved it though! LOL!

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