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Digging At Fence

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Sophie has a new trick. I found two big holes where she dug right at the fence. She actually dug right at the bottom of the fence but not "through" the bottom as yet. I covered the holes and packed them down. Now we do live out in the country and it is a huge back yard. Behind the fence is a vast wooded area. We have deer, coyote, rabbits, raccoons, and other creatures around the country. Do you suppose that she hears the animals and wants to investigate them?


My question is as to what to do about the digging? Should I put pepper or another substance around the perimeter of the fence to deter her from digging? Any suggestions are appreciated.



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You need to redirect her to something more appropriate each time she does it and then reward her for doing the appropriate thing. Playing with a toy would be an easy choice since that's a fun activity. Don't correct her, just call her away and when she comes, toss a ball or toy.


Or build her a sand pit so she can get her digging desires out in a good way. :)


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Maybe it is just a passing phase and won't escalate. The best thing I have found that works for me is rebar(reinforcing rods) that can be purchased at home stores like Lowes pre-cut in ~2 foot sections. I hammer them into the ground about 4 inches apart and it makes like a jail; even if they dig the dirt they are still fenced in by the "bars" lol. I have chain link and I even weave it through the wire sometimes to keep them from getting the idea of pushing the wire back. I usually leave about a foot sticking up-on the outside of the fence of course away from where they have access to so they don't impale themselves on it at all. It is no maintenance-last forever, cheap, and has been very effective for me. In years and years they just quit digging when I do that but at any rate they are safe and can't get out.

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We poured a 12" concrete "wall" underneath the chain link at our old house and cast evenly spaced hooks in it. Once set, we attached the hooks to the bottom of the chain link. Nothing could get in or out.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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When one of our dogs dig along the fence, I put a concrete brink or something like that in the hole before covering it back up. I heard that burying a section of chain link fence along your fence will help too.


Last year, a bunch of moles moved into our yard under our swimming pool pump. Our lab when crazy digging for the moles. One day I came home and found that he had dug a massive hole under the pump. It was about 1 1/2 foot deep. I had to buy dirt to fill it up. I put several landscape bricks in the hole and filled it up. He tried a few times to dig around there again but he couldn't get very far so he gave up.


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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Oh I forgot about the moles. We have trouble with moles. I like the brick idea. I have tried to keep an eye on her when I am not playing with her and getting her to run around the yard. She likes privacy when she poops. It is funny, I have had a few like that over the decades with Greys. So I go inside so she can have her privacy but peek out the window. She has not done it the past two days. Maybe she is just curious of the new yard of hers. My Bella used to demand privacy when she pooped. She would even look back at the house to make sure I was not looking at her out the window. she would check all the windows to see if I dared to look at her. She would hide behind the deck in the backyard as well. She was such a little princess. So funny. But she always had to come check me out when I was in the bathroom myself. Funny so funny.

Edited by LadyGrey
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That is cute! Payton insists that I go out with him. He looks over his shoulder the whole time to make sure I am following him.


There may have been something (like a mole) that she was trying to get to. Hopefully it's gone and she will stop digging.


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd guess that the digging was either just random digging for the fun of it, or there was something underground - and the fact that it was at the fence is only a coincidence. I've never heard of a grey trying to dig out. Jump over to get out - yes - but not tunnel out.


We also have a lot of wildlife around - and when my grey wants to get out and chase something she sees or hears - she runs to the gate - which is away from the woods - she knows it's the way out (staring at the gate doesn't actually work, but she tries). It's never occurred to her to go over or under the fence (ok - she's not brilliant).


My Diana did go through a digging spell a few years ago - no idea why. It lasted part of one summer. The only thing I did when she dug somewhere I really didn't want her to - was put the dirt back and put some big rocks in the hole and on top of it. Apparently rocks are not fun to dig in. I wouldn't do anything big about it until you decide if it's just a phase. They have those.

Oh I forgot about the moles. We have trouble with moles. I like the brick idea. I have tried to keep an eye on her when I am not playing with her and getting her to run around the yard. She likes privacy when she poops. It is funny, I have had a few like that over the decades with Greys. So I go inside so she can have her privacy but peek out the window. She has not done it the past two days. Maybe she is just curious of the new yard of hers. My Bella used to demand privacy when she pooped. She would even look back at the house to make sure I was not looking at her out the window. she would check all the windows to see if I dared to look at her. She would hide behind the deck in the backyard as well. She was such a little princess. So funny. But she always had to come check me out when I was in the bathroom myself. Funny so funny.

LOL - if I don't fully latch the bathroom door - I have company. But - same "potty watcher" goes to the farthest edge of the yard to poo - and won't do it if anyone's in the yard.

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