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I Can't Catch A Break

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I came home last night and went out to see if there were any eggs in the chicken coop. All of the snow and almost all of the ice was gone and the back yard was just a big sloppy mess. Well Emma and Tanzi just thought that mud was the bestest thing to splat thru and they had a terrific run about the back yard.


we come inside for dinner and I notice there is blood ALL over the floor. Tanzi cut her foot on probably the only piece of ice left back there. It's bad. So off to the vets. ( I was only just there last Sat, Fri, Thur, Wed and Tues for Opal) She took a couple of stitches to the top of her outside toe on the back foot. I think we cleared out the waiting room with her blood curdling GSOD when the vet gave her novacaine. Everyone heard it. So the vet wrapped it up tight and we came home. I'm working from home today not because of the snow but because she's a terrible patient and I don't want her to eat her bandage.


Anyway. I went out to give the chickens fresh water and remove the frozen waterer. And with the 3 inches of new soft fresh snow, Tanzi and Emma took off. I thought we'd be ok since the wrap was on tight, it was huge and waterproof. But as we went back inside..........no wrap. Dangit!! So I had to rewrap it and she's whimpering all the while. What a big baby.


Anyway she seems more uncomfortable than before so I thought maybe the wrap was too tight. And I went to redo it. She cried the entire time I was CUTTING the other wrap off. No pressure. Just cutting the outer wrap off.

So, she is now sporting a much looser and larger wrap on her foot and she's just milking this for all it's worth. She's not moving because she can't get up. Oh lawdy. Can't put any weight on that foot.


Now while it is a pretty bad cut, I've had worse and those greys didn't have a problem once the foot was wrapped. They were ready to go. Diamond's foot was practically degloved and she was able to get around easily.


I just can't seem to get a break from not going to the vets. Thankfully, Tanzi is a different insurance so they're not going to drop me for too many claims. (I don't know if they do that or not....but Opal has had several claims for her butt problems)

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I'm not sure where the cut is. I have been using the small baby diapers on the feet as bandages. Put the diaper on then just a few wraps to keep it on. They are a real find for me. Of course you can wrap and tape it on. Then we have a 3 XL boot they wear. The boot is huge for them but it works.


The diaper works as a pressure bandage also.

Edited by Tallgreydogmom


Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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UGH. I hate, hate, hate, when you think you do an awesome bandaging job and POOF it disappear. Feeties are the worst to take care of too!


But on another note - were there any eggs?!?!?!

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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